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SARS, War and The Return of Christ

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posted on May, 3 2003 @ 04:05 PM
Email from Brian


Ladies and Gentlemen. As many of you are aware, for ten years now, I have been telling the world that I was Christ, and naturally the world has taunted me ever since.

I have said that the 911 terrorist attacks were the final stages of the World Order.

I revealed that NASA never landed a man on the Moon