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copy these 12 videos (while still there) of what the MSM is NOW not showing on the TV regarding the

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:13 PM
sir sir more question... did the mother of the shooter have any connection to the school.. um you have to understand we checked everyone in the woods even if they were chooping wood we checked them out and no further arrests have been made...

THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE AT ALL. thats not even mispoke, thats just straight up avoid the question?

on top of that, what kind of reporter takes that as an answer, what has happend to journalism in this country. its utter $%^&. he should have said, excuse me sir, that is not the question i asked, and asked it again.

says his mothers classroom and mothers school, (and now reports comming out she never worked there , what is true lol) then goes on to say he was drivin there in mothers car, and at end they say he drove there, wow this reporting SUCKS mine as well put a dart board up with possible anything and throw, what ever lands, is the new story lol

forced way in was not VOLUNTARY , made sure we got that in though,,,,, but if he wasnt buzzed in, where is the broken glass or forced door entry? do they lock kids in school now or something? i dont have any and been a while since any of my schools, i dont remember them ever being locked (other wise we wouldnt be able to get back in when we skipped ^^)(just asked a friend,a mother. they do lock kids in now OMG lol, see how good that works.)

i find it odd the kid they interview is jewish, didnt james holmes work in a jewish summer camp? (just odd connection )

and now we have another connection to libor?(if true) so basically they walked in shot the mother and set the kid up(maybe even shot her in front of him and said this will be your dad and brother if you dont do this) so the father would be to messed up to testify.......maybe. it is interesting if that is a fact, either that maybe libor isnt really about banking scandals and is about a mind control program? maybe not a mind control program but if someone has resources like this to carry out this on the holmes family and now this, has very deep ties to some government agency. or everyone who is to testify has whacked out kids? from good families?

i dont believe in coincidences though, its a very small world.

in all of these shooting(the ones they show us, plenty get killed every year, why show these examples?) most of the pieces dont add up if it was what it is, then it should unfold like a book, not like a script being made up as the story goes along......... if the libor connections are true, WHY ISNT ANYONE ASKING ABOUT IT?

forgot to add: didnt anyone report to police before school shooting of 4 gun shots going off? im sure 4 loud bangs that close to a school would be out of place? in a school neighboorhood area.
edit on 16-12-2012 by ~widowmaker~ because: forgot

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Alchemst7

They "should", majority of schools especially elementary have some sort of security, or atleast cameras incase of child abduction so they can identify the person.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Foxoutfoxing

So, you're telling me that more than 100 local police, fire, medical and educational personnel are all lying about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 26 people - who were part of their community, grew up with them, are related to them, friends with them...?

Fact number one, all cases like this involve a lot of chaos.
Fact number two, the press gets things wrong in their rush to get a story.
Fact number three, you only know a fraction of the story.

There are some here who believe that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. People like Alex Jones will weave anything into their grand conspiracy if it means they'll sell another hundred BS DVD's. Fiction is created out of nothing, out of mishap, misunderstanding or confusion.

But yet, the simple fact that this is a community of a few thousand people, with hundreds who would need to be "in on it", is miraculously ignored in the quest to make it "a government false flag to take our guns!!!!"

Not every event is a conspiracy, sometimes it really is just a nut case with a gun.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:08 PM
I want to see test results for gun powder residue on Adams hands, as in is there any present?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by EyesWideShut
The "rifle" found in the trunk looks like a semi auto shotgun, maybe a benelli. (I'm viewing this on my phone, I could most certainly be wrong)

i thought bolt action rifle at first, but im 100% positive after watching it over and over again that it is also an autoloading shotgun, perhaps a mossberg 930 special purpose, you can tell its a shotgun shell being ejected. i am 10000000% sure it was not an AR-15.

and the cops did say it was a shotgun in the car.

so i guess thats right.

also, the little boy DID say the guy on the ground pinned down was HANDCUFFED. watch it again.

theres a guy in the woods nearby wearing camo pants and dark jacket, and he says to the parents as he walks by them, "i didnt do it." seems fishy, but he could just be a dude that wears that clothing normally, lives near by, and saw/heard all the cops and helicopters and walked over to see what was happening.

the dude pinned down and handcuffed on the ground the boy was talking about, could even be a hysteric father wanting to just go in the school to get/find his kid. so he could have easily assaulted cops that were preventing him from doing so.

i still believe theres something fishy going on.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Bakatono

yeah dude I think it's just you. I was able to view all videos

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by seasoul

that seems to be the common link.

