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Hollywood is responsible for mass murders.

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Hollywood has been putting out movies containing more and more violence every year. The more people that are gunned down in a movie the more money it makes. This has been desensitizing our youth to violence for decades. They portray murderers and assassins as heroes. The more people they murder the more romanticized they are deemed. The violent society we now have was created by Hollywood for huge profits. The unintended consequences are being seen more and more every day. The culture of caring and community has given way to violence for chuckles and grins. This is but one reason for increased violence. There are plenty more and it can mostly be blamed on media and Hollywood which it can be argued are one and the same.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:58 AM
I hate it when people come up with ...

Movies ruin people ... Games ruin people ...


I watch movies, tv and play violent games ... You don't see me losing it and wanting to go kill or harm people.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:01 AM
It is impossible to sit through a lifelike movie where 100 people are gunned down with all the blood and gore and not be desensitized by it. An adult could walk away unscathed but if you start watching that crap at age 7 it will effect you.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:03 AM
It's like saying guns kill people ...

No ... People kill people ...

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by jimmiec
if you start watching that crap at age 7 it will effect you.

True ... But then the parents are to blame to "let" their kids watch stuff they shouldn't.

My brother doesn't let his son play or watch anything that is not right for his age ... But then you have parents who buy their kids Call of Duty etc. games to play.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:06 AM

I'll tell you the same thing I told another poster, a self-proclaimed "psychologist":

This event was a random act of violence. Nothing more, nothing less. Without clinical studies to prove that violence in movies, video games, music, etc., is causing an upswing in violent tendencies among our youth, it is irresponsible to blame any one outlet of media.

I see worse things on the evening news every night of the week.

Let's place the blame solely on the ones responsible: the murderers.

This tragedy was heartbreaking, especially for me, being an elementary school teacher at the present. There is no justification for what happened, but at the same time, we have to keep our minds clear and without emotion and realize that this was a random happening. There is nobody to blame but the person that committed this crime.


posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:06 AM
We can´t accuse Hollywood, TV shows or the games about what we CHOOSE to watch or play, we as a end users of the media are responsible what we "consume" and what we like as we are not forced to do that.

Media and Movies have gone more violent its a fact but you still can select what you watch. If SHTF we tend to blame everything else but the main cause.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:24 AM
Movies don't kill people, games don't kill people, people kill people...

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:33 AM
Desensitization by violent media may not directly guide shooters' hands, but I wonder if the absence of violence in media would not make it less likely that those few individuals would carry their crimes out.
Excessive negativity in news and entertainment paints a far more negative image of one's fellow humans than is necessary, I think.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:39 AM
out of a population of over 300 million people here in america, there are literally tens of thousands of people that ARE NOT wired right. to expect all of them to be rational day in and day out is,...well,.... irrational.
you've got the 2012 fear-mongering, the christmas depression, the unemployment depression, financial crisis fear, communist-socialist-black-democratic-kenyan-president-elected-again right-wing fear-mongering,....geez!!....i'm surprised at the LACK of similar tragedies.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:52 AM
another blame thread, great.

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:00 AM
It is just one piece of the puzzle.
edit on 16-12-2012 by jimmiec because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:05 AM
I wonder if "Hollywood" and Video Games, and Rap Music, etc..... Were responsible for the Mass Murders BEFORE Electricity was invented ?

edit on 16-12-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:05 AM
OP you cannot blame the evil of society on Hollywood or anything else. I think everyone wants to blame something but honestly there is nothing you can blame except a kid who for reasons we may never know that walked into a school and killed a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds. It is sick it is twisted and human nature wants us to blame something. However there is nothing to blame.

Everyone wants to blame something else for their actions. That my friend, is what the real problem in our world is. That is what is wrong with the majority of kids today. Someone is always making excuses for them and their behavior. You didnt get into college because your grades sucked? Oh, it was your teachers fault. It wasnt your fault you didnt study and apply yourself and work for it. We have to let our kids learn the hard lessons and not make excuses for them. The college example is one I am currently having to deal with on a personal level. Tough love. It hurts and I cry. A LOT. My daughter made her choices and barely got by her first three years of high school but took the ACT test and scored a 27 the first time....she is amazingly smart.... but because she has mediocre grades despite her intelligence now she is struggling to get accepted to college because of the choices she has made in high school. I tell her, I have grounded you, taken away your phone, cut out all activities. I did my part. You didnt do your part. Now you are going to have to really work hard in a short amount of time to get into the college you want to go to. It is all on you. She is feeling pressured and stressed. I hate it that she has to feel that way, but I wlll not allow her to blame anyone but herself. I KNOW someday she will be better for it. NO matter how bad it hurts will make her a better person in the future. I could tell her to go to community college and skip the hard stuff, but, in the end all I am teaching her is to be mediocre. I want her to be the amazing person I know she can be and the lessons she has to learn to be that person are painful sometimes. Sometimes you have to let your kid hurt and cry in the shower becasue you want to rescue them and make it all better but you KNOW it is not the right thing to do. I love my daughter more than life itself, so dont call me a bad parent. I am a great mom. I just feel things are too easy for our kids and we never ever let them feel the consequences of their actions so we fix it for them. Then we create human beings who cannot think for themselves or are willing to feel a little pain for the greater reward. I love my daughter enough to let her feel the pain of her mistakes and trust me it is so very hard to do.

