We are beings on a speck of a planet compared to the rest of the Universe(s), we live, we die and then we turn to dust, soon everything we ever did is
forgotten as if we never existed, then, perhaps in another 100,000 years the human race may be no more.
Since we are such an insignificant blip on the journey of time, insignificant on the scale of the Universe stuck on a little planet. What good could
we possibly do for the Universe as a whole? A purpose? Does an ant have a destiny, a purpose?
The entire question is moot. I know, it's a question asked for eternity already, but still....
First...we're not the only who "live and die", in fact, EVERYTHING has a beginning and and end. A planet, stars, a galaxy, the entire universe(s) at
some time were born and at some point will "die".
So what? This does not make us insignificant...it's just a logical thing. What do you propose? Eternal life..and only THAT would make us more
"significant"? Maybe the fact THAT WE LIVE AND DIE makes us the more significant!
The question...what we can do for the universe...why don't you ask why the universe "bothers" to bring us about in the first place? Why did the
universe "bother" to create matter, stars, galaxies, life?
I could as well ask...what purpose has the xyz galaxy with billions of stars...it is created at some point..and a few billion years later it's gone
again...so "obviously" it cannot have a "purpose"?
ON A MORE SPIRITUAL NOTE: This is just speculation, but maybe our purpose is to learn something here on this "physical plane". The ultimate goal (of
life) is to realize that individualism and personal desires are not really relevant. POSSIBLY to realize that we are all "one"...life as such is to
teach us this to make us ready for the "ultimate truth", that we are all from one consciousness, that the desires/needs of others are as important (if
not more important!) than our own. Why am i saying this? Because many people who had spiritual experiences are reporting exactly this, also saying
that life here is only some sort of learning experience.
Only after we learned this lesson we can go back to our "real origin", then we can be part of a collective consciousness where everyone is "one". For
such a "everyone is one" reality, a soul which is still driven by individual desires/egotism etc..has of course no place. This is why this soul still
has to learn by "living in the physical word" until this soul (through or DESPITE OF hardships in life) has learned to abandon all its personal
desires for the sake of OTHERS. Only then the soul can "enter the club".
Is there evidence that it COULD be like that?
Yes...if you think about that life IS ALL ABOUT needs and desires. We need air, nutrients, health, love this or that just to exist. It's almost as if
living beings and then life with all its hardships is almost "designed" in a way that living beings always have to satisfy some needs. From that point
of view it makes sense to speculate that all those needs/desires are almost like intentional obstacles which serve the purpose of some lesson.
Ok..simple example: You are hungry. You learned what "hunger" feels like. However, you would only pass the test if you take your last piece of bread
and give it to someone else instead.
edit on 3-1-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)