posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:35 AM
This is my first thread, and I apologize if it's in the wrong category, but I have noticed something lately in the gun control debate....
Most gun rights advocates have a lot of ammunition (pun intended) for arguing against gun control. There are many logical reasons to own a gun, but
lately I'm noticing a few of these arguments are being systematically defeated by examples of real life occurrences. For example, one point the "gun
nuts" usually make is "if only someone else was carrying then they could have taken the shooter out, and prevented a lot of deaths". Well, what if the
shooting in front of the Empire State Building this year (Where the NYPD shot nine bystanders), was set up to give the "gun grabbers" a real life
event to cite when arguing why more CCWs is a bad idea.
Another point usually made is "it's the people that kill, not the gun". While it does seem logical that if someone is determined to kill they will use
anything to get the job done. However, it's hard to use any facts to back this up until... the events yesterday. Someone in China slashed or stabbed
like 22 kids in an elementary school on the same day as the horrible shooting here. When you look at the big picture this is not a coincedence. This
was another 'operation' to give the "gun grabbers" another real life occurrence to cite. They now have two very similar situations where the only
variables are the weapons used, and the number deceased. The kids in China were only hurt with the knife, the American kids however were killed with
guns. This gives the "gun grabbers" ground to stand on fighting the "guns don't kill people" stance.
The last point I can think of is "When seconds count, the police are minutes away". Well, in the mall shooting last week, the press drilled it home
that the reponse of the police and SWAT were in record time. They prevented a lot of deaths by getting there so soon. Once again, another winning
argument "gun nuts" used to use.
If you subscribe to the "staged shooting" conpiracies, then I need your help. We need to figure out what other possible scenarios would need to happen
in order for guns right advocates to have no leg to stand on anymore. I've given three common arguments, please contribute, we may be able to predict
the next one!
For the record, I am FOR gun rights. These are just my observations of how they will convince the public that guns are bad. They will stage more
edit on 15-12-2012 by Frettin because: (no reason given)