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SOLAR WATCH: Sun Comes Alive - Monster Sunspot Region Emerging From the Southeastern Limb!

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Sagitaris

Although maps of the ribbon (see below) seem to show a luminous body, the ribbon emits no light.

Not the "photon belt", a magnetic field. As can be seen in the data, it is not a continous circle.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Phage

I agree Photon is an improper word. Noted my beginning argument was that light from a photon belt would alter the sun and earth. i was wrong its not Photons, but charged particles from the solar winds from the central sun or the accumulation of solar winds however this galactic magnetic field contains these charged particles.

The reason I find this significant is because we do not normally get bombarded with this much foreign concentrated solar winds from our central sun.

So now the question is when we pass through this condensed flow of solar wind from our central sun will we gain super powers like super man

will we see an effect on the sun and earth from the ribbon-form magnetic field carrying solar winds from the central sun.

Is the magnetic ribbon a threat to the magnetic fields?

And is the condensed solar wind particles a threat to earth? By overwhelming the magnetic shields and being bombarded with radiation.

edit on 16-12-2012 by Sagitaris because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2012 by Sagitaris because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Evildead

It's raining blood.... solar blood.

I guess we will see soon enough.

I'm just curious as to how the Mayan could predict a CME thousands of years beforehand.... unless.... they knew the people that live in the Sun were going to start a war. If that's the case..... we are so boned.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Miccey

Those grains and flakes must be HUGE

Small things close the the camera look larger than large things far away.

I mean they "seem" to be bigger than
the crafts (read satelites)....

What crafts (read satellites)?

edit on 12/16/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Are STEREO not a "craft" satelite?
and form your OWN quote:
"spacecraft thermal blanketing"??

And forgive me for being blunt but
YOU have an answer to everything.
Isnt that a tad convenient?
Almost conspiratorial(spelling)?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by lambros56

Originally posted by Snaffers
Of course.
So it was no Earthbound energy pulse?

I think the youtuber who uploaded the vid has not done his homework.

Considering his channel is mainly about the Sun you've got a valid point.

That was what made me wonder a bit.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Miccey

What I find suspicious is that you are actually wondering why prior knowledge+education+the applied use of the scientific method allow people to come up with answers to questions.

We have been doing this for quite some time. You can try it too now, thanks to internet.

What kind of people do you think allowed for the invention of the technology that you are using to communicate with us ? Guys who thought that answers came by stumbling around and rambling on about their latest "gut-feelings", or ones who studied for a long time with people who actually knew what they were talking about, and put extensive time and effort into understanding the growing knowledge that our species has about how things work in the universe that we live in.

Why are you so mistrusting of people who use science and reason to come to conclusions ? This a growing trend, and a worrying one at that. Try that out as a conspiracy.

edit on 17-12-2012 by Ismail because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2012 by Ismail because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 04:23 AM
there was an alert the 15th, NOTHING CRAZY THOUGH.

Space Weather Message Code: WARPX1
Serial Number: 386
Issue Time: 2012 Dec 15 0158 UTC
WARNING: Proton 10MeV Integral Flux above 10pfu expected
Valid From: 2012 Dec 15 0157 UTC
Valid To: 2012 Dec 15 1200 UTC
Warning Condition: Onset
Predicted NOAA Scale: S1 - Minor
Potential Impacts: Radio - Minor impacts on polar HF (high frequency) radio propagation resulting in fades at lower frequencies.[/EX]
edit on 17-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 04:41 AM
It's like waiting until the eggs get boiled right?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

That was from the coronal hole.

This was the result:


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

oh. That is so beautiful. I hope to see such a thing with my own eyes.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna

Originally posted by GhostyMew
reply to post by Evildead

You can't actually be serious.

brb calling child protective services. you seem mentally unstable

He may be overreacting a bit, but it's better to be safe than sorry, especially when he has a son. The fact that you're implying CPS should be called on a father who's genuinely worried about his son's life bothers me greatly. I'm assuming you don't have a son or daughter, otherwise you'd be a little more understanding.

Sounds like they both may be overreacting, but to be honest it did sound like a thinly veiled threat to make his child eat Domino's pizza.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by happykat39

Why don't you make a thread titled MONSTER SEAS RISE COMING INLAND! every time the tide comes in?

Jez.. this is just a normal and regular action for the sun.. nothing special at all!


