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Bend over, US

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posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 10:55 PM
Israel demands, US bends over

If these two countries were in prison together I think we all know how the relationship would go. Just one question, why?

[edit on 23-10-2004 by Chris McGee]

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 10:57 PM
Come on George, building a 530 million dollar base for a milant group from another country does NOT get us out of debt.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Why? Why what? Are you asking "why is the US helping Israel?"

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by verfed
Why? Why what? Are you asking "why is the US helping Israel?"

Yea, why?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 11:37 PM
Why does the US put up with this stuff? They've attacked you, are a constant drain on your economy, have helped alienate you throughout the world, why?

Like the thread title, israel says 'bend over' and the US does it, takes it and even says it felt good afterwards.

So, how was it for you, US citizens?

[edit on 23-10-2004 by Chris McGee]

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 11:37 PM
We are "helping" Israel so they don't begin a full force invasion of Palestine and waste everybody there.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 12:24 AM
There are 5.8 million Jews living in America. There are only 4.8 million Jews in Israel. Israel is a true democracy and is the only one in the Middle East. The Arab nations were backed by the USSR historically and Israel was backed by America during the cold War. When America was attacked on September 11th America began to understand what Israel has been facing for 57 years. Israel stayed out of the Gulf war in 1991 even though Saddam sent 39 scuds at Israeli cities. Israel did the world a favor by destroying the Iraqi Osirak reactor in 1981 which the world didn't realize until 1991 when they saw how crazy Saddam was. Israel promotes peace and tolerance as can be seen by the treatment the Israeli Arabs enjoy in Israel. Israel is a valuable military ally to the US should the US involvement in the Middle East get any stronger. That is why America supports Israel.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 12:38 AM
Why not shift every Israeli to America, give each a waterfront home, a new Cadillac, a yacht, and five million dollars cash. It would be cheaper.

The Middle East would be more peaceful, the Jews would have happy secure home, and America would be a bit less broke.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by verfed
There are 5.8 million Jews living in America. There are only 4.8 million Jews in Israel. Israel is a true democracy and is the only one in the Middle East. The Arab nations were backed by the USSR historically and Israel was backed by America during the cold War. When America was attacked on September 11th America began to understand what Israel has been facing for 57 years. Israel stayed out of the Gulf war in 1991 even though Saddam sent 39 scuds at Israeli cities. Israel did the world a favor by destroying the Iraqi Osirak reactor in 1981 which the world didn't realize until 1991 when they saw how crazy Saddam was. Israel promotes peace and tolerance as can be seen by the treatment the Israeli Arabs enjoy in Israel. Israel is a valuable military ally to the US should the US involvement in the Middle East get any stronger. That is why America supports Israel.

Wrong. We help Israel because of exactly what you said. There are 5.8 million Jews living in America. There are only 4.8 million Jews in Israel. Pay attention, America is Zion just based on the mere figures.

[edit on 10/24/2004 by Simulacra]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 01:45 AM
defenition of Zion

Titus sacks Jerusalem

Immigration of Jews to America

Jewish populations of the world

Zion is Israel not America. There are so many Jews in America because until 1947 Jews around the world were disallowed entry into Palestine by the British who controlled the land after their victory over the Turkish in 1917. Jews were scattered throughout the world in 70A.D. when Titus sacked Jerusalem. Although a very small Jewish community has survived in Israel since that time the rest have lived in foreign lands for centuries. In Europe most of the surviving Jews have left because of the deep roots of anti-semitism. American Jews remain in America because America is safe for them. In America a Jew is rarely persecuted. Nearly 2 million Jews live in New York City alone. In Germany the attitude towards Jews changed radically in a few short years from You Jews are as German as we are too You Jews are the cause for all of our problems! Israeli Jews aren't too fond of the American Jews lack of bodily support for Israel. After 2000 years being scattered away from an independent Israel you would think that all Jews would want to move to Israel. Too many worship the God of mammon (like so many other Gentiles) and don't want to leave their cushy satety in a foreign country. Let's hope America remains a cushy safe country.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by verfed
defenition of Zion

Titus sacks Jerusalem

Immigration of Jews to America

Jewish populations of the world

Zion is Israel not America. There are so many Jews in America because until 1947 Jews around the world were disallowed entry into Palestine by the British who controlled the land after their victory over the Turkish in 1917. Jews were scattered throughout the world in 70A.D. when Titus sacked Jerusalem. Although a very small Jewish community has survived in Israel since that time the rest have lived in foreign lands for centuries. In Europe most of the surviving Jews have left because of the deep roots of anti-semitism. American Jews remain in America because America is safe for them. In America a Jew is rarely persecuted. Nearly 2 million Jews live in New York City alone. In Germany the attitude towards Jews changed radically in a few short years from You Jews are as German as we are too You Jews are the cause for all of our problems! Israeli Jews aren't too fond of the American Jews lack of bodily support for Israel. After 2000 years being scattered away from an independent Israel you would think that all Jews would want to move to Israel. Too many worship the God of mammon (like so many other Gentiles) and don't want to leave their cushy satety in a foreign country. Let's hope America remains a cushy safe country.

Zionism is not just about jewish people going to Israel. It's a movement to move all jews to a mainly jewish state. Back in the day, Lenin assigned a a portion of land in russia to the jews for this zionist cause (most of which was inhabitable) and not so long ago Ghana, Africa appointed by the USA was supposed to be the center for the zionist movement.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 02:36 AM
There was a thought that the Jewish homeland would even be in South America but it was decided by the World Zionist Organziation in 1918 that the Jewish homeland should be in the Holy Land. The state was created after the UN announced the partition and Israel defeated the Arab nations. The Jews now have a zion and it is Israel. America is a land of the free even for the Jews but the American Jews have never thought of making America their country(of course not). They will continue to live in America until it becomes too hostile towards the Jewish people just like what happened in Europe. Soon all Jews will be in the only Jewish nation on Earth, Israel. Also Zion is the historical land of the Jewish people and historically the Jewish culture, religion, and people were created out of Canaan (Palestine) [Holy Land].

