Hey im just wondering how I can check my recent posts? I click MyATS and it shows me the threads ive subscribed too and the favorite thread section,
but what I need to figure out is how to find which page I made a comment on without digging through a 20+ page thread. Is there an option to do this
or do I just have to click and scroll for 5 minutes to find an old post I made? I tried using the search function too and it didnt bring it up.
edit- Thanks so much guys, i know it was stupid but this helps me alot. Mods if you want to delete thats fine, or keep it up for anyone else
wondering. Have a good day.
edit on 15-12-2012 by tehdouglas because: (no reason given)
There is a tab at the top labeled "TOOLS+". Click that and then there will be another tab labeled "profile" that pops up right beneath the toolbar.
When viewing your profile you have access to all your posts and threads. Just scroll through your posting history until you find what you're looking
for (ordered from most recent descending to oldest post/thread). It'll take you directly to that spot on the thread.
Took me a while to figure out how to navigate this site as well. If all else fails you can do a search for some "help" threads. There are plenty of
edit on 15-12-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)
On nearly any page there is a "Show ribbon" tag at the bottom right. Indeed, the ribbon is shown for a few seconds before it closes. Just click on
"My posts" on the ribbon. Easiest way.
Thanks so much guys, i know it was stupid but this helps me alot. Mods if you want to delete thats fine, or keep it up for anyone else wondering. Have
a good day.
OK, I have a question needing help also. It probably isn't worth a new thread.
Spybot finds and "fixes" iCrossRider every scan. Is there some way that I can block iCrossRider from getting into my system? I appreciate any help I
can get.
edit on 12/17/2012 by Mahree because: found the answer to one of my questions. Still need an answer to the above question.
on 12/17/2012 by Mahree because: (no reason given)