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How I know God exists.

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:12 AM
this is why it is useless to talk to strict religous people, they dismiss you and anything you say as being demonic, this is exactly the problem people had with the christian religion during the dark ages, and that we are currently having with islam.
they can not understand that people who are NOT religous, can be good, loving people. it simply does not make sense to them

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:14 AM
I doubted Christianity even as a child, but as I got older, growing up in a highly religious household, I did just as you suggested, OP; I asked God to help me find the truth. For a long, long time. But the truth I found is nothing like the truth you found. My truth is that I find your truth, and every other idea about religion and spirituality, to be suspect. I think we have blindly followed the old ways long enough, and there is no reason whatsoever, other than to hold ourselves back as a species, to live life thru faith only. I will not be controlled by this dogma any longer, and it that spiritual/religious dogma itself that will always keep you in blinders and keep you from the real truth.

That is what really bothers me about these debates. You claim to hold the 'truth', but in fact, your highly subjective idea of what truth may be is just that, YOUR TRUTH, not everyone elses. It never has been. And it NEVER will be.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by iSHRED

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne

Originally posted by iSHRED
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

If i said that, is there any chance of leading anyone on here to discovering the truth?

It was actually one of the first words you said; to me the rest was elaboration. Maybe others won't see it as I do and your plight might not be in vain. But my opinion means nothing here, as it shouldn't.

Would you admit that The Bible is where your truth came from, and in fact how you've come 'know' it?

The bible contains all the truth but without prayer and fellowship with God you may not understand what you read.

Like if i had a book on quantum physics i wouldnt understand it. But if i had the same book and sat down with an expert on the subject im sure he would make clear things i would have not otherwise figured out.

Yes the bible is a very different read once you feel god/holy spirit. You are feeling 2 chakras now aren't you or whatever you wish to call the change in you?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:34 AM
Way i see it is that in every religion there's a way of feeling enlightened, Visit from the holy ghost, nirvana, Moksha, Gnosis etc etc. Many, many routes to the same destination. My question would be does the feeling remain or does it fade with time and leave the memory of the feeling. Neuro-chemistry is a strange thing.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:44 AM
Does anyone here think that it's possible that if you believe in something hard enough, you can convince yourself it is real? I'm talking about self-delusion. It happens all the time, how do we know this isn't any different?

Can I pray to a tree and truly believe that it is god, then feel that it loves me more than anything...because I truly believe it is god?

Can I pray to the air, thinking that an all-mighty invisible being is truly listening to me, and cares about what I am saying, that I might delude myself into believing in something that isn't there?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Hydroman

Does anyone here think that it's possible that if you believe in something hard enough, you can convince yourself it is real? I'm talking about self-delusion. It happens all the time, how do we know this isn't any different?

Can I pray to a tree and truly believe that it is god, then feel that it loves me more than anything...because I truly believe it is god?

I keep suggesting that, but I keep getting told that's not the case. Thing is, if it was, would they know?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:03 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by iSHRED
The bible speaks about giving up your life for Christ, and when you do this you will be transformed. I heard this my whole life and called myself a Christian but I didn't commit my life to the principles and way of living taught by Jesus. One day about 7 months ago it all clicked for me. I desired the truth more than anything and when my heart was fully committed to the truth is when i found it. God entered me via the Holy Spirit as referenced in the bible. My life and the way i lived it changed from that day on.

For you to fully desire the truth yet rule out God or anything else, is an oxy moron. You dont fully desire the truth if you rule anything out. Now i know the truth and what is not true. If God is all powerful could He not give me the knowledge of the truth??? Of course He could (all powerful).

And it's not about just believing what someone tells you and blindly following anything, it's about fully committing your heart to the essence of truth and the desire to know it and live it, even if it means going against what you currently believe.

I would call Christianity a conspiracy however in that it is a world religion. The world is Satan's dominion and the things in it are false. It is clear that there is evil in the world as well as in each of our fleshly desires.

Christianity won't save you, Jesus will save you and set you free from the world. My attitude and thoughts are no longer dictated by the actions of others. My love for someone is not dictated by what they say to me, i forgive because i was forgiven, i love because i was loved. I desire for all of you to find the truth because i care about you, you will know when you find it.

