Three of the most horrific events coming out of Syria recently have been buried, as have many others, by the mainstream western media.
I wonder why they have done very little reporting on the story of the Ukrainian Journalist Anhar Kochneva and whether she will be executed:
The link shown there is from the BBC but it has had very little coverage on the BBC and often lacks wider details surrounding the issue.
I have seen nothing of the story of the FSA executing 20 unarmed men in Damascus and nothing also of the 13 unarmed men executed in a northern town
There too has been nothing said of the disgusting and highly upsetting video of a CHILD being forced to hack off the head of an unarmed man.
My question is not why these things are happening. It's a war, people do aberrant things but why it isn't being reported.
I for one do not believe that the SOLE reason is that the media is controlled from within by people with a vested interest in the continuation of
I was wondering if perhaps it is the same reason that we don't report the help we have given to a lot of rebel fighters in that region of late.
The same reason we have not (in Britain at least) reported the arms deals that went on between ourselves and Israel, British made bullets, weapons and
vehicles used to kill people in a war that we should have nothing to do with (either side) in any kind of military sense? (would we sell Hamas the
same weapons? I would love neither side to get our help to kill people)
The same reason we only report negative stories coming out of some of the more democratic and independent South American countries?
My hunch is that it is believed my media outlets that society finds it hard to see TWO highly negative sides to a conflict. That we have a monster
and 'freedom fighters' or the 'good side fighting for hope and justice' and the media know that we all love a witch-hunt.
I suspect that in part they are right. People in part often don't want to see that the side they have been supporting, feeling empathy for or even
just observing to be oppressed or 'defending themselves' are also 'The bad guys'.
After showing reports regarding Syrian soldiers attacking and bombing towns creating bloodbaths you have created the Davis vs Goliath image and have
created another Middle eastern dictator for us to hate you have people wanting to tune in to see if the oppressed have risen up do you then go and
show that the oppressed are the people hiding from the conflict and the people that many of their viewers have now possibly been cheering are too just
monsters with a frightening agenda?
However, this said, all the people I have spoken to that know only what media outlets such as the BBC, CNN, Sky News and the mainstream newspapers
report in the front ten pages or so have seemed to be glad that they now (after a usual and perhaps annoying and tiresome rant from myself) know that
there is very much TWO sides that do not need or deserve our help or support.
That said people do often look or sound disheartened and hopeless when they find that there IS now good guys involved in the battle!
edit on
14-12-2012 by b14warrior because: (no reason given)