If they are not intimidated by all this, and they do go through with the investigation, all these mass shootings will show the dark hand behind all this. It is kind of dumb to keep with the same MO. They are making some FBI agents, many levels of law enforcement and the military curious as to these common links.

This will see the light of day eventually, and due to the lack of transparency and outright conspiracy, we will all assume the worst. The very nature of these attacks will make people pour over the details.

If we didn't want to hang bankers and politicians before, this will push us over the edge.

edit on 17-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by timesacomin

Originally posted by EyesWideShut
The "rifle" found in the trunk looks like a semi auto shotgun, maybe a benelli. (I'm viewing this on my phone, I could most certainly be wrong)

i thought bolt action rifle at first, but im 100% positive after watching it over and over again that it is also an autoloading shotgun, perhaps a mossberg 930 special purpose, you can tell its a shotgun shell being ejected. i am 10000000% sure it was not an AR-15.

and the cops did say it was a shotgun in the car.

so i guess thats right.

also, the little boy DID say the guy on the ground pinned down was HANDCUFFED. watch it again.

theres a guy in the woods nearby wearing camo pants and dark jacket, and he says to the parents as he walks by them, "i didnt do it." seems fishy, but he could just be a dude that wears that clothing normally, lives near by, and saw/heard all the cops and helicopters and walked over to see what was happening.

the dude pinned down and handcuffed on the ground the boy was talking about, could even be a hysteric father wanting to just go in the school to get/find his kid. so he could have easily assaulted cops that were preventing him from doing so.

i still believe theres something fishy going on.

Interesting work on IDing the gun in the trunk it took them all day and into the night before deciding to open it.

They didn't find the guy in the woods. They gave chase from a parking lot and he ran into the woods.
But, where did he come from?

It almost seemed like a staged scene for the camera in the helicopter above.
The action just sort of entered from stage right.
It's not like a person above couln't have seen what was happening on the ground and followed it.
It's as if the helicopter is fortuitously located to "capture" the chase scene.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
reply to post by Foxoutfoxing

So, you're telling me that more than 100 local police, fire, medical and educational personnel are all lying about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 26 people - who were part of their community, grew up with them, are related to them, friends with them...?

Fact number one, all cases like this involve a lot of chaos.
Fact number two, the press gets things wrong in their rush to get a story.
Fact number three, you only know a fraction of the story.

There are some here who believe that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. People like Alex Jones will weave anything into their grand conspiracy if it means they'll sell another hundred BS DVD's. Fiction is created out of nothing, out of mishap, misunderstanding or confusion.

But yet, the simple fact that this is a community of a few thousand people, with hundreds who would need to be "in on it", is miraculously ignored in the quest to make it "a government false flag to take our guns!!!!"

Not every event is a conspiracy, sometimes it really is just a nut case with a gun.
you my friend are correct. The people here dont use logic in shooting cases. Stick to the ufo forums ironically. Everyone here takes the MSM as fac when they misreport, yet as lies when they are accurate, thats the silliest part. News organizations rush out info without fact checking to be first, nothing more. People expect reporting of chaos to have order. Real sickos if u ask me.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
reply to post by Foxoutfoxing

So there was a guy in the woods...and you posted some redneck babbling.

There is nothing even remotely compelling here.

Everyone who immediately started screaming conspiracy regarding this matter, or immediately started worrying about the government taking away their guns, or immediately started screaming that guns should be taking away from people while the bodies of school children are still warm really suck as individuals. How very self absorbed.