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by ziplock9000
reply to post by happykat39

Why don't you make a thread titled MONSTER SEAS RISE COMING INLAND! every time the tide comes in?

Jez.. this is just a normal and regular action for the sun.. nothing special at all!


Why don't you learn to read and get a life. The monster sunspot headline was from the source, not me. That made it newsworthy. But I also put plenty of disclaimer in my OP stating clearly that it was just another round in the game of solar Russian roulette. Besides, this is a serious enough subject that it deserves occasional airing and discussion. AND IF YOU READ THE ENTIRE THREAD, you would see that there was indeed some intelligent and relevant discussion, unlike your snarky reply.

OH, and I didn't mention 2012 in the OP, so where in what dusty corner of your brain did that come from???

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Evildead
It's building up to eject a MEGA solar flare and CME in the next 4 days that will reach Earth with a direct kill shot on Friday December 21st, 2012!!!

Get to your bug out shelters NOW!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

Good luck ATS's! See you on the other side of DOOMSDAY!
edit on 12/15/12 by Evildead because: (no reason given)

Phage is right. The spot count to low. No doomsday this week.
Nice try though.

Go to Wikipedia and check out the spot count on the Carrington Event 1859.
Then you will know what to look for.
- Yawn.....-
1633 isn't good enough. Also go to for quick updates.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by happykat39

Can anyone prove they've repeated this? If not can they tell me the exact moment in the film where this happens?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Wongbeedman
reply to post by happykat39

Can anyone prove they've repeated this? If not can they tell me the exact moment in the film where this happens?

Repeated what? Please be more clear with your question and I will try to answer it.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:25 PM
I doubt if there will be a huge sunspot that will destroy us in the near future because history does not show evidence of that happening. I like to use history as a reference. There is an increased of electronics and the electrical grid being effected by a solar flare or CME because our magnetic field is weak. This is a real possibility but if it happens we need to have a backup plan in the communities of the world, not fear this or go nuts with civil unrest. So what if the power goes out for six months, talk to the old people and they will tell you stories of how they lived with no power in the past. Learn how to store food with no power and no refrigeration, don't get all excited. We did it before and we can do it again if needed. It will be an inconvenience to have the power go out for a long time but it isn't the end of the world. Drop the polarized attitude, start acting as a community. Learn to help neighbors in need and identify the ones that are greedy in the community and kick them out. Let the overpowering people get out of town, chances are these people will run like scared rabbits to where there is electricity.

So what's the big deal, we have farmers around to buy things from. Don't start stealing things, ask if you can work for food for a while till things get better. The government will help if it is not too widespread but remember that those in the cities will get food before us country dwellers do. I live in Upper Michigan, we will be forgotten by the government. Hopefully the potato farmers will remember we are their kind up here and sell us some spuds. We have become too reliant on big farms half way across the country. Man up and learn to grow something and learn to take care of animals. Animal husbandry is good for humans. It teaches us the delicate condition of nature. What we are told is real today is just an illusion of a false truth. We need to teach our young about food production and make it a desirable and important profession again. People who do butchering are important also, most of us know nothing about processing meat and we need the butchers if something does happen to advise us. Real life experience is much better than what is taught in school.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:26 PM
It Looks good. Usually i don't reply to thread but this got me replying

You might want to turn your speakers off for the video. The "music" is a bit annoying.

If you say that music is Annoying you really don't know anything about Good music.
And that is not my opinion. PERIOD.

Significancve of OM or AUM

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Only the Amish would be unaffected.
With no electricity for 6 months the large cities would tear themselves apart.
The safest place to be would be somewhere like Fairbanks, Alaska.
Luckily, i don't see the USA losing power in 2012 or 2013 or ever.
We have some new friends helping us out.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

We have old farmers around here who would love to teach the young to farm. Some even have old equipment to plow the fields. To have the young ask them to teach them would be the highlite of their life. To have others take an interest in things they got good at. It is when the ones who think they know more than the farmers try to take over the project that will screw things up. After all it is the farmers equipment and also probably their land. Respect should be given for the experienced and not the educated if this happens. Most educated people need to learn to work with those with a life of experience and to give them the praise they deserve....Finally. The old farmer needs to be steered from using the poisons he grew up with as being safe, a little once in a while is fine if needed but using them when there is no need is not good. Let the plants develop their own chemistry and they will taste better.

The Amish are good people. Hopefully they will teach us somethings if something happens.
edit on 17-12-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

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