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 03:45 AM
I dont mind this.

mainly because Isreal is alot like the US (ie: doesn't want or support terrorism).

If they ask us to do something, we will probably do it because they do what we (the US) wish we could do. If we bombed a Hamas leader we wouldn't hear the end of it, but they do it a on regular basis.

I dont support bombing houses when ever you feel like, but they hardly ever miss thier intended target. They do what nessary to stop the terrorism in there country.

There wall there building is getting alot a critisism, but if you look at the statistics, since that building of the wall they have had suicide bombings fall.

They use the US, just like the US uses them. They do some of our dirty work, while they have more security knowing there's US bases thier, and if a US base gets bombed or shot at with a missile, they know the US will respond in full force.

Some say that the US is getting more and more "hated" through out the world. But I disagree, I think wars show who your True allies are, and France is not one of them, they were in bed with sadaam, as was the UN, and the oil for food program was a complete scam.

[edit on 24-10-2004 by Murcielago]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 01:50 PM
I don't like the wall because it goes through Israel. Right through Judea and Samaria. It is a future boundary for a theocratic, fascist, terroristic, Muslim state whose main goal is to have a state inplace of Israel not next ot Israel.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Chris McGee

If these two countries were in prison together I think we all know how the relationship would go. Just one question, why?

[edit on 23-10-2004 by Chris McGee]

Please if these countries were people in prison the US would be the 350lb guy named bubba and Israel would be the 150lb soaking wet new guy.

Bubba might protect the new guy but only because he is his #%^$%.

[edit on 24-10-2004 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by verfed
I don't like the wall because it goes through Israel. Right through Judea and Samaria. It is a future boundary for a theocratic, fascist, terroristic, Muslim state whose main goal is to have a state inplace of Israel not next ot Israel.

actually the wall goes outside of the internationally recognised Israeli boundries and into palestinian territory... clearly a land-grab on the governments part.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 06:06 PM

There are less than 800,000 people calling themselves "Jews" living in the world today who can physically trace their bloodlines back to the mixed Semitic tribal clans that made up the mishmash of the ancient Israelites (invaded more than 9 times over 600 years by different races of people means, they are were not pure anything by the time Rome destroyed Israel in AD 70 and scattered the survivors to the four winds: Josephus claimed that 2/3 of the population died during the war (900,000 persons) making it worse than the Nazi holocaust in terms of percentages). These scattered remnants are the Sephardim who mixed in fairly heavilly with whatever race of people they settled in with----so even these descendants are not pure in any way.

However, there are 14 million "Ashkenazim" in the world unrelated by blood to the israelites, but descendants of the Khazarian conversion of pagan goyim in the area around Kiev (AD 780 to AD 980).

Most Israelis today are non-Semitic Ashkenazim, so please make sure you keep the distinctions clear in your head. And the vast majority (90 %) of the rest of the world's "Jews" are also Ashkeanzim descendants of proselytes to Judaeism---i.e. Jews by conversion not by blood.

An ancient Israelite had much more in common (in terms of genetics) with modern day Arab-Palestinians and Semitic Arab Jordanians than they would have with modern day Russian extracted Ashkenazim proseletoi descendants from Khazaria and mixed in with eastern European blood groups. In other words, darker skin and arabic features.

So much for Ariel Sharon and his fake democratic government of lies and deception basing any specious land claims on bloodlines.

The Ashkenazim have much more of a land claim to the area around Kiev: why don't they know their own history---rather than continue to hijack someone elses culture?

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 06:55 PM

actually the wall goes outside of the internationally recognised Israeli boundries and into palestinian territory... clearly a land-grab on the governments part.

The west bank is Judea and Samaria. Israelis call the the Northern west bank Judea and the Southern west bank Samaria. So the fence does go through Judea and Samaria.


Amadeus being a jew is not a nationality. Judiasm is a religion. There are many Christian nations. There are many Muslim nations and there is also a Jewish nation. There are 13.5 million Jews in the world and 1/3 of the Jews live in Israel not necesarilly because their ancestors lived their a long time ago but because Israel is a land for the Jewish people. Just recently all but a few hundred of the Ethiopian Jews moved to Israel. Why? Because Israel is the worlds only Jewish nation. I'm not moving to Israel because of bloodlines I'm moving there because it is the only Jewish nation.

[edit on 10/24/2004 by verfed]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by verfed

actually the wall goes outside of the internationally recognised Israeli boundries and into palestinian territory... clearly a land-grab on the governments part.

The west bank is Judea and Samaria. Israelis call the the Northern west bank Judea and the Southern west bank Samaria. So the fence does go through Judea and Samaria.

[edit on 10/24/2004 by verfed]

As far as I know Israel was never granted the west bank or the Gaza strip in the original UN agreement... therafore arguably has no claim to it.

The clause in the UN contract however allows Israel to use the zones as buffers in the event it is threatened... though today the only threat it might face is Iran.

Legally Israel has no right to be in the west bank?...

almost 300,000 palestians were displaced when Israel was created as the Israelies would not grant them citizenship... thereafore they had to move somewhere... those places being Gaza and the west bank

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 08:38 PM
Israel accepted the UN partition plan in 1947 while the Arabs rejected it. Israel won Judea and Samaria and Gaza in the Six Day War from the Jordanians and the Egyptians. Israel in defense of itself destroyed the Arab armies preemptively theryby granting itself the right to the conquered territory.

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