We're all trying to make sense of something that is senseless. Instead of being logical, you've taken something the police still don't understand, and make sense of it by hiding behind the idea that the government is automatically to blame. This is tantamount to not understanding lightning and automatically deciding that a God must be controlling this magnificent force of nature.

There are sick, disturbed individuals in this world and blame needs to be put on the shooter and no one else. One loony shooting isn't going to make me lose faith in humanity, but the type of behavior I'm seeing on ATS the past two days might.

Learn the victims names, honor them in some way, and maybe become an advocate for better security in Connecticut schools. In our area you can't get into any school unless buzzed in at the main office after they observe you via security cam and speak to you over the mic, and there is an armed resource officer at school at all times.

Get a grip folks.

edit on 16-12-2012 by Osiris1953 because: (no reason given)

When peeps start a reply by verbally bashing thoeries of OP's, such as calling them a redneck, they should be discounted immediately. While you seem so sure of no coverup, would you mind much if you showed us your proof that it isnt please? Also, there must be no inconsistencies in that proof. Thanks in advance.

I feel you are missing a valid point. No matter what you believe, LEO's are not stupid....collectively. Unlimited resources and oodles of experience dictate that almost always...they catch the criminal responsible. This stinks of a coverup. Not by anyone local, but by the three and four letter agencies.

Remember when you were a kid and you and a friend had to come up with a lie as to where you were if not at Johnnys drug party? There becomes inconsistencies. To feels like the locals are trying to get the truth out, but since they arent aware of what the "official" story is...they are being subverted at every turn.

I have been at my current workplace for over 20 years. Im sure many many LEOs in that town have tons of experience at their jobs too. At my work, if I were as inconsistent in giving pertinent information as the LEOs and media are about this shooting, Id be fired.

Many a time, all the information about this that was supposedly CONFIRMED BY MULTIPLE POLICE AND FEDERAL SOURCES, always seems to be unconfirmed later on. Are these people, meaning LEOs and MSM so bad at their jobs that it seems plausibe there would be this much disinfo?

Nice post OP, thanks for taking the time to post these videos. Some people just refuse to accept anything, even when its right in front of their smarmy faces.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:28 AM
Oh, I forgot one thing.

Why was the ATF, FBI, DHS, and other Federal angencies even involved in the beginning investigation anyway? I dont know much about jurisdiction, but isnt this investigation supposed to have been done by local Sheriffs?

Crime scenes are not supposed to have anyone in them besides detectives and ME's. Just wonder if those agencies had access to the scene inside, or just there to lend resources if needed.

It almost seems like that as the local police were giving out information to the press, some FBI crime scene analyst or someone was changing things around after the fact, in order to fit some thoery, and then disseminated the new info in exchange of the old.

Or...perhaps I should shut my laptop off and go outside for a bit. Been following this story way too long and shirt on sleep.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
reply to post by Foxoutfoxing

So, you're telling me that more than 100 local police, fire, medical and educational personnel are all lying about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 26 people - who were part of their community, grew up with them, are related to them, friends with them...?

Who else than the authorities have seen any dead children? Until now it is only hearsay that there was a real shooting there. It is thinkable that the whole event was just a drill and we are spoon-fed now with a hollywood scripted story.

All the victims' bodies were removed from from the school overnight and the families identified them through photos, the medical examiner said on Saturday.
Families had only seen pictures of their children's facial features. “It’s easier on the families when you do that,” Carver said.

Parents were not called in to identify their children. Rather, Carver's staff compared photos of the children given by the parents to the bodies.

The shooter, identified by law enforcement officials as Adam Lanza, killed his mother Nancy on Friday, then drove to the school where he gunned down another 26 people before taking his own life in one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.

