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Anonymous - Project Mayhem 2012 Warning (New Video 12-12-12)

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posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:44 AM
How about Mike Perry someone you never heard of. He works for TOR Project. He creates the little button that turns TOR on. He bugged it and redirects all the TOR traffic to the Federal government to record what you are doing and so they know your IP and location.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

They'll be available i'm sure...

Will they be world changing...

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:45 AM
wikileaks = CIA
anonymous = CIA
Project Mayhem = Fight Club movie

Any questions?

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:45 AM
I am having a hard time going with this. They are getting so corny and mainstream, I think they are cointelpro.
If you just wanted to get info out there and help the people of the world, why make a symbol and a 17 second intro to show it off?

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by alfa1

I commented on the video regarding leaks coming in the next 12 days. That is all I have to say.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

And that is half the reason the countries going broke. We have too many CISSP certificate holding hackers working for the goverment. What are these private contractors at like 9000 strong now. And the military wants to build thier own now.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Some info in the title and OP is wrong. The video states that it was released on the 11th and the events it describes will take place over the subsequent 10 days, so y'know THE WORLD ENDS n stuff.

Remember kids, before Anonymous became synonymous with enturbulation and the other moral crusades, it was a gang of internet trolls. It was an internet hate machine before it was a "hacktivist force for good" and for the lulz was the motto before "free assange" or whatever cause the identity has been hijacked for lately.

There are three things that this video could be:
- True
- Disinfo
- Troll

I'm inclined to go with the troll idea considering the timing and the wooly message, notice how they didn't actually release any information? If you look at any group calling themselves Anonymous through history, post-scientology they have always announced themselves with an action, not a vague warning that something might happen.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Anonymous is a front for Islamic Jihad.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno
Anonymous is a front for Islamic Jihad.

No it isn't.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:11 AM
I tend to agree with all the 'doubting Thomas's' in this department.

What happened the 'Internet Blackout'? That never materialised beyond rumour.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by sharkz

I don't get why anybody thought that was something other than "for lulz" or whatever they call it. It would not support their cause at all.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

I used to buy into the Anon mindset. That Anon was the good guys and they were going to help the regular people. As time goes on I'm becoming more and more suspicious of those who promise change, truth, and most importantly security..sound familiar?

What if all of this is just a massive deception? A psy ops project to control the populations 'free will? There are so many possibilities it is mind boggling.

"Everything you have been told is a lie" From whom? the government? Anonymous? Are they one in the same?

Time will tell.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by ShadowBase

Well i did think why would they hurt the ordinary person with the 'Internet Blackout' but bottom line, it would have been a show of strength. The other side of this could have been if the 'PTB' had wanted to discredit 'Anon' and destroy their popularity with the masses they may have infiltrated and impersonated them and threatened the blackout.

If.... as you say it was just for a laugh this further discredits their claims. What's the point of taking anything 'Anon' says seriously.
edit on 12-12-2012 by sharkz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:55 AM
Operation latte thunder, go! The first rule of...

This project Mayhem better be something big or maybe they've seen too many movies. I'll be very interested to see what they do.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by sharkz

How do we know this is from anonymous and not someone else's impersonation?

It matters not. Its the same difference.... It is an Official Anon video. Yet its not...

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Dispo

There are three things that this video could be: - True - Disinfo - Troll I'm inclined to go with the troll

Its not troll.... Check Operation Tyler... Its an almost working platform that will works on a Tor network. Like WL on steroids. Peeps have been working on thiz for a while now..

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by purplemer

It looks like someone has developed a cloud version of wikileaks.

“TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P cipherspace structure impregnable to censorship. TYLER will improve where Wikileaks could not. In other words TYLER will be a Wikileaks on steroids.”

The activists reveal that on the symbolic date of November 5, TYLER will be out of beta testing and in the timeframe between December 12 and December 21, 2012, it will be put to use.

