Originally posted by muse7
reply to post by EyesWideShut
We don't need each state to have their own gun laws, what we need is stricter gun control NATION WIDE.
Every state under the same set of regulations, sure the 2nd amendment was added in there so there could be a WELL REGULATED militia.
Did you read that? WELL REGULATED.
I'm sure if the founding fathers had known back then the type of weapons that would be available today then I highly doubt they would have added that
If NJ's firearms legislation was enacted nationwide would it be enough "CONTROL" for you?
The "WELL REGULATED" clearly is in regards to the militia.
“A free people ought to be armed.”
– George Washington
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last
resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”
– Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright
force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.”
- Patrick Henry
"Americans have the will to resist because you have weapons. If you don’t have a gun, freedom of speech has no power.”
~Yoshimi Ishikawa
“Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense.”
- John Adams
"The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world not destitute of arms, for all would be alike;
but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside … Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them … the
weak will become prey to the strong.”
~Thomas Paine
“To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.”
– George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380
“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.”
- James Madison, Federalist Paper #46
“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
- William Pitt, Nov. 18, 1783
“The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force
superior to any band of regular troops.”
- Noah Webster, 1787
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer’s cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”
- George Orwell
"The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state-controlled police and military are the weapons of dictatorship. The rifle is the weapon of
democracy. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military. The hired servants of our
rulers. Only the government-and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws.”
~Edward Abbey
”No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has
nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own
master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at
~James Burgh
.”Any single man must judge for himself whether circumstances warrant obedience or resistance to the commands of the civil magistrate; we are all
qualified, entitled, and morally obliged to evaluate the conduct of our rulers. This political judgment, moreover, is not simply or primarily a right,
but like self-preservation, a duty to God. As such it is a judgment that men cannot part with according to the God of Nature. It is the first and
foremost of our inalienable rights without which we can preserve no other.”
~John Locke
“If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.”
- The Dalai Lama, May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times
.”Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse
for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with
greater confidence than an armed man.”
~Thomas Jefferson
”You are bound to meet misfortune if you are unarmed because, among other reasons, people despise you….There is simply no comparison between a man
who is armed and one who is not. It is unreasonable to expec