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Weapons Ban in the making?

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:20 PM
Hmmm, while I'm subscribing to the National gun ban conspiracy theory, as of yet. I do have to wonder myself and I'm saying this based on a personal experience I had with an odd individual in my class.

I was sitting in rather full class and I got into a odd conversation with a student next to me. This student seemed--I don't know-- out of place to me, but she seemed nice enough so I decided to engage her in a conversation. During a conversation we were talking about hobbies that would be interesting to pick up and do.

I told her I was thinking of doing skim-boarding (a form of surfing without waves) and she replied something to the affect of "That sounds dangerous, don't you think? You should do something a little less risky."

I asked her what she thought was a decent hobby. She asked me if I ever thought about shooting (like gun-range shooting). I was kind of shocked by that answer, but as I live int he Southern United States thus it wasn't that uncommon--so I didn't think much of it. Anyway, what struck me as odd was not so much her suggestion, but her attitude during the entire class period. I asked her what her background was and she said she had formerly been a student who had done research, but she she didn't go any further than that when I tried top press her on the matter. She never seemed to engage with the class--like she wasn't really interested in passing. I also noticed that she would always sit next to to me and observe the sort-of tight-nit group of kids that I sat next to or with---for some odd reason we always seemed to be the group that had the answers to nearly every question.

Oddly enough, she abruptly turned to me one day and said with a sort of odd smile "Don't you find it odd that all the smart people are sitting next to each other?". She said this so matter-of-factly like she was trying to ttell me something rather than ask me a question. There is more oddness to this story, but I won't go into detail. I will admit (to my personal embarrassment--please don't judge me but adds a little more nuance to this story) that before going to this class I had been through professional psychiatric counseling due to an onset of depression (there is more to this story, but i would rather not get into this story here and now.

My point is this: maybe you guys are onto to something...maybe it isn't MKultra necessarily, but the government picks people from a database of people they deem as potential candidates for staged events and then monitors/provokes them into buying weaponry--kind of like how Laughner's friend introduced him to guns.

I don't know, I'm just thinking based of an odd experience I had--I could be all wrong, mind you. Also sorry for the typos/grammar....

edit on 14-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

You are missing something. One thing that people overseas can see is our school system. The schools here spend more time teaching kids how it is o.k. to be different and that everyone is special. Kids don't really get the quality of education found in some other countries. Childhood in America has become a social experiment. Shootings like this only started a few decades ago. Why is it things like this did happen when you could easily buy automatic weapons in the U.S. If guns are the problem, then surely it should have been much worse then.
edit on 14-12-2012 by anton74 because: typo

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
I have a funny hunch that legislation will soon be enacted. So much for our constitutional rights when people are screwing them up by doing this sort of stuff and carrying the guns all over the place just because it's legal. I hope they don't take away my fathers and uncles guns that I inherited. I see sentiment going over fifty percent shortly as more and more people are seeing some relative involved in one of these kind of instances. There are crazy people out there with guns though, but is taking guns away from law abiding sensible people going to make this better? As far as I am concerned, no individual other than the law enforcement and military need fully automatic weapons. I know that precedence will eventually be used against us if we leave them do this though, look at the seat belt laws and their generation of governmental income because we voted to buckle up kids.

I hope your inherited guns don't get lost or stolen...

There should be some sort of test or exam for gun ownership.
And even more scrutiny when issuing concealed carry permits relative to past criminal activity and mental well being.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by paratus

I do agree with you at least have some sort of test because you can get a gun after a background check and 3 days?.
I just do not understand your love affair with a gun.
Hunting yes but have a one shot rifle or something if you need to hunt.
Just annoyed at the mo.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by paratus

Yes, I agree, there should be a competency test. Trouble is, I may be old and a little messed up before I die and leave my guns to a responsible grandchild or daughter. I have too much respect for the safe and intended use of them to ever use them improperly, even if I were to get a little rattly. As of right now, none of my grandchildren are getting them for a while because they don't seem to show the respect needed to own a gun. I hope to deprogram them from those violent video games my daughter lets them play. My daughter even admits the games have depersonalized them and they shouldn't get a gun. The kids are shooting stuff at each other and hurting each other with toy guns. People who can't see that these interacting video games can effect a kids perception are nuts.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by boot2theface

I can defend myself , my family and everyone in a 20 meter radius.

Defend yourself from whom?
Someone with a gun?

Anyone that threatens serious bodily harm or eminent death.
I'm in a Castle Doctrine state, and yes I'm aware of the laws.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by paratus

Yes, I agree, there should be a competency test. Trouble is, I may be old and a little messed up before I die and leave my guns to a responsible grandchild or daughter. I have too much respect for the safe and intended use of them to ever use them improperly, even if I were to get a little rattly. As of right now, none of my grandchildren are getting them for a while because they don't seem to show the respect needed to own a gun. I hope to deprogram them from those violent video games my daughter lets them play. My daughter even admits the games have depersonalized them and they shouldn't get a gun. The kids are shooting stuff at each other and hurting each other with toy guns. People who can't see that these interacting video games can effect a kids perception are nuts.

Some times only a Grandparent can instill the respect and fundamentals needed for firearms.
Time to step up to the plate and teach them that guns are not toys and that it is no game.
Otherwise they may never truly understand the 2nd Amendment and the Bill of Rights completely.
You feel the gravity of the responsibility when you carry a weapon personally.
It's nothing to joke about.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:05 PM
It's never about guns.

Blaming guns is barking up the wrong tree.

The 2nd amendment had a noble purpose - to safeguard the nation and protect individuals in a large landmass.

Rather, we should look deeper into the societal issue why seemingly normal humans would go insane and resort to violence, with or without guns.

Where had humanity gone wrong that some folks, in their rage, would lose sight of the basic law of humanity - never to kill another simply out of emotional loss of control?

Had our teachers failed to incalcate this principle?
Had parents lost control of their young, and allowed them to do as they please, and not seek help at early stages?
Had relatives failed to notice the changes of the growing child?
Had friends ignored him, or ridiculed him instead of helping him out to sort out his issues or report his behavior, or encouraged him to slaughter innocents as the way to balance his anger??

Where had we, as a civilised society, gone wrong, that we care no more for others, not even those close to us, in our personal self centred pursuit of wealth, security and apathy???!!!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:32 PM
Guns in the wrong hands are not good. I was raised to respect a gun, others I knew were wreckless with them. I never hunted with those people again and did not care for their actions. They weren't crazy enough to go out and kill someone though, I can't even understand how these people killing innocent people can be that way. The craziness starts at the top, the people in congress have lost my faith for the polarization of society they are promoting. How can we expect our kids to turn out all right when there is so much deception and blame throwing in congress and amongst the rulers of our states. We really need to clean house and switch the ones our kids idolize.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
How many people need to die for people to realise that owning assault rifles with extended mags etc is wrong?
You must start to at least look at some sort of method to make sure insane people can not get their hands on weapons like this.
But I forgot "cold dead hands etc"....
Poor poor people.

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by paratus

Oh that makes it so much better....
I will say it I hope they do ban gun sales to the public and bullets that would stop horrors like this happening.
But I forgot "cold dead hands"
Pfft What a civilized society you guys have.
More like the wild west...sorry for my views but kids got killed.
We had the dunblane massacre and public opinion forced our government to ban handguns because we saw that they have no use in a modern decent society.

Not only is your gun grabbing agenda and insults not welcome here, it is also a direct violation of the rules in this forum.

The Weapons and Tactics Forum: What it is and what it is NOT

We get it, you hate our American gun culture... tough!

Now go find a nice "have you hugged a puppy today unlike those gun loving Americans" thread or some other such forum which you may find to your liking; no need to repeat your culture hate again.

Paratus, I think the best investment would be to find the very best prices on AR, AK, Glock, etc, high capacity magazines/drums and purchase as many as you can afford/find (purchase by the case if possible for the best price) ... even if you need to take out a small loan to do so, as prices will increase dramatically & IMO very soon.

During the first AWB, high cap magazines & many firearms went through the roof, you would do well to take action and buy before it is too late again.

Obama has nothing to lose and this terrible event will give him the perfect excuse.

It already seems too late for certain firearm related items which are very rare to find due to the massive demand driven by fear of what Constitutional right will be stripped away/circumvented next.

Even now, simply just trying to find 5.7 ammo is nearly impossible & if you do happen to find some, they are nearly a dollar a round or even more... many things are in short supply and it has been this way for a while, so if you don't act 'yesterday', it will be far too late once the AWB starts its run through congress.

edit on 14-12-2012 by kneverr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:21 PM
It would NOT be in the federal government's best interest to outright ban firearms.

It would cause more harm than good.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:16 AM
On a personal level, this post is not a good time to be read, as there are people and even a nation grieving right now over the current tragedy.

But it have to be written, because emotions are over-wrought now, and to base decisions upon emotions will only get us into deep trouble, the way Bush did after 911 with the support of nearly all americans, rushed headlong into a war without clear mind and suffering so much, so much as a result.

One of the reasons why America remained strong and vibrant for 200+ years is the 2nd amendment.

The founding fathers had great foresight by studying scrupulously on history, learnt from it and thus the insistance for the 2nd amendment.

Throughout the course of human civilisation, we had seen thousands of empire rose and fell. Much of that came from violence, through an armed military led by men whom were willing to kill to achieve their aims, upon unarmed population whom cowered in fear and allowed them to rule, and be forced into their laws and subjugation.

However, if the population was armed, the military force of an ambitious ruler wannabe which will be small compared to the masses, will be no match to seize the throne.

Similarly, after the civil war, America had seen no more tyrants. They know what the result will be - a fully armed population ready to overthrow whomever dares tear the constitution apart. Even repressive China, whom had no qualms slaughtering their own unarmed citizens, will think many times, if ever, should they want to take over USA.

It will not be a 300,000 US military against the 2 million soldiers of Red China, but rather 200 Million + american citizens against a mere 2 million soldier China.

The 2nd amendment has a purpose, long into the future even after this generation had passed.

It is not the gun that killed, but a twisted mind that kill those innocent children. It is not the gun at fault, but the twisted mind.

Yet it seems some are hell bent on attacking the gun, when every rational fibre of intelligence points towards resolving the twisted mind should be the direction americans should be heading to.

Ban the gun, but twisted minds will still exists. Resolve the issue of twisted minds, and we will see the end or less of such tragedies again.

It begins with education and compassion, as well as much needed social funding and research to determine and help 'untwist' twisted minds, for they are still fellow humans, so long as they had not yet hurt or harm others.

And as sop to the emotionally driven anti-gun lobby, ban all guns for one year and watch the results. All americans to surrender their guns to the local sheriff or police dept under lock and key for one year. Any civilian american found in possesion of a gun will be do time in jail for decades.

IF there are no more violent crime in America for a year, not even one, then, the ban will be forever enforced and the 2nd amendment scrapped.

Dare the anti-gun lobby accept this compromise and challenge, to prove that it was the gun that was causing violent crimes in USA and not twisted minds?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

And now my English friend you are defenseless against ANYONE with a gun. Who has guns in your country,
Criminals, Sleeper Terrorist, and worst of all.....your Government. What the once "Mighty English Empire" has become is a herd of Sheep. Your Government has removed your MOST Basic Right, The Right to Defend Yourself". Oh yea, wasn't that one of the reasons that there is a United States of America?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by paratus

Oh that makes it so much better....
I will say it I hope they do ban gun sales to the public and bullets that would stop horrors like this happening.
But I forgot "cold dead hands"
Pfft What a civilized society you guys have.
More like the wild west...sorry for my views but kids got killed.
We had the dunblane massacre and public opinion forced our government to ban handguns because we saw that they have no use in a modern decent society.

If you want to talk about the virtues of disarming the civilian population, go to any of the numerous political threads and have at it. This isn't the appropriate forum for your musing. Its insulting for someone in a country that surrendered its authority to the European Union to brag about how awesome its domesticated culture is.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by paratus
And if so what are your go to purchases for the "must have" weapons and/or accessories.

I believe AR lowers and high capacity mags would be a good investment right now.

And stripped receivers for AK and AR platforms would be great as well.

What would be "grandfathered" in?

Your thoughts???

Here's a vid I like :

Legally any new assault weapons ban would have to grandfather existing owners. If you've got the training, extra cash, and a spot in the gun safe, it might be a good idea to pick up some AR variant. Of course prices will be super inflated right now.

Even if an all out assault weapons ban took place, i wouldn't view it as completely destroying the ability to defend oneself. An ordinary 12 or 20 gauge hunting pump shotgun can be a highly effective self defense weapon. Stoeger makes several models of double barrel shotguns that wouldn't be a slump in the self defense department either. Revolvers, while not holding as many bullets or reloading as fast, aren't a terrible choice. Several revolver manufacturers make 7 round wheel guns chambered in .357 which isn't bad considering lots of 1911's only have 7 rounds per clip. In the rifle category, it sounds antiquated, but gran-dads 30-30 lever action could fit the bill.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 04:29 PM
It sounds like thjey want to go for a reenactment of the Assault Weapons Ban (AWN) that was originally passed during the Clinton presidency. They might add a few more specific guns to the list (it was certain characteristics of assault guns as well as high capacity magazines and then enumerated specific guns as well). The difference is this time they will push for A) No Grandfathering and B) No Sunset.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 04:32 PM
The Worst Case Scenario (at this stage) is Not a Ban but rather treatment of all semi-automatic firearms as Title II weapons and thus one would not only have to pass a NICS background check but also a lengthy BATFE approval process (including figerprint cards, etc) and a $200 Transfer Tax (per trans and dealers are not 'tax exempt').

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

my friend guns don't kill people people kill people and trust me if you are determined to kill lots of people you don't really need a gun. people if they didnt have guns would turn to other choices , explosives , fire , poison

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by kneverr

Originally posted by boymonkey74
How many people need to die for people to realise that owning assault rifles with extended mags etc is wrong?
You must start to at least look at some sort of method to make sure insane people can not get their hands on weapons like this.
But I forgot "cold dead hands etc"....
Poor poor people.

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by paratus

Oh that makes it so much better....
I will say it I hope they do ban gun sales to the public and bullets that would stop horrors like this happening.
But I forgot "cold dead hands"
Pfft What a civilized society you guys have.
More like the wild west...sorry for my views but kids got killed.
We had the dunblane massacre and public opinion forced our government to ban handguns because we saw that they have no use in a modern decent society.

Not only is your gun grabbing agenda and insults not welcome here, it is also a direct violation of the rules in this forum.

The Weapons and Tactics Forum: What it is and what it is NOT

We get it, you hate our American gun culture... tough!

Now go find a nice "have you hugged a puppy today unlike those gun loving Americans" thread or some other such forum which you may find to your liking; no need to repeat your culture hate again.

Paratus, I think the best investment would be to find the very best prices on AR, AK, Glock, etc, high capacity magazines/drums and purchase as many as you can afford/find (purchase by the case if possible for the best price) ... even if you need to take out a small loan to do so, as prices will increase dramatically & IMO very soon.

During the first AWB, high cap magazines & many firearms went through the roof, you would do well to take action and buy before it is too late again.

Obama has nothing to lose and this terrible event will give him the perfect excuse.

It already seems too late for certain firearm related items which are very rare to find due to the massive demand driven by fear of what Constitutional right will be stripped away/circumvented next.

Even now, simply just trying to find 5.7 ammo is nearly impossible & if you do happen to find some, they are nearly a dollar a round or even more... many things are in short supply and it has been this way for a while, so if you don't act 'yesterday', it will be far too late once the AWB starts its run through congress.

edit on 14-12-2012 by kneverr because: (no reason given)

Kneverr: thanks for the good input, I'm heading to the gunshop this morning for a delivery...

Also, there are a few sites offering free shipping and handling right now for the holidays:
sportsmansguide, buds, kentucky, etc
If you need mags its a good time to order.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:43 AM

knew this would occur...

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