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Originally posted by ThreeDeuce
Buddha, your above all attitude is not appreciated.
All I ask is that you attempt to prove where your conclusions come from, as this is what everyone asks of everyone here at ATS.
Your ideas of tidal locking are just because that is what someone has told you,
Originally posted by buddhasystem
A lot of my experience and knowledge comes from measuring stuff and doing actual experiment, not from reading some New Age cr@p books, which explain how the Great Pyramids are nuclear reactors, or power stations, and how they act as "crystals" (bleh).
How old is the human race?
I'm not sure why you feel my answers (or the answers of others) are dishonest.
The fact of the tides confuses me. Yes we have two high tides and two load tides daily.
This seems to contradict the theory that the moon is solely responsible for tides.
I am saying this because it is the idea that the moon's gravity is pulling the water to
one side of our planet, and this is creating the tides. Perhaps the answer lies in the
movement of the water, and tidal flow back and forth creating a tide, sort of like a perpetual
motion machine, but I can't wrap my head around how that works right now.
Gravity has always been the most baffling
of all the common physical phenomena. So far, nothing even
remotely resembling a satisfactory explanation for how it actually works
has ever been advance.
The evidence is overwhelming that gravity is responsible for tides.
However, the explanation in vogue since Newton's time is so inadequate
that some cults believe gravity has nothing to do with tides
One of the most extraordinary examples of irrationalism in the history
of orthodox physics is the standard explanation of tides. In this case, the
discrepancy between reality and orthodox speculation is so colossal it is
one of the great enigmas in the history of human thought, that it has not
been challenged since the time of Newton. The origin of the difficulty is
an obvious flaw in the Newtonion concept of gravitation. It is the idea
that gravity effects have unlimited penetration. In other words, there is
no attenuation of gravity effects other than that due to the inverse square
law as it passes through matter. This is an outrageous violation of the law
of conservation of energy
It is stated that high water is not caused by any lifting of the water
against the force of the earth's gravity, but rather by horizontal tractive
forces unopposed by gravity. The horizontal component of already infinitesimal
forces reduces them almost to the vanishing point. At the
same time, the raising of water above the general level by an almost nonexistent
horizontal force is in opposition to earth gravity, which will tend
to pull the "high" water back to the original level
The Newtonian approach did seem to account for the annoying fact
that the moon is a far greater factor in producing tides then the sun, but
it created far worse problems than the one it seemed to solve. The plane
of the moon's orbit intersects the plane of the earth's equator at about 28
degrees. This means that the moon never wanders above 28 degrees north
or south latitude. According to the standard theory, the greatest tides
should all occur within this zone. Instead, the highest tides are experienced
in much higher latitudes, both north and south.
To give the reader an idea the minuteness of the tide producing force
as based on the Newtonian concept, the following calculations are presented.
According to conventional astrophysics, the moon's average distance
is about 235,000 miles from the earth. Its surface gravity is supposed
to be one-sixth that of the earth or an ability to produce an acceleration
of 5.36 ft.lsec2. The moon's diameter, according to their findings
is 2,160 miles. Since the force of gravity varies according to the inverse
square law, the gravitational force the moon would exert at the earth's
surface would be
( 1,080)^2
5.36 (235,000)^2 =.000113 ft.lsec. 2
Without considering horizontal components, the maximum total force
could not exceed the difference between the force the moon would exert
at the earth's surface and that exerted at the center of the earth. This
value turns out to be
.00013 - 5.36 ( 1,080)^2 ft.lsec.2 = .00002 ft.lsec.2
This force is so minute that it would require 13.8 hours for it to accelerate
any object to a velocity of one foot per second
It is now apparent the idea of unlimited gravity penetration is not valid.
This means the surface gravity effects of the moon penetrate the earth
for only very limited distances. Therefore, the total acceleration the surface
gravity of the moon imparts on the earth, as a whole, is very small
compared to the acceleration force exerted on an object at the earth's
surface, such as a body of water facing the moon. This means the water
not being fixed to the earth is free to move across the surface by means of
the moon's gravitational influence. The difference in gravitational accelerations
is so great the acceleration given a body at the surface follows
very closely the inverse square law, since the acceleration given the earth
as a whole can be disregarded.