He fired a rifle, shooting his victims multiple times. Parents identified their children through pictures, a process intended to minimize their shock, Carver said.
Police did not officially identify Lanza or his mother, but his father on Saturday issued a statement saying he too was struggling to understand his son’s actions.
We learn here, the Police did not officially identify Lanza (the shooter, identified by law enforcement officials as Adam Lanza)!

The rifle with which he shot his victims (which noone saw dead except on photoshop pics) was found after he shot himself inside the school, in the trunk of the car. So first he shot his victims with the rifle in the school, then he went back to the car and deposited the rifle there, and then he returned to the school and killed himself there. Thats a great story!

Originally posted by Foxoutfoxing
Police Find Rifle In Trunk Of Car In Sandy Hook Parking Lot:

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Foxoutfoxing

I cam across this this morning. The second "shooter" was just a parent who happened to be in the wrong place at wrong time. His name when he was arrested went across the scanner. Doing a search on him, you'll find in this article that he was actually at the school to work with his duaghters class. Heard the shots, went around to find out what was up and they eventually chased him.

"Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends the school, was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur.

He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. He later found his child, who had been locked in a small room with a teacher."

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:33 AM
Just wanted to point out another glaring inconsistency I brought up on another relevent thread here:

The excuse of "proofers" as to why theres nothing to see here is that things are chaotic in the beginning of a scene such as this and info is bound to get confusing. I disagree wholeheartedly for a number of reasons.

First, if I were as inconsistent in my job as these "sources" and journalists, I'd be fired immediately. Police are not stupid people. They rarely give bad info as sources.

The most glaring inconsistency I see however is this:

Just 30 minutes after this broke on television, there were major things known by the MSM...given to them by a source with intimate knowledge of the scene.

For example, MSM knew that both handguns were 9mm and even knew the makes...Sig Sauer and Glock. Theres no way to guess that by happenstance.

The MSM had the number of dead at 26 just an hour into the investigation.

They knew the name of the shooter within 90 minutes.

How is it that the MSM gets info at the beginning that hasnt changed, but the longer this fiasco goes on...all other information regarding this has changed more than once???

How is a source able to give solid info on the brand of pistols used just 60 minutes in, but all other info, assumingly given by the same source, is completely wrong??

How about the fact DHs, FBI, ATF arrived on scene an hour later? Perhaps the local police werent aware of what the official story was supposed to be, because after their arrival is when the inconsistencies started.

These people are not stupid. They know exactly what theyre doing. If you flood the net and msm with enough inconsistent stories, it will divide everyone, thereby making it impossible to find credible, reliable information outside those in the know. Same thing with JFK...eventually, peeps just give up searching for answers altogether and it gets lost in the shuffle.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by MisterMaster

No, there was no bashing. It's called disagreeing, get used to it. Didn't call the OP a redneck either, I was referring to one of the videos the OP posted.

I also do not need to provide proof as the theories being put forth are so flimsy they will fall apart on their own in time. If my goal is to knock down a castle, and said castle's foundation was built on swampland there is very little I need to do beyond let nature take it's course.

More than anything I find it offensive that most people in this thread and others have glossed over the loss of the lives of children. It has become more important to immediately have an agenda in the face of human tragedy, whether that is blaming lettered organizations or worrying about whether or not they will take away our guns. It's offensive, inconsiderate to the families involved, ignorant, and disrespectful to the dead children. Whether you with me or not, you totally missed my point.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by seasoul
Well here's some more dirty laundry, it looks as if we now have evidence connecting two current mass shootings, with the Libor scandal.

source : ______beforeitsnews/economics-and-politics/2012/12/2-mass-shootings-connected-to-libor-2447738.html


edit on 16-12-2012 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

Looks like there's more to it than the MSM wants us to know. Not only was Peter Lanza involved in LIBOR but his wife (yes, the mother of Adam who is now dead) was a "Senior Registered Associate at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney".

Coincidence.............Don't think so!

edit on 17-12-2012 by thestillborn1 because: ..............typos!

