I was just watching this and thought id like ATSers to see this too
Please just give it a watch its got the WOW FACTOR
I did do a search and found nothing so its been on already use the search button bla bla anyway
here you go and it is just a bit of fun
cool or what ?
Heres one reason this can happen the egg is released
gets fertilized then moves down where it gets its shell
then instead of being laid it travels(the egg that is) back
up to where the egg is released from for another egg
to be released then fertilized then shell but this time
the hen lays the over sized egg,
with great pain i would think (ouch)
edit on 13/12/2012 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)
Oh wow! It's like how sometimes a human twin, while in-utero, will absorb their twin! Every once in a while, it becomes obvious, on account of the
second face shooting out of the person's neck and such. I believe the phenomenon is called "vanishing twin".
This link indicates that this happens in 21% - 30% of multifetal pregnancies.
Ah. It seemed like a trick to me because at the beginning of the video (s)he shows the big egg next to one of normal size, then you don't see what
happens to the regular egg before (s)he cracks the large egg.