During this time, everyone who supports the movement is advised to gather as much information as they can on illegality, fraud and corruption and upload it to the new service.

Notice that last paragraph? The developers of TYLER have no new information to put out, they say the same in the video "imagine YOU leak it all."

It will be a much more stable version of WL sure, last time WL had big news it was attacked and ended up inaccessible for a while, but it was mirrored and restored. That couldn't happen to TYLER.

The whole thing is a platform, like wikileaks, but stronger. They don't actually have anything to stand on that platform just yet.

The whole thing is a bad idea, it just means the next SOPA or PIPA will give ISPs the power to block p2p traffic without a special pass or something similar to prevent the use of TYLER under the guise of fighting piracy.

As for "project mayhem" I look forward to the 6 maladjusted tweenagers in masks of shame around the world protesting in the streets. Their antics often end up on youtube and provide an amusing diversion for an hour or so.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Dispo

Yes it will take leaked information to make it work and peeps have been collecting stuff to put up on it. Its not a bad idea. It is a good idea. It is like WL but more robust.

Why do you think its a bad idea. It is trying to protect freedom of speech. Some countries like China have tried to block tor traffic. They failed because TOR morphed into disguising itself as a different type of traffic. Its easy to criticise but I am glad peeps are trying.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Who has been collecting information for it?

I think it's a bad idea because it will provide the lawmakers with yet another excuse for the tightening of internet regulations. It doesn't matter that some tech savvy people will be able to avoid it, the majority of people will be affected by it without realising because of the prominent actions of a few.

Why launch TYLER with all this fanfare when it will only be used by people with above average tech knowledge? Why not just make a few discreet posts on imageboards or ED?

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Dispo

Thank you and a star for your reply...

They do not need excuses to tighten the internet. A lot of the response in hactavism is an effect of them already trying to control the internet. They are taking away human rights left, right and centre. Freedom is not something we inherit. It is something we fight for and define generation to generation.

Look at WL.The idea of WL is correct unbiased journalism based on objective evidence. A novel idea it todays news circus. Evidently it survived but it is not robust enough. First the US government financially tried to strangle the company by denying payment through mastercard, visa and paypal. Then it allowed the site to be ddosed. The response was vast 10 of thousands of cyber attacks across the net and within weeks nearly 2000 WL site mirrored.

#Op Tyler is a response to this action. It will be decentralised. Downloaded on many computers and running through an encrypted tor network. It will be much harder to take it down. Donations will work through bitcoins an encrypted anon internet currency.

Think its a bad idea if you want. I see it as evolution. Why do we come to ATS. Many of us come because we seek truth. Truth is rarely found in the MSM these days. It is full of propaganda. People should have the right to publish information without being witch hunted. Journalism in a free world should not be a dangerous profession. Anonymity no longer needs to be a tool of the rich and famous it should be accessible by anyone.

The news channels and the major newspaper and in the power of a few. The internet is the last place where you can access the truth. Regardless of the actions of Anon the PTB will try and control it. This is a response to that action. Anytime there is a curfew of freedom of speech on the internet there will be a response.

These responses can be seen as acts of civil disobedience. They are forms of activism. Healthy and integral to a democratic system. Do you think the US would exist today if it was not for forms of activism and people stepping out the remit of law. Do you think women would have gained the vote in the UK. If people were not willing to break the law. Have your convictions been every been stong enough to want to break the law. It can be an empowering experience.

As I said it is easy to criticise. But adleast people are trying to do something and for the first time in history these protests and not regional. They cross geopolitical boundaries. This is a paradigm shift in protests which are both digital and analogue in nature.

Basic Anon on the net is easy enough to achieve if you follow a few basic rule. People arrested for leaking to WL have been caught because they did not follow the rule. If you want to achieve Anonyminity on the net I have basic instructions on this thread,,

There are a number of places you can go where people can help you with these matters....

Expect Us....
edit on 12-12-2012 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

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