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SANDY HOOK reference in BATMAN movie

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posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by delusion
reply to post by Loki420th

I can't, I'm not a batman-ophile, but Batman Wiki says it has three names - Sandy Hook, South Hinkley, or Lower Gotham.

I do not know if it has appeared interchangeably before with these other names in any comics, or if it was only changed for the movie.

ye that would be good to know and would solve the myth arrnd it I guess. The Gotham city maps with Sandy Hook seem to be released this or last year, as far as i can tell. Can't find any older map with Sandy Hook on it but you propably prove me wrong. All the old maps I found show either Tricorner or South Hinkley.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by GLontra
Let me ask it again:

Anyone can explain why they started to send the "viral marketing" maps with the "strike plans" to the blogs and specialized websites exactly on December 14, 2011, one year before the school massacre?

So? Who will explain?

i will. because all these faked psy-op events are planned out long in advance and
involve the co-operation of numerous players, operators and beneficiaries across
the board. all the conspiracy junk is always added to instill fear, suspicion and
infighting among investigators, and to detract from the fact that the events are
essentially faked/staged.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by klebics
reply to post by delusion

Indeed, no, i'm not looking for ONLY "evidence" that supports my ideas. If anything, I want to be persuaded. Gosh, it's 4:39 AM...i can't sleep. I need...a way out, if it means anything. And sorry for calling myself a sicko. I should have carefully observed that you specifically didn't categorically refer us as such, though there are others whom i can't say the same. But thank you sincerly for your really does help, more than you know.

Numbness, eh? It would explain why he had cue cards. He knew he couldn't handle it and therefore wanted to quickly (and apathetically?) go thru them? But oh, the contents of the cards themselves! I won't go there. As this off-topic is mainly on the demeanor and not the contents of the father, i'd have to say the only thing that makes sense to me, that is if truly his child was lost, was that he was too nervous in quickly getting thru his cards? That would satisfy those who are DEMANDING tears. But I lean towards the numbness you mention if i can go thru believing the official story.

Darnit, why is it evident that English is not my native language. Darn it, is my accent actually audible!

you are doing good klebics. you are asking the right questions.
your english is very clear and understandable.

i have a 10 year old myself, and instinctively, outside of anything else,
i know that that man did not lose a child. he is an actor, playing a part.

so are the other 'couple' i posted on above.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

Well you have not lost your child so you would have no idea how you would react..god forbid you ever do and then when people question that you did lose a child on an internet forum it will be you kicking yourself (and if you had the opportunity, the people that were saying it) for having ever said such cruel things

And BTW those women look nothing alike, they are clearly different people, perhaps you need your eyes testing as well as your moral compass

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:00 AM
In The Dark Knight Rises at about 1:26:30 or so, Robin says that detectives are not allowed to believe in coincidences, what a coinkydink, huh??

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:10 AM
i dont know if this has been posted but did anyone catch what bain says to the russian @ approx 1nr 25 mins

" 5 months by my calculations - for the sake of the children "

between aurora shootings and the sandy hook shooting 4 months and 24 days.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:14 AM
from here: ml

the grieving parker family, who lost their daughter emilie (pictured right)

members of the greenberg family.

what say you? same lady?

[note: no mention of emilies mums name in article.
emilie stands in a strange position for a family photo.
the name parker brings spiderman to mind.
doesn't emilie look remarkably similar to her sister?
emilie is usually spelled emily. is the name em-i-lie significant?
is she listed on the s.s.d.i?]

from the same article:

it's all a big joke these days to lose a dearly loved young family member in an horrific
and gorey shoot-out, isn't it.
but at least they have had time to come to terms with their grief.
what has it been now? a few days, eh!

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

Nope, totally different eye shape and perhaps they just didn't have the information at time of going to press, I imagine the family are far too caught up in other things at this moment in time to be bothered

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by NurzeChris
In The Dark Knight Rises at about 1:26:30 or so, Robin says that detectives are not allowed to believe in coincidences, what a coinkydink, huh??

Originally posted by truthseeker10
i dont know if this has been posted but did anyone catch what bain says to the russian @ approx 1nr 25 mins

" 5 months by my calculations - for the sake of the children "

between aurora shootings and the sandy hook shooting 4 months and 24 days.

damn, if this is true those coincidences pile up to something undeniable.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:30 AM
Nice catching this one OP!, looks like some subliminal TRIGGERS were placed in the movie maybe? Project MK ULTRA much? who knows man this is interesting stuff though. Especially with the movie related to the James Homes shootings....anyway you be the judge.. peaceout..

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:32 AM
well i think i figured out why they keep blabing on about mental health + guns.

its the prepper that lost his guns due to being comitted. i thought it was odd that they kept bringin up mental health as the issue hear in this CT shooting . they try to make it sound like no one knew he had aspergers, like he was some random looney off the street. so now it all makes sense to me, they have tried everything under the sun to get these guns. and now they have figured it out. if we can get people commited even for the most mundane things, we can strip them of the guns.

so now they are going to advocate for stronger mental health policy + more gun control. in a year or so(or at least before obamas out of office) it will be mandatory to take a mental health test probably every 2 years to 5 years. anyone they feel they need to strip of guns they will just contact doctor and tell them to fail them. if doc doesnt go along with it, they will most likey either get the case refered to another, or maybe just make it so you can only go to government facilities to get this test so they can just do what ever they want with no red tape.

i had not seen the prepper video before, i just came across it like 10 mins ago and read/watched his story. it all makes complete sense now why they are bringing up mental health and guns. not a psy ops my ass

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

[note: no mention of emilies mums name in article.
emilie stands in a strange position for a family photo.
the name parker brings spiderman to mind.
doesn't emilie look remarkably similar to her sister?
emilie is usually spelled emily. is the name em-i-lie significant?
is she listed on the s.s.d.i?]

