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Change the law to allow Teachers and UNIVERSITY Students carry guns

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by NoSoup4U

Guns are not the problem; it is apathy. How did we get to this point is the problem. It is taking God out of everything that is the problem.

Oh man you right-wing Americans are so blind. You have gun and God blinkers on.

Believe it or not, in countries where God has less of an influence, these massacres are less common. In the UK, we have much less God BS, much less guns, and much less incidents like the recent school tragedy.

Again, how do you guys come to these absurd conclusions?

The problem is too many guns and too much religion, and you want to fix it with more guns and more religion. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at some of you.
edit on 16-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 03:28 AM
That's not good enough. There has to be gun control that involves registration, background checks for mental problems or crimes committed, and proper training and education on using firearms correctly and responsibly.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by cdesigns

You cant be serious, Give teachers GUNS ? wtf. you want guns to actually be kept in schools, where these idiots are targeting people, even teachers can go over the edge. if you said install technology in schools where an alert or imobolise system was installed then hell yeh, but no more guns. guns dont protect or kill people. people with guns kill people. maybe more cameras, airport style detectors or even guards like some american schools have. which could be linked to the local police for auto response.
wouldnt be a bad idea now if they were able to create something like the "minority report" style policing and start erasing the wannabe famous killers. becomes more appealing now dont you think.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Severin
Oh how incredibly intelligent you are...

Yes, lets give everyone a gun - even students, so when a couple of kids have a disagreement over their lunch/ a girl/ who's got the best trainers etc it will end in a massacre. Then their friends will be sure to back up their mates and start firing too.

Very wise Sir, very wise.

In areas with carry laws this same fear was voiced. But it hasent happened. There has not been a rise in shooting but a lowering in the gun/crime numbers.

We dont have students packing but say a few teachers in every building could pack.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by psyclops777
reply to post by cdesigns

You cant be serious, Give teachers GUNS ? wtf. you want guns to actually be kept in schools, where these idiots are targeting people, even teachers can go over the edge. if you said install technology in schools where an alert or imobolise system was installed then hell yeh, but no more guns. guns dont protect or kill people. people with guns kill people. maybe more cameras, airport style detectors or even guards like some american schools have. which could be linked to the local police for auto response.
wouldnt be a bad idea now if they were able to create something like the "minority report" style policing and start erasing the wannabe famous killers. becomes more appealing now dont you think.

This whole point is based on maybe a teacher going nuts? Bullstuff. Teachers can already bring weapons from home as it is if they wanted to go show me a case.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by monkeyluv
That's not good enough. There has to be gun control that involves registration, background checks for mental problems or crimes committed, and proper training and education on using firearms correctly and responsibly.

Nothing in any sort of gun "training" is going to stop a guy from doing something like this. It sounds like he was very good with a gun maybe he had some training.

Do you think he didnt read the sign on the door "gun free zone"? Maybe thats it....if he would have had reading lessions he would have read the sign and went home. Maybe many dont know that most schools in the US have a post on the door and other places that say "this is a gun free zone". But maybe he couldnt read?

Maybe he could read............

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by Severin
Oh how incredibly intelligent you are...

Yes, lets give everyone a gun - even students, so when a couple of kids have a disagreement over their lunch/ a girl/ who's got the best trainers etc it will end in a massacre. Then their friends will be sure to back up their mates and start firing too.

Very wise Sir, very wise.

I know you are being sarcastic but you are misinformed. it is a proven fact that the states that have the most lenient gun laws have the least crime pure and simple. States that passed CCP laws and open carry laws had dramatic drops in crime. The facts are in stop repeating media propaganda its all BS! Armed citizens stop more crime then all LEO's in the country combined! So you can get off the anti-gun BS bandwagon now because its going nowhere!

Firstly, I am not on any bandwagon. I understand the need for guns and gun control, but in this instance I am more concerned with the ridiculous ideas of the OP.