We do not allow our kids to hurt today. we make everything better. We need to stop.

Off my soapbox...sorry...if I derailed. I think it is all relevant...being a parent today is scary and hard. I just pray that I am doing it right.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by k21968

It all accumulates and seeps into society. To say it has effect is not true.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by jimmiec
Hollywood is responsible for mass murders

Hollywood is made up of people.

People murder people.

Therefore Hollywood is responsible for murder.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by jimmiec

Oh please, if the American people weren't violent then Hollywood wouldn't make violent entertainment. You act like it's some scheme that's been forced on people. It's not, people like it and thus buy it. You are blaming the wrong people.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by faryjay
I hate it when people come up with ...

Movies ruin people ... Games ruin people ...


I watch movies, tv and play violent games ... You don't see me losing it and wanting to go kill or harm people.

I used to share your opinion whole-heartedly. Now I'm not so sure.

Okay, you haven't lost it, and gone out and killed people. And for that I commend you. That may sound sarcastic, though it's not. But my question to you is: Can you say for certain that it hasn't affected you in other ways? Keep in mind that sometimes it take many years for something to have a serious psycho-emotional impact, or rather, many years until the effects of that psycho emotional impact can be seen.

I used to feel like you, because I not only grew up in the 1980's, but I grew up on 1980's horror films. And if you're a horror fan, you know what that means. We're talking stuff like the original Friday The 13th, and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre films (though the original was, to be fair, a 70's film.. I did mention I'm a horror buff, no?) and the Evil Dead, Demons, Night of the Demons, etc etc etc...

For a little while as a young child, I even thought about becoming a special effects artist. Not the kind that do 70% of the stuff in movies today, on computers. The kind that do the other 30%, with makeup, and fake blood, and pig guts. Like the legendary Tom Savini. So one can not say that my opinion is based on a moral objection, or a dislike for the violent films. In fact, part of me still loves them. However, my opinion as to the impact of these things has changed.

Someone mentioned you can choose to not watch the stuff, if you don't want. Or you can keep your kids from watching. And on the surface that seems like a very true, very fair comment. But let's look at how it really is. What movies or cartoon shows are out there that don't contain violence, even if animated and bloodless? And do you really want to have to be that parent that doesn't let your kid watch this or this or that, to the point where you're making them obssessed with it? (Because that is the reaction to prohibition in many cases.) That kind of thing can also lead to social ridicule or ostracization in some situations. Not cool.

Let me ask you another question-- let's say you're watching something where the bad guy is a real SOB. Terrible person. Hurt the good guy, and/or innocents. And that good guy meets a terrible, horrific, violent end. How do you feel about that? What emotions do you experience as you watch it? If you're like most people, you feel happiness. Maybe even a little of your own righteous anger. Writers have been penning what we call "just desserts" stories for ages, based on this very principle. Most people LOVE to see the bad guy get mutilated, or die painfully. And be fair for a moment, and allow yourself to wonder how healthy this is.

An experiment was done long before I was born. Wish I could remember where, so I could link you, but you can find video of this online. In the experiment, children were made to watch adults on television, playing with toys, then were given toys to play with, themselves, and filmed. The catch here is that one group of children saw the adults play in a friendly, gentle manner, and the other saw the adults being rough and violent. Can you guess what the children did when given the toys?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by antonia

You argument has more holes than swiss cheese.

Hollywood makes nonviolent movies as well, Like Ted. SO I supppose all Americans have talking teddy bears. And Monsters INC. SO All Americans live in a cartoon world.


posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:31 AM
It seems pretty obvious to me. Go to work at a slaughter house killing and butchering cows and tell me that won't desensitize you. I am not blaming every ailment America is facing now on Hollywood, but to say they in no way contributed is disingenuous. It is a multitude of things. I am merely calling out the fact.

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