I just woke up literally minutes ago. I don’t recall having any other dreams except this one that seemed to last about 15 seconds in all. Dreams,
sleep paralysis, and ‘astral’ whatevers and I have a long history together, but I’ma just skip all that right now because it’s only slightly
important. However, that does NOT mean I am assigning any importance to this dream.
I wanted to post this just to add to the surmounting, albeit intangible-circumstantial, evidence accumulating right now (kind of like my thread on the
Ace of Spades.)
The dream description (it’s very short): So, I was chatting with a very good friend of mine. (wow, my alarm clock just turned to 11:11; you’ll
just have to trust me on that since I won’t be posting for another few minutes.)
So, I dreamed that I was sitting at my desk thumbing through a few comic books…just kinda organizing them a little bit. I did indeed buy a few new
comic books today. And then I was chatting with a very good friend of mine. Yeah, it’s silly. Sometimes when I dream I am like...instant messaging
friends instead of seeing them face to face haha. Guess that’s a sign I spend too much time online.
Anyhow, I realized I wasn’t at my desk anymore. I was in the middle of a busy intersection of my town. And I saw chunks of the road, nay, the
earth’s crust just kind of extricate themselves from the ground and float around and swirl about. It wasn’t from a volcano eruption or an
earthquake. It appeared that bits of the crust just kind of started flying out slowly—as if gravity just stopped working in that particular spot. I
did see some reddish kind of stuff swirling around which appeared to be fiery magma or something.
I turned my attention back to my chat conversation and typed, “We’re f***ed. Bye.” I could see cars jam-packed bumper to bumper (did not see or
notice any people.) I saw a few helicopters fly by. I didn’t panic, I wasn’t afraid, but just kind of had this feeling like “Wow, it really
happened! Oh well, I guess I’ll be dying soon.”
Then to my surprise I started lifting off the earth’s surface as well. I just started floating up kind of slowly and watched the carnage below. I
then thought to myself, “Wait, this isn’t normal.” And when I tried manipulating my floating body, attempting to have a lucid experience now
that I realized I was dreaming, I opened my eyes and woke up very suddenly.
I think the strangest part of the dream was what I told my friend. It’s not really my style to use that kind of language. I can’t imagine myself
ever really saying something like that. It’s just not how I express myself.
I’m pretty sure threads like these are the bane of ATS right now and I can sympathize. But please remember I am not sure that my attitudes and
feelings toward this Dec 21 business have really changed. I’m not even sure I had a stance one way or the other. I am usually just an observer with
very little invested on either side of the fence. Whatever reason, this dream left me a bit rattled.
Any thoughts?...you know, the non-rude type that actually contribute instead of something trite and derisive.
edit on 16-12-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)
edit on 16-12-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason
edit on 16-12-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)