For any given portion of a body of water, the horizontal component of
the moon or sun's gravitational pull will be greatest when such bodies are
seen at the horizon. This is when the tide producing force is at its maximum.
When either body is at the zenith or directly overhead, the tide producing
force drops to zero. As it passes the zenith position, it tends to
accelerate the water in the opposite direction. This force reaches a maximum
at the time the moon or sun begins to drop below the horizon. The
cause of two high and low tides during an approximate 24-hour cycle
now becomes apparent
Consider a western shore line. As the moon, for example, rises above
the horizon, a large mass of water is accelerated toward the shore. This
volume of water attains a significant momentum by the time the moon
reaches its zenith. The momentum is great enough to cause large quantities
of water to back up on the land above the general level of the sea.
As the moon passes the zenith, it tends to accelerate the water in the opposite
direction. The water soon loses its momentum in an easterly direction,
and moves back away from the shore and acquires a similar momentum
in a westerly direction by the time the moon drops below the
horizon. Both the moon's acceleration force and the earth's gravity moving
the high water back to a lower level produce the movement toward
the west. An oscillatory or wave motion of the water is produced. This
causes another high and low tide before the moon rises again.
The center of the mound of high water produced during a high tide will
tend to lag behind the moon as it moves across the sky. 'This is to be expected.
Frictional forces and the fact that no acceleration is produced on
water directly below the moon cause a time lag. The mounds of high
water in approximate positions below the moon created the illusion of
tidal bulges, especially since another mound of high water is produced on
the opposite side of the earth at the same time for reasons just given.
The relative positions of the moon and sun, depth of the water and the
shape of land masses affect the timing and magnitude of tides. The
reason for the greater tides occurring in the higher latitudes becomes apparent
from the analysis just given. Since the moon doesn't stray more
than 28 degrees above the equator, it is closer to the horizon most of the
time in the high latitudes and thus exerts a higher average horizontal
force on water masses.
Tidal forces are largely responsible for ocean currents which, as is to
be expected, are stronger in the higher latitudes. Tidal effects are not apparent
in small bodies of water, since a large enough volume of water
cannot be set into motion to offset frictional forces, and there is not
enough time for much of the water to attain a significant velocity.
Since the moon is a greater factor in producing tides, the conclusion that
the moon has a greater surface gravity than the sun is inescapable!. To
the orthodox mind this produces insurmountable paradoxes. The time
has come for these to be resolved. This can only be accomplished by
probing deeper into basic causes
Much of what follows will be completely lost on some segments of the
scientific community. Incredible as it may seem some honored members
of the scientific world seem to be totally incapable of rational thought.
Recently the author was astounded when one of these individuals, after
reading this chapter, suggested that the author read the explanation of
tides given in the Encyclopedia Britannica! Here is a classic example of
the fact that many conventional scientists have and will continue to reject
any reality that is damaging to that they hold sacred, regardless of how
obvious and incontrovertibly true it may be. It will become increasingly
evident that few in the academic world is of sufficient stature to escape
the intellectual straight jacket imposed on them by academic authority
Long winded nonsense. All it does is presents strawman arguments. Tides are not a direct effect of gravity but of gravity gradient, as previously explained.
Long winded, but for explorers, it's well worth it. "Awesome lifeforce" J. H. Cater. Chapter 3. It'll tell you what you seek.
In other words, there is no attenuation of gravity effects other than that due to the inverse square law as it passes through matter. This is an outrageous violation of the law of conservation of energy
Strange thing to say since he mentioned the inverse square law earlier.
Since the moon is a greater factor in producing tides, the conclusion that the moon has a greater surface gravity than the sun is inescapable!.
He answers them
so you declare him as a idiot for the sake of your views.
Since the force of gravity varies according to the inverse square law, the gravitational force the moon would exert at the earth's surface would be ( 1,080)^2 5.36 (235,000)^2 =.000113 ft./sec. 2
Originally posted by FreedomCommander
If I may draw your attention to the Moon's surface, there are buildings there. Rules say you can't build anything on a surface that has no air.
If you would be so kind to explain to everyone here, how is it possible for building to exist on a desolate surface with no air?
