The True Biblical Story of Mankind and Life, also known as Adam and Eve, is quite interesting,
I am going to just link to a couple of websites for people to check out, and see the amazing Truth in the Biblical Creation Account of Genesis;
Do the analogies in the pages below with their shared cultural toolkit reveal the existence of a single one worldwide culture with a seemingly common
point of origin that through the demic movement of a people (like pursed-fingers parting) that became dispersed worldwide?
1) God created the heavens and earth: paleolithic to today: click.
2) Shamanism: paleolithic to today: click.
3) First cloth in world through neolithic spindles, whorls: Click.
4) Diadems as first crowns 25,000 years ago through historic times: click.
5) Rock art 1 - from 25,000 years ago until today: click.
6) Rock art 2 - red and black human figures in Africa and Eurasia: click.
7) Common hair care products – the comb: click.
8) Pyramids: click.
9) Neolithic pottery burials: click.
10) Board games part 1: click.
11) Board games part 2: click.
12) The dug-out canoe: click.
13) The plank boat: click.
14) The Adze: click.
15) 11 points of contact in ancient AfroEurasia: click.
Let's put a stop to the Young Earth Creation false Biblical Interpretation,
It really makes us Christians look really bad, especially in a society struggling to hang onto Truth;
Why do Young Earthers run away from discussions of the cultural-historical context of Biblical texts? Why should they fear that the Bible emerges from
a specific cultural context? Will facing the evidence cause them a crisis of confidence in the Bible's authority? What lack of faith! If the Bible
is true it will stand up to the most stringent analysis. This writer is dedicated to demonstrating the veracity of the Bible through an
anthropological approach. Today people want to know that there are solid scientific reasons to take the Biblical texts seriously. This is the time in
which we live.
Young Earth Creationism is destined to fade away because the younger generation thinks empirically and rationally about the Bible. Under leaders like
Ken Ham, YEC fails to explore the Bible scientifically and imposes quasi-science that misrepresents what the Bible makes clear. Their condensing of
Earth's history to 6000 years based on Bishop Ussher's miscalculations is an artifact of Fundamentalism. Instead people should know that the
Biblical timeline is fully supported by the sciences.
God bless