Secondly, please provide me with proof of your claims for:
1. Lenient gun laws=less crime.
2. Armed citizens stop more crime than LEO's.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:46 AM
Allowing more guns in schools increases the number of deaths in accidental and passion crimes.

And it decreases the number of deaths in mass shootings.

So.....yeah. Which do you want?

But let's not act like there is no bad or good consequence on either side.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:45 PM

Yes, lets give everyone a gun - even students,
reply to post by Severin

Sounds like the op wants to go back to the wild west. Arming everyone with a gun is a recipe for increased murder rates. Our jails will be overflowing with people who lost their tempers and reached for their gun. Not to mention mean drunks who are armed with a gun.

I agree not a wise answer to the problem we face.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:06 PM
Armed pilots banned
2 months before 9-11

Pilots Now Ready to Carry Guns in Cockpit

Capt. Fred Bates, an American Airlines pilot who helped put the program in place, said as many as a third of U.S. pilots, or about 30,000, could be carrying weapons on the flight deck in five years.

Teachers allowed to carry on school property.

State Rep. Dennis Richardson
"at least three officials in every school should be trained in the use of firearms."
"We need to ensure that our children are safe, and we can't do that by disarming those who are on the scene,"

Israeli teachers carry guns

edit on 16-12-2012 by RedmoonMWC because: to add

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 04:23 PM
I can just imagine right now an old western shootout in a school, everyone shooting each other, not knowing who the real perp was.

This whole crap about teachers having guns is sick. What, so everyone now is going to carry around guns? Have we really escalated this this type of fear America? Really? Sooner or later people will be instructed to report any "suspicious" behavior in their neighborhoods. Oh wait, you already have that.

This whole country runs on fear for fuel and you can see it perfectly clear on this website.

How about this, build a society on love and not fear, so we can evolve further as a species and explore the Universe! Oh wait, that's another far fetched idea, instead, let's start arming toddlers.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Yeah right. And let a deranged student kill as many as he can before he's gunned down by 30 other students.

Have you joined the ranks of the insane... oh too late!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 05:46 PM
Arm everyone?! Firearms for the hinged and unhinged in the name of safety. All those six year olds should've been armed as well, right? Op, youve got to be kidding!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Wow some of you people are thick.

Students who can carry, do carry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How dumb can you be to think in the op that students = kids? (kids as in under 21)

The only thing that would change is that the students who do carry, would be able to carry in school.
And because the students who carry are all 21 or older, it would be a college campus, only teachers would be able to carry in any school below college because all the students are under 21.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:00 PM
The idea that students (even if they are university students and 21 and over like the OP stated) should be able to be armed is ridiculous. Most college kids still act like their High School counterparts. When I was in college my peers were extremely immature and irrational. It was all about partying and getting laid. Not to mention there were always hot heads that would get into fights. This is not even an option as far as I'm concerned.

Secondly, an armed guard at a school would do no good because the the shooter would be aware of this law and would obviously just walk up to the guard in a casual manner and then pull out his gun and blow him away. He would then go on his killing spree. So that idea is out the window.

I personally feel that a few responsible and well trained/licensed teachers in each school should be permitted to have access to a firearm in case of a situation such as this. They would need to have yearly psychiatric evalutaions etc. and whatever else the govt. or state deems necessary. Obviously there's a certain risk to this, such as a possible friendly fire situation. But I'll tell you this much....If my kid was in that school, I'd rather have a few well trained adults with the ability to take that mad man out then nobody at all with people just waiting around for the cops to show up. I know that If I was a teacher in that school and I had my firearm on me, I would definitely look for a chance to take the assailant down and end the horror before any more people got killed.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by cdesigns
Changing the law to allow people to carry on schools and universities is the only option we have to protect people on anti-gun places.

The resources are not there to buy expensive metal detectors and control the IN/OUT of schools, the same with armed security guards, they just dont have the resources. Killers will think twice going into a school or university if they know teachers, students or employees might be carrying.