According to testimony from Karl Wolf in the late 1990's, the above-mentioned individual was shown photographs revealing a large complex on the lunar surface that included numerous structures-- towers, spherical buildings and mushroom-shaped buildings-- from what he remembered. Realizing he was seeing something he wasn't supposed to be seeing, Sergeant Wolf immediately refused to look any further. Much to his surprise, nothing was ever reported in the news in the following days. And, Sergeant Wolf kept his mouth shut. Until then, Karl Wolf had known nothing about mysterious activity on that supposedly "dead" world we call the Moon or about government cover-ups.
According to the Andromedans, there were 9 huge domed cities on the moon on the far side, and these domes housed up to 5 million extraterrestrials at one time. There was water, vegetation and everything. These covered hundreds of square miles. When Richard Hoagland shows you pictures of the "shards" that are miles in height, he's right.
In the article titled "I Saw Structures on the Moon" Karl Wolfe, who worked for the Director of Intelligence at Headquarters Tactical Air Command, Technical Group, documents to have indeed seen photographs of alien spacecraft and buildings. Indeed, various researchers which include Richard Hoagland, have also documented many artificial structures on the Moon, consistent with artificial structures that have been created by oppressive civilizations on Earth. If that is true, then it is plausible that allegations made by Alex Collier and other independent researchers like Dr. Michael Salla, of an on-going Manipulative Extraterrestrial presence on Earth, could be true. Richard Hoagland also suggests that the astronauts saw glass buildings and other "interesting structures" on the back of the Moon. Mr. Hoagland often says that NASA is still trying to alter photo materials before they are published in public catalogues and files.
There is also absolute scientific proof that the Zetans have forcibly abducted thousands of Americans, many who were used in bizarre Nazi-like genetic experiments. The locals on the Moon, from Rigel, Betelguese, the Barnard Star, and a planet orbiting Sirius, most known as “grays” but not all (some are blue, Nordic blondes, or orange or even pale white), are the ALLIANCE OF THE HOLY ...their capital planet reportedly TYRANTOR. They have been involved in a star wars empire intergalactic war for at least 50,000 years, during which they invaded on conquered planets in Rigel and enslaved many people, the star wars against the Lyrans and Vegans, and against the Sirians who would not join the ALLIANCE OF SIX. Some of these star wars were fought on Earth in ancient times when colonies from different planets fought for our planet to try to take control. The Pleideans from planet Erra, humans from a spaceport on Venus, Sethians, Centaurians and beings from the reported 12th planet in our system were involved in these battles on Earth and were mostly driven off the planet (except for remaining secret underground cities and bases all of those civilizations still have on Earth). The Zetans now have a spaceport on the hidden dark side of the Moon, and many underground cities there too.
Government agents have been forced to do everything they can theorize or scam on, to make it look like the Moon is a dead world impossible to inhabit. What they do not tell you is that ZETANS do not need an atmosphere like ours to breath because ZETANS do not have lungs. They do not need to irrigate and grow crops because Zetans have no digestive systems. They do not need to worry about being too hot or cold because they have incredibly thick tough skin... like reptiles only more extreme and much tougher... and are cold-blooded... the sun, heat, and cold on the Moon do not damage their skin.
Originally posted by Ben81
and like Scott Carpenter said: "At no time when the astronauts were in space were they alone:
there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."
James Lovell and Frank Borman
During James Lovell's flight on Gemini 7:
Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7.
Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?
Capcom: ...Estimated distance or size?
Neil Armstrong & Edwin Aldrin
NASA: Whats there?
Mission Control calling Apollo 11...
Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous!
OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it!
I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there,
Lined up on the far side of the crater edge!
They're on the Moon watching us!
A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.
Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known
there was a possibility, the fact is, we were
warned off! (by the Aliens). There was never any
question then of a space station or a moon city.
Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?
Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their
ships were far superior to ours both in size and
technology - Boy, were they big! and menacing!
No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and
couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a
quick scoop and back again.
UFO Sightings by Astronauts
Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by wmd_2008
Well, if your so smart Mr. scientist, then tell me this, how do you build a spaceship, mainly a model of a UFO?
Originally posted by Anunaki10
And from about 3:30 into that above clip you can hear Armstrong say >>God, what is that out there?... What the h... is that???... But this is unbelievable!
Originally posted by FreedomCommander
Since the moon is a greater factor in producing tides, the conclusion that
the moon has a greater surface gravity than the sun is inescapable!.
End of my view of the chapter