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

If you look close you can see the shells being ejected into the trunk by Police. If that's a BushMaster AR15 I'm pissed because the one in my gun locker looks nothing like that one. That's a shotgun. Any one that knows firearms can see with clarity it's a shotgun..... The tell of the tape is if they put a gag order on this case as like Aurora Colo.

To me if they gag order this case. That's the biggest red flag you can get.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
reply to post by MisterMaster

No, there was no bashing. It's called disagreeing, get used to it. Didn't call the OP a redneck either, I was referring to one of the videos the OP posted.

I also do not need to provide proof as the theories being put forth are so flimsy they will fall apart on their own in time. If my goal is to knock down a castle, and said castle's foundation was built on swampland there is very little I need to do beyond let nature take it's course.

More than anything I find it offensive that most people in this thread and others have glossed over the loss of the lives of children. It has become more important to immediately have an agenda in the face of human tragedy, whether that is blaming lettered organizations or worrying about whether or not they will take away our guns. It's offensive, inconsiderate to the families involved, ignorant, and disrespectful to the dead children. Whether you with me or not, you totally missed my point.

well i for one was not even thinking about gun laws when this first happened. instead, i was praying for these families and wondering what would drive a person(s) to do such a thing. then all of the sudden, here comes the "we need to have gun control laws" people. i mean, outta nowhere it started. and it just got worse and worse. wonder if there's a way to check which type of thread surfaced first, anti-gun or pro-gun, on ats. anyway, it all started in the first 2 big threads about the incident. i know, i was reading both of them. by the way, i don't own a gun. i'm not anti-gun, however. (not really pro-gun either, since i don't believe in killing but i don't begrudge people being able to defend themselves from attack) to me, guns are not the problem. people are unhappy, unhealthy and over stressed, sometimes over medicated, and many hate themselves.
edit on 18-12-2012 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Osiris1953

Ok you got your morals across you are holier than tho. But for the rest of us we want to know why there was so many screw ups. Like that Friday I heard them say all day there was two gun men. The cops shot out a red colored vans back window and was chasing it. His mom was killed in the school and was a teacher there then she wasn't killed there and not a teacher. Witnesses saying there was two shooters. The brother mix up. How the shooters got into the school. The gun count they found next to the shooters body that constantly changed. How he was able to shoot so many rounds in such a shoort amount of time. So on and so forth. This is what this web site if for. Questions. I don't see how you even found the time to comment on here after the shooting you must have been busy crying, praying and lecturing others to also stop what there doing and start crying and praying.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by undo
well i for one was not even thinking about gun laws when this first happened. instead, i was praying for these families and wondering what would drive a person(s) to do such a thing. then all of the sudden, here comes the "we need to have gun control laws" people. i mean, outta nowhere it started. and it just got worse and worse. wonder if there's a way to check which type of thread surfaced first, anti-gun or pro-gun, on ats. anyway, it all started in the first 2 big threads about the incident. i know, i was reading both of them. by the way, i don't own a gun. i'm not anti-gun, however. (not really pro-gun either, since i don't believe in killing but i don't begrudge people being able to defend themselves from attack) to me, guns are not the problem. people are unhappy, unhealthy and over stressed, sometimes over medicated, and many hate themselves.
edit on 18-12-2012 by undo because: (no reason given)

Clearly you are not part of the problem. In all honesty it probably was an anti-gun thread that popped up first, or one of these half thought out conspiracy theories that have been running rampant as of late, excluding the breaking news thread. As you can imagine I enjoy fringe theories as much as the next, just in this instance, I find most of them to be in poor taste partially because they are based on very little in the way of facts, and the timing.

I'm not an anti-gun guy, in fact, the only thing I have been screaming since this happened is that we need better and more accessible mental health care in this country. Should there be restrictions on assault rifles? Maybe, maybe not, but we have a constitutional right to arm ourselves. Though I don't own a gun personally, I grew up using rifles, and I would not stand in the way of anyone sane who wanted to own one.

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