I have a 5 year old daughter and the news of this massacre hit me hard, I cried and couldn't wait to pick my daughter up to hug her and tell her how much I love her. But that doesn't mean we should ban guns or put stricter guns laws out there.......................BAD PEOPLE doesn't give a crap about the guns laws they might implement, they already have the guns, they will not give them away and even if guns doesn't exist they will find other ways to do bad, like what happened in China and the stabbings to school kids.

1 out 19 people in Florida in 2012 has a permit to carry a handgun, plus there is more people that owns a gun legally on their home that doesn't have a carry permit. GUNS ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE, we have to deal with that............

Is very sad what happened on Connecticut but guns are not the problem...........if the guy uses a gas tank to burn the school down, are we going to ban gas tanks? or if they use a car to ram people on a crowded place, are we going to ban cars? GROW UP, you need to fight fire with fire.

Yesterday I was at Walmart to buy some stuff and the AMMO cage was pack with people buying ammo, I had to make a line of 8 people to get my ammo, expensive ammo was flying of the shelves, just like a black friday sale. I was able to buy some .22LR and some 380 ammo. everything else was almost gone.

You are ignorant if you think by putting a gun ban will help the cause.

edit on 15-12-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

It's a valid and rational view to have

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Kang69
I can just imagine right now an old western shootout in a school, everyone shooting each other, not knowing who the real perp was.

This whole crap about teachers having guns is sick. What, so everyone now is going to carry around guns? Have we really escalated this this type of fear America? Really? Sooner or later people will be instructed to report any "suspicious" behavior in their neighborhoods. Oh wait, you already have that.

This whole country runs on fear for fuel and you can see it perfectly clear on this website.

How about this, build a society on love and not fear, so we can evolve further as a species and explore the Universe! Oh wait, that's another far fetched idea, instead, let's start arming toddlers.

You see this is the folks assume everyone is crazy and irresponsible

In reality empowering people by all means isnthe solution to everything

Assuming kids and people are sheep to be corralled is evil

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons

Yes, lets give everyone a gun - even students,
reply to post by Severin

Sounds like the op wants to go back to the wild west. Arming everyone with a gun is a recipe for increased murder rates. Our jails will be overflowing with people who lost their tempers and reached for their gun. Not to mention mean drunks who are armed with a gun.

I agree not a wise answer to the problem we face.

Everyone is Switzerland is armed don't hear about Wild West shortcuts there

Op clearly is not all crazy

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:42 PM
your title should be..

Change the law so every citizen has to purchase a gun and is trained to use it.

if the other 299 million people all have a gun , know how to use it, and arent afraid to use it. the crime in this country would look a lot different.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by SuperTripps

Use spell check it will help you convey your messages more clearly. Did you say empowering people IS or isn't the solution to everything?

Well anyway, I don't think you understood my post. No, I don't think everyone is insane. I think orchestrating massacres for gun control is insane. And I know the 2nd amendment is important, I'm not one of these anti 2nd amendment people. BUT at the same time, when we evolve and create a new society we wont need guns! *Get ready for some cheese* How about empowering people with the power of love baby!

Moving on...

Soon, everyone will be afraid of everybody, people won't leave their homes, and they will try to reassure themselves of false safety from "big brother" on the single most god damn powerful weapon of all time... the television!

Anyway, I went off the deep end a bit. I would also like to point out I read your thread on the sandy connection. One thing I noticed was the posters comments. People dismissing the information without even trying to debunk it. This is the type of ignorance that bleeds this website dry.

I find it hilarious both fathers were in the Libor scandal and you can clearly see "sandy hook" in the recent batman movie. This is nothing new, foreshadowing events in movies is yet another way for these nut cases to get off.

No doubt in my mind James Holmes and Alex Lanza were Manchurian candidates. Just like timothy McVeigh, sirhan sirahn and Oswald.

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