OMG...sisters look alike!!!!!!! Of course they do, they're sisters and no, it's not that strange a family photo, I thought you said you had a kid? Surely you must know that they have a habit of moving around and not standing still, especially for photos.

As for the name perhaps they were inspired by the name of the Lost Actress Emilie De Ravin (that should be right up your street) and liked the unique spelling of the name

As for the name Parker, I know 3 separate people with the surname Parker, and none of them are related, it is a very common name...Spiderman...sheesh

And for the pic below with Obama, yes ok they are standing smiling with the president who personally came to give his condolences, perhaps they got some strength from that, it's not unusual under the circumstances to smile for a photo op with the president. And don;t forget they have their other young kids there, they're probably just trying to be strong for them

SSDI, what is that a social security number or something? Here in the UK you don't get a national ID number til you're 16, so if that;s what you meant, no a young child would not have one, though I don't know about the American system, you should if you have a ten yr they have one?

edit on 18-12-2012 by destination now because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

so now they are going to advocate for stronger mental health policy + more gun control. in a year or so(or at least before obamas out of office) it will be mandatory to take a mental health test probably every 2 years to 5 years. anyone they feel they need to strip of guns they will just contact doctor and tell them to fail them. if doc doesnt go along with it, they will most likey either get the case refered to another, or maybe just make it so you can only go to government facilities to get this test so they can just do what ever they want with no red tape.

One problem with that...they were not his guns, they were his mother's and there is no question of her having any mental health issues.

Also as someone said on another thread, he has a criminal record and as such is not allowed to have guns, but he says he has them anyway, so how can they take guns from people that are not licensed? As he said are they going to go door to door to every home in America and search every property? Of course they are not and could not, so people will still have their guns whether they are allowed them or not

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:58 AM
destination unknown.

so we have two family members associated with the sandy hook shootings
who happen to look remarkably like two members of a well
known family who are long suspected of acting out numerous roles
in numerous suspected faked psy-ops.

but nothing to see here in your eyes.

ok then.

s.s.d.i. = social security death index.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

please stop making fun of my username, it's not really that clever and there are plenty of alternative names I could think of for you..outonadaypass would be one of them.

There's no point trying to convince me that these are the same people...they are not, you're just clutching at straws to back up your incredibly stupid argument all because you read one website.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

If the death has been registered it probably will have an ssdi then, is that a source available to the public? If so, go and check it

just checked, there are plenty of records for that name in that state, obviously I'm not going to pay to use it, maybe you should

ssdi for emilie parker

edit on 18-12-2012 by destination now because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Asheliate
I don't see a reason to think that Sandy Hook or Aurora appearing in a Batman movie is necessarily a conspiracy. What if it is the subconscious manifesting itself in the same way that Web Bot makes predictions?

I may be wrong, but to consider that Sandy Hook was a mind-control conspiracy would also be equivalent to considering that aliens were behind it. If you have watched Ancient Aliens you will know that there is just as much reason to believe that this is the doing of aliens.
edit on 12/17/2012 by Asheliate because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/17/2012 by Asheliate because: precision

How many times are you going to regurgitate your own posts??

Listen, if you take Ancient Aliens as a reliable source, which you do, I've read your post history, then you're just not put together. There have been a few threads on here destroying AA with actual facts.

Any goofball can repeat themselves over and over. Come up with something original!

Your previous AA post

Another AA post halfway down the page

3rd post citing Ancient Aliens

Previous post in this same thread talking about web bots
edit on 18-12-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by destination now

And my message to you is the same, if you truly believe that none of these children or adults died at that school then you really are a sick and delusional person who needs to wise up to the harsh reality of real life.

DEAR LORD would you please quit calling people delusional and mentally ill. I AM starting to be concerned about your mental health, If it is bothering you just LEAVE the thread.

Ever think of that?

Why do you continue to post in such a thread you despise if it upsets you so much? That sounds DELUSIONAL to me.

I have been reading the past 3 pages and the only people who seem to have mental problems are the ones continuously going after the certain people in this thread,

Quite name calling and grow the hell up or leave.

I do not feel any sadness inside of myself about what happened. Does that make me a sick person?

Maybe in your eyes it does..

In my eyes you are the sick individual for letting something outside of yourself affect how you feel inside.

The way you keep calling other people sick and mentally ill is sick.

Shame on you.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by destination now

I know morale is not an fact it is quite a compliment that you believe I'm cheerful and confident and that I am an authority on this. Thanks

I believe you are an individual in need of an ego stroke.

You are an authority on your own mind, scratch that ~ your mind is an authority over you.

Best wishes with that

PS The harsh reality of life is people die every single day, women, kids, kittens, etc. EVERYDAY people do sick and disgusting things.

Quit internalizing the pain "all around" you and be brave enough to not FEED into it.

They feed us what "stories" they want to hype up.

edit on 18-12-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:57 AM
That's too much!! Excellent catch!!!

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