posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 11:18 AM
Childrens TV is not the best, and just sitting your kids in front of such crap for hours is poor parenting. Growing up, I watched plenty of TV, but I
was armed with the tools to filter out some of the messages and worthless drivel. I knew early on that ads were created to make me want things. My mom
would ask me why I saw ads for My Little Pony on Saturday morning, but not during the news. I knew what was aimed at me and why, and didn't fall for
it. She'd ask questions often, and ALWAYS knew what I was watching, and when. I was also a latch key kid, and spent a lot of time on my own, but she
still knew because she asked.
Also, why are TVs given to young children in their bedrooms to watch nonstop? A 6 year old doesn't need a 19 inch TV with DVD player in their
bedroom. C'mon.
Sure, TV is corrupting youth because parents let it happen. We don't need a V-chip to parent our kids, we need involvement. TV is also corrupting
teens, young adults, the middle aged, and elderly.
I love my TV and watch it often. I'm not anti-TV, I'm anti-mindless-drivel watched with no understanding. Watch all the junk you want, but at least
know it's junk.
As for Teletubbies... that has to be the WORST show for kids to watch beyond Tinky -Winky trying to create "gay" children. It doesn't use much
language for kids to learn from and consists of endless babble, it is like life on quaaludes, stealing is frequent and funny, and it teaches kids to
stare at the sun. Great show if you're a stoned college student, but isn't so valuable if you're 3.