posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:05 PM
I'd really love to know if anyone else saw this tonight (Saturday the 15th at around 11:00 to 11:05 PM EST)...
I'm driving up the Florida Turnpike towards Orlando and had to stop at a service plaza to check to see if there was an answer to what I just saw on
Google, Youtube or here.
Anyway, I had just left the Port Saint Lucie service plaza, northbound on the Ronald Reagan Turnpike and was about 10 minutes out in the dark,
wilderness stretch that bends west and north several times. I believe I was at a point where Lake Okeechobee would have been about 15 or 20 miles to
my Southwest. I can't say for sure about the direction I was traveling, so either North or Northwest.
At any rate, at around 11:03 or so, I realized the sky to my left (west or southwest) was illuminated a bright bluish hue. At first I acknowledged it
was there in my peripheral vision, but did not look directly at it thinking it was a factory or home's light in the distance. When I finally did turn
my whole head, it was THE WHOLE SKY.
I've seen my share of lightning that makes clouds a bluish or blue-green color and I've seen my share of spotlights for marketing gimicks, as well
as fireworks. This was not any of these things.
Lightning would reverberate and fade, replaced by a new flash in a separate part of the cloud. This went on for a solid 1/2 minute, enough for me to
almost be unsafe about my driving - keeping my eyes glued on it.
A spotlight would not illuminate the entirety of the cloud, it would move around (hence "spot").
Fireworks are even less likely.
The only thing I can compare it to is how South Florida, on a cloudy night, gets an orange/yellow etherial glow from the lights of Miami and Fort
However, again, this was basically the middle of nowhere in Central Florida and the light eventually went away.
Again, I can't say how long it was from when I first noticed it to when I looked directly at it, but once I looked directly at it, it took my breath
away. I've never seen a section of the night sky lit up so vividly in a bluish color like that.
Also, I should mention it was cloudy out and so when I say it illuminated a "cloud" we're not talking just one cloud on a clear night, we're
talking a whole wall of clouds over the lake area.
I'm at a loss, I really cannot rationalize what it was. It was so powerful, I fail to see how it could have been privately produced for some
person's farm or lakeside properties quick illumination, and for what purpose.
One more thing to mention, at one point it was as though something got between the source of the light and the cloud. The cloud did not seem
back-lit,, but rather something was shining onto it, and at one point it was as though someone walked in front of the light or something got in front
of it, but otherwise it was solid and continuous.
**Interestingly (and a bit scary), just a few minutes later, still cocking my head back to my left-rear every few seconds to see if anything was
there, I suddenly realized two deer were approaching the side of the road up ahead. In all the years - decades really - traveling this turnpike, that
is the FIRST time I've seen deer. I'm not trying to imply it's somehow related, just very intriguing coincidence.