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More Than a Two Dozen Killed, Including Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:54 PM
I think besides the desparate heartbreak of the parents, a thought should be spared for Ryan Lanza who has now had his life turned into a total drama ridden circus on tv facebook etc and lets not forget the fact that this young lad has just lost his father mother & brother. He's going to seriously struggle with the stygma attached to his name now and I wouldn't be suprised if some nutcase viginlante decided to take revenge on Ryan as his brother is no longer with us. The knock on effect of something like this can go such a long long way for a long long time for ALL parties concerned

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by NarrowGate

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by VforVendettea
Has anyone noticed that the more they take away from us the more dangerous life becomes?

How many mass school shootings were there 50 years ago?
The only one I can recall was in 1967 teh Texas cloacktower sniper and the autopsy found a brain tumor the siz of a tennis ball in his head so in this case if he had been taken alive (he wasn't) I would have believed an insanity defence.

Start teaching gun safety in the first grade.
If more people carried guns, the safer we would be as a whole.
Forget nude body scanners and strip searches to fly just hand every passanger a loaded pistol as they enter the plane no terrorist would dare.

There are more mass murders because there are more groups of people unable to defend themselves.

With this kind of view why not just give every country in the world nuclear weapons so as there are no wars?

You must see the foolishness in this statement.

I have said it many times before - extreme points of view are are some of the most dangerous things to society.

Tell me, what the F do nukes have to do with it? Have you ever been shot at or had someone try to kill you? I have.

Teach gun safety and awareness from a young age.

First of all VforVendettea was saying how more people should carry guns and this would somehow prevent gun violence! He also said to forget scanners and guards in airports and just to give weapons to all the passengers!
I was saying by his logic, we should just hand all countries nuclear weapons! If you fail to see the relevance then you are the one who is foolish! As for being on the recieving end of gun violence, I don't know why it matters but in fact I have been shot at and have had a gun held to my head on more then one occasion! I believe gun safety and awareness are very important but i don't think it's necessary for the whole population to carry weapons! I think it's way to easy to purchase guns and believe if it was at all possible, that banning them would be a great accomplishment! As this is impossible we should at least ban the sales of hand guns, assult weapons and ammunition! Everyone possessing weapons is just adding fuel to the fire! The man who did this was obviously not worried about dying as he most likely killed himself! Even if someone would have killed him before he accomplised the slaying of those innocents, there is the problem of callateral damage through adding more instruments of destruction to a highly imbalanced population! Though I can't say for sure that more people would die from this scenario! I do have that opinion that nothing would be better and believe this would cause more casualties for the police and those they come into contact with! Then to think of how many people would use these weapons because of jealousy and anger! I don't believe arming the populus as a deterrent would offset these deaths! To arm the public is a foolish concept in my opinion and I am allowed one just as you are allowed to believe whatever conceptual ideas that your pervese viewpoint sees!
Weapons are a form of power and it has been shown how power corrupts! At a time when we should be reducing the amount of destructive outlets there are too many intent on increasing this!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by StygianAgenda
... and one more thing...

Before guns, people still killed people. While the gun has certainly made it easier for the weak to attack the strong, it's in no way really increased the number of deaths proportional to the global population based on technological plateau. Before guns, it was swords, axes, spears, pikes, halberds, glaives, garrotes, flails, morning stars, stilettos, and so on. All the way back to the beginning of there being more than one living proto-organism, life has been feeding on life, and living things have been killing each other. Personally, I'm surprised that we don't hear reports of cannibalism more often, but even those cases aren't completely unheard of.

It's human nature to kill, which is par for the course of any apex predatory species. Really, what's unnatural is peace, civilization, and the frakkin' ice-capades!

No... the whole advancement of a society is a wholly unnatural act. Not to say that advancement is wrong... quite the contrary, but it is what it is.

Now... I noticed that along the way, this forum discussion has turned to one of Gun Control vs Gun ownership. Really, there's only one way to solve that problem, but you're not going to like the answer. We can abolish the manufacture of kinetic weapons altogether and it won't stop people from killing each other. That sort of thing would require humans removing the mammalian elements of our genes and refining ourselves into something post-human, and even then, we may not be able to weed out what at it's root is part of a living organism's predatory nature. So, the only answer to to demolish this entire planet before anything can escape it. Then, and only then, will the killing actually, and finally, stop.

Or we could live by the Law of the New Covenant.

just saying.....

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by PrincessTofu
'A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, “I did not do it.”'

Didn't the friend of the shooter at the mall, two days ago, have camo clothing?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:57 PM
Watching the news now, theyre pulling more guns out of his car.

When these guys go off on these shooting sprees, do they think they will be able to just unload, run out to their car and grab more ammo?

Increasingly curious about the brother now. Did they BOTH plot this!? How normal/well could you be to know your brother was about to go do something horrific and NOT stop him!?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

But any nutter can buy as many guns as they want.


Have you bought a gun lately?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by BonesStones
Watching the news now, theyre pulling more guns out of his car.

When these guys go off on these shooting sprees, do they think they will be able to just unload, run out to their car and grab more ammo?

Increasingly curious about the brother now. Did they BOTH plot this!? How normal/well could you be to know your brother was about to go do something horrific and NOT stop him!?

I heard the brother was detained as a possible second shooter, then I hear he was the shooter. The media can't get their facts straight.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by CraigSnedeker

Breaking news is not reliable
Witness reports are not reliable

Should listen to Dr park dietz has to say on the msm coverage of mass killings

edit on 14-12-2012 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by Jason88

Sociopathic, probably psychopathic.

Nothing else explains the unemotional nature of these shooters. It's just not possible for a normal person to shoot others without emotional response that's crippling. Something to consider.

We need a way to identify sociopathic and psychopathic personalities to keep them away from guns. These types of people will often lack empathy for others and find it easier to kill.

I think not every sociopath or psychopath will kill, though. Many won't. However, they will do many other things without concern for others or at least behind their back.
edit on 14-12-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

It is federal law that everyone who wishes to buy a gun in their name have a background check done on them, including a check for felonies committed in the past. Many states also have psychological background checks done on the potential buyer. Unless the green light is given to these folks by authorities you cannot walk out of the gun store with any gun.

A few people will always manage to slip through the cracks but this is not where the problem lies. The problem imo is that guns are much easier to get in the south, the mafia buys them there and then ships them north to sell in the black market. If gun laws were stricter in the south we would not see so many school massacres happening.

And there is always the very real possiblity of false flag event. MK-Ultra was real and many people were affected by this so certain radio frequencies could trigger this monsterous behavior if and when the ptb had a gun banning agenda in mind.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by BonesStones
Watching the news now, theyre pulling more guns out of his car.

When these guys go off on these shooting sprees, do they think they will be able to just unload, run out to their car and grab more ammo?

Increasingly curious about the brother now. Did they BOTH plot this!? How normal/well could you be to know your brother was about to go do something horrific and NOT stop him!?

Not sure how close they were. For instance, my brother lives half a state away and I hear from him a couple of times a month, briefly. If he'd done something and the cops came to talk to me, I'd tell them what I just told you. Not all families are close and communicate regularly.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by NarrowGate

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by VforVendettea
Has anyone noticed that the more they take away from us the more dangerous life becomes?

How many mass school shootings were there 50 years ago?
The only one I can recall was in 1967 teh Texas cloacktower sniper and the autopsy found a brain tumor the siz of a tennis ball in his head so in this case if he had been taken alive (he wasn't) I would have believed an insanity defence.

Start teaching gun safety in the first grade.
If more people carried guns, the safer we would be as a whole.
Forget nude body scanners and strip searches to fly just hand every passanger a loaded pistol as they enter the plane no terrorist would dare.

There are more mass murders because there are more groups of people unable to defend themselves.

With this kind of view why not just give every country in the world nuclear weapons so as there are no wars?

You must see the foolishness in this statement.

I have said it many times before - extreme points of view are are some of the most dangerous things to society.

Tell me, what the F do nukes have to do with it? Have you ever been shot at or had someone try to kill you? I have.

Teach gun safety and awareness from a young age.

First of all VforVendettea was saying how more people should carry guns and this would somehow prevent gun violence! He also said to forget scanners and guards in airports and just to give weapons to all the passengers!
I was saying by his logic, we should just hand all countries nuclear weapons! If you fail to see the relevance then you are the one who is foolish! As for being on the recieving end of gun violence, I don't know why it matters but in fact I have been shot at and have had a gun held to my head on more then one occasion! I believe gun safety and awareness are very important but i don't think it's necessary for the whole population to carry weapons! I think it's way to easy to purchase guns and believe if it was at all possible, that banning them would be a great accomplishment! As this is impossible we should at least ban the sales of hand guns, assult weapons and ammunition! Everyone possessing weapons is just adding fuel to the fire! The man who did this was obviously not worried about dying as he most likely killed himself! Even if someone would have killed him before he accomplised the slaying of those innocents, there is the problem of callateral damage through adding more instruments of destruction to a highly imbalanced population! Though I can't say for sure that more people would die from this scenario! I do have that opinion that nothing would be better and believe this would cause more casualties for the police and those they come into contact with! Then to think of how many people would use these weapons because of jealousy and anger! I don't believe arming the populus as a deterrent would offset these deaths! To arm the public is a foolish concept in my opinion and I am allowed one just as you are allowed to believe whatever conceptual ideas that your pervese viewpoint sees!
Weapons are a form of power and it has been shown how power corrupts! At a time when we should be reducing the amount of destructive outlets there are too many intent on increasing this!

Uh... so you are saying if someone shot the shooter it would have been worse because of "collateral damage"? What if every year in school kids had to take gun safety courses. Taught from a young age to be aware of their surroundings, and if it ever came down to it to be AWARE of what is BEHIND the would-be killers.

Why would this plan fail? Of course some couldn't carry guns. There are crazy people.

If people were armed in that school we would have less deaths. A lot less probably.

I still don't see your logic. Everyone should carry a gun that is mentally competent to do so.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by CraigSnedeker

Frustrating, not that it makes a difference what WE know right now. I just, like most everyone else I'm sure, get overly emotionally attached to these stories. Just so depressing, I'm turning the tv off and going to enjoy my son.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

True, however I was under the impression that the brother was the "second suspect" arrested in the woods.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by BonesStones
reply to post by CraigSnedeker

Frustrating, not that it makes a difference what WE know right now. I just, like most everyone else I'm sure, get overly emotionally attached to these stories. Just so depressing, I'm turning the tv off and going to enjoy my son.

Wise choice. And then tell your son that if something like this ever happens, to get down on the ground and lay still and quiet as possible. Shooters don't tend to shoot those they think they already hit.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:08 PM
This is a sad sad event that, no matter if guns were banned or not, would have happened. People will never understand this it seems, because we are not psycho. Whether it be one or two people, or a false flag event (i honestly still think its the latter), Psychos carried this out and that is why we call them psychos....BECAUSE THEY ARE PSYCHOS.

One thing tho, all of you who say this is the gun's/law's fault seemed to flock here specifically to state that. That is why people call you agent provacatuers or argue with you, because at the first sign of a shooting, you all race here to blame the guns. Don't get butt-hurt when people debate you on it when you come in blaming everyone/thing but the person/people who did it. Honestly its like half the anti-gun people get off on know-it-all-ism when you see a news post about someone getting shot or a shooting. Guns are here, been here for over half a millenium now. I hate guns more than anyone else because i think people as a whole became weaker once guns became common, but they are here and i own one to protect myself FROM one, whoever it may be.

I may disagree with the anti-gun people but i honestly hate how it seems like half of them came here to get a snide-uppity remark off on a pro gun person. The victims deserve better than that.

Whether it have been false flag or one/two/three random psychos, we need to see this as what it is, a sad event that never should have happened.

Rest in peace victims. Burn in hell psychos.
edit on 14-12-2012 by Lynexon because: clarifying

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:09 PM
4:52 p.m: Ryan Lanza, 24, brother of gunman Adam Lanza, 20, tells authorities that his younger brother is autistic, or has Asperger syndrome and a “personality disorder.” Neighbors described the younger man to ABC as “odd” and displaying characteristics associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

4:41 p.m.: Federal law enforcement sources now say Connecticut school shooting gunman was Adam Lanza, 20, and not his brother Ryan Lanza, 24, as earlier reported. Adam was found dead in the school along with his mother, a kindergarten teacher there.

from ABC News

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:11 PM

A further reminder

26 people are dead. 20 of them were little kids.

This is an emotive subject BUT ATS expects its members to behave, and discuss the issues at hand in a civilised manner

The board staff would ask you show some respect for the dead and their families.

Further T&C infractions WILL result in posting bans.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by emeris
Why is the president reading from a script? And he kept wiping away tears but i never saw any. Almost like he was given a script on what to say and how to act("make sure you wipe your eyes and pause often so you appear to be emotional") Ive never said anything against Obama but i have to be honest and say that speech seemed way to orchestrated to me. And now he says there going to take action to make sure this kind of thing doesnt happen again???

He probably was tearing up because he has children too.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by crkking
This day will always be remembered because of the actions of a coward. How many people will be remembered because of the actions of heroes.

I woke up with Wolf Blitzer talking about this on CNN. Made me sick. Not a good way to wake up. 5 minutes of that is all one needs to get the point so I changed the channel.

People need to start being more pro-active with these sorts of things and finding a solution to this sort of problem. Children are the most important resource we have. We need to keep them protected and educated at all times. I see a day coming when public schools are a thing of the past and school districts start taking measures to teach their curriculum to students in the safety of their own homes. A cross between home schooling and public education. If a district doesn't have the finances to provide computers to students, the vast majority of which own computers anyway, they can always set up a "host house" where a certain number of students can go and share the resources. Get the teachers to be "host parents", or something similar, so you know there's someone qualified to oversee everything. One of the main advantages to this is that everything would be on private property. Someone's house. City councils may have to create a brand new zone for these types of set-ups, somewhere between business and private, to where the legalities on that end are taken care of, but that would be a small price to pay IMO.

People might say "Well what happened today was an exception to the rule. No need to go to extremes" I don't care if it's an exception to the rule or not. 28 children victims are 28 too many. Or my favorite argument: " Don't let emotions rule your decisions" Sorry, but if you don't feel emotions about something like THIS then you're dead inside. People need to stop talking about what went wrong and start talking about what we can do to keep this from happening again. Something realistic that can implemented without too many rules and regulations getting involved.

Those sorts of things tend to bog things down anyway.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by bdb818888

Wrong! There already IS a NWO, you just don't recognize it. They are just putting the capstone on the top of their pyramid.

Sorry you don't see it. Just like so many others who are completely oblivious. Dream on about your Utopian society where nobody has guns and all the little children are safe because govt loves them. That is the biggest farce. It is nothing but disaster on a massive scale with the Elite at the top controlling everything.
Find out about UN Agenda 21. I don't know how many times I have to say it. A gazillion times if necessary.

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