Knock and the door will be opened.

Awesome ! The greatest property of hope, there is always enough to go around. SnF

reply to post by Hydroman

Can I pray to the air, thinking that an all-mighty invisible being is truly listening to me, and cares about what I am saying, that I might delude myself into believing in something that isn't there?

No you can't.
edit on 15-12-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

"Those who have little interest in spirituality shouldn’t think that human inner values don’t apply to you. The inner peace of an alert and calm mind are the source of real happiness and good health. Our human intelligence tells us which of our emotions are positive and helpful and which are damaging and to be restrained or avoided".
~Dalai Lama

In regards to the Santa posts vs Jesus .... the "fears" we sometimes put into our kids and our self is a non needed threat to humanity itself.

With any emotion... it is how we react within that sets the motion of the wave abroad. It trickles down like an ocean.

Believe in God or not.... its no skin off my back regardless.

I know, you know, we all know or we don't. It matters not.

What matters is what you do with the knowing and or not knowing that has an affect on us and others.

Truth is said to set you free from bondage. To accept it without questions is not me... the questions are already answered. Click if you dare.. lol...

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Hydroman
Does anyone here think that it's possible that if you believe in something hard enough, you can convince yourself it is real? I'm talking about self-delusion. It happens all the time, how do we know this isn't any different?

Can I pray to a tree and truly believe that it is god, then feel that it loves me more than anything...because I truly believe it is god?

Can I pray to the air, thinking that an all-mighty invisible being is truly listening to me, and cares about what I am saying, that I might delude myself into believing in something that isn't there?

The vulnerable one will but the one who seeks will either find or not. Each has their own truth and when they seek their truth changes with time by educating their self.

I can want and need a million dollars all my life and yet it does not manifest. I cant make myself believe anything without PROOF! I can tell myself all of my life I am fat and still see I am skinny. The proof is evidence. The evidence is found as proof.

For some... we have proof. For some.... Scientific proof as well. Not all can find it... obviously. Why is this? Maybe they do not want proof so badly they do not find it. Flip the coin....

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

If I could star your posts as many times as I liked.... you would have so many we couldn't count them.

Right on!!!!

I am in hopes humanity will one day be on board with this knowing and become a better world to live in.

We have been in bondage for way too long!

Thank you Mamaj, I truly hope humanity gets on the right path too....and also thanks for your posts.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Thanks for the link. But see, what happens if we're unwilling to face the truth of what we've done to this world and each other? If you were told that the reality you thought you knew isn't real at all, would you be able to handle it? If it turned out that we've caused irreparable harm by even the smallest of acts, how would we cope?

Some people like the lie that gives them strength, more than the truth that gives them sight.
edit on 15-12-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by iSHRED

AmaniYA! LET FREEDOM RING! Let the Heavens Rejoice and the Earth Joyful Be for YHWH has become and is the King!

Keep His Covenant 10 Commandments and His Law of Love in humble repentance!

Immerse yourself in His Name!

Read His True Word Daily and Seek in ALL things!

Simplicity & Blessings friends!

edit on 12/15/2012 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

Was that supposed to mean something? We're working on substantiation here, not mindless prayers.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by iSHRED

you are so deluded it's actually scary - this, like most speeches about God, has no hard evidence or even a flicker of proof. Just you're idea of faith and loyalty. I don't particularly care whether you believe in a God spiritually because it is harmless. It's religion that is not harmless, and when Jesus is telling you to do such atrocities as killing homosexuals or molesting children, then it is not harmless. Your religion does more harm than good, regardless of whether you think it gets the better out of you as an individual.

As a non-believer, I get my morals from logic and common sense, therefore I know what is right and wrong. I accept evolution because it is logically fact, and if you actually take the time to visit museum or read books about evolution, I personally, and would hope you would, find what I saw to be more beautiful than any other religious book made.

I'm not saying that as an excuse for stop believing in religion, but I think you know deep down that God doesn't exist and you're only clutching on to the idea to keep you under these morals and give you a sense of hope for when you die.

You need to wake up and appreciate the world around you, rather than looking forward to what happens when you die.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

Was that supposed to mean something? We're working on substantiation here, not mindless prayers.

No you are working on substantiation .... and pride... for this is not a mindless prayer but is a statement of truth and support!

Touch a nerve did I? There was another many centuries ago who touched a nerve with the simplicity of truth and they tried to silence Him for it... I am agreeing with this person who I respect for having the courage to stand up for what he or she believes and if you don't like it to bad.. so sad.. but I will also stand up for this one who has courage to stand up to those who would try to put down or silence in their own arrogance or hatred.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by glassspider

Originally posted by iSHRED
reply to post by silo13

Good point about getting bashed.

What I believe and what others believe doesnt change the truth. The truth is the truth no matter what and no one can change it.

so if someone disagrees with the whole giving up your life for christ and god entering you via the holy spirit whatever that is supposed to mean they are bashing you okay will make sure i don't comment on the ridiculousness and childishness of those statements. Nor will I comment on the ability of christians who have the lead by a mile on persecuting people who don't swallow the same story as them or have a lifestyle that the ancient book deems wrong feeling oh so persecuted.
i will just say that i agree wholeheartedly with your second comment, "what i believe and what others believe....." the truth is most definitely out there and will not change.

Whilst you have such a close relationship with god could you have a little word with him about the horrendous suffering he allows to not only continue but escalate every day, could you have a word with him about the catholics raping children in his name and covering it up at the highest level, get him to clarify his feelings on women, gays, war, slavery, mutilating childrens genitals, what days you can eat fish on,how long your beard should be and for what reasons you can hit your wife. i feel he has left way too much open for interpretation by the "righteous" people that know that everything they do is okay even if the good book says it isnt obviously a mistranslation but when it gives them an excuse to hate every word is the absolute truth almost written by gods own hand.
be well

Let's get real here. Do you really think the Catholic church speaks for Christ? Have you studied Christ's teachings? You would know that Christ and his true followers are not at all like the sad sacks you point out. Don't you think that these sad sacks will get theirs in judgement? Of course they will.
Christianity is the peaceful religion. Christians always get persecuted in the end. Satan and the entire world has folk like you condeming us for the actions of others. The world always uses bad examples to criticize Christianity.
But the time is coming very soon when Christ will come and make crooked things straight. Christ will rule and the catholic heiarchy will disapear and all enemies of Christ will be brought down.
And you seem to have a grudge against folk believing in a God that would allow all these atrocities to take place in the world. But the world at large has forever rejected God and his Christ. This is what you get for rejecting God.
This is the kind of world that is because it has rejected God and his Christ. Aren't you sick of it already???!!!
Don't you wish that God would come and straighten this all out? He is coming. But antichrist is coming first and do not confuse the two or you will suffer the plagues written in Revelation.
edit on 15-12-2012 by cantyousee because: spelling

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by paladinah

This persons started this post not in a statement of support of religion but in the right for every man woman and child to believe in our Creator. This is not a statement of religion or promotion of such but to say rather that there is a Creator and we believe in such a thing and that because of the badness of men, religion and the hate that comes from all sides shall not stop those who will declare that they love their Creator!

If there are twisted bibles that spread hate for homosexuals and spread deception then this is why we are to seek for the truth! There is truth and there are scriptures that are truth! Perhaps a needle in a haystack but we are to seek and never stop seeking for truth and love in all things.

On the one hand I understand they hatred of religion but make no mistake about it, there is truth and love out there and that is a very inconvenient thing to those who have deep seeded and misplaced anger against our Creator when it should only be against the men and women who have spread hate, death and anger by way of their religious tyranny... many today are not seeking for the real truth of a Creator but rather hate the idea of be Created and would rather believe that they themselves are gods...

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by iSHRED

God bless you,

Continue to live the Truth and spread the Truth,

Bless you in communion with all the Angels and Saints of Christ Jesus,


posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

I only dislike the Christian god. I thought I'd clarify that part. If the Christian god is real, then I thoroughly despise him, for reasons I have explained numerous times. It's a conditional sentiment.

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