posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple
Just from a personal standpoint:
I remember growing up and watching my Mother and Stepfather watch the News. It was interesting because, if a positive story was being reported then
there was "no news on the tv," but if shootings, scandals, war, or anything remotely negative was being reported there was "news on the tv."
Neither of them realized that they were brushing aside all of the positive reports and focusing their energy on the negative stories. But I can
understand it because it is hard to fit the positive news stories in with an unrealistic view of the world. Both of my parents used all of the
negative news stories as a way to affirm their beliefs that the Earth is morally bankrupt.
I agree completely, that as individuals we are just as responsible for giving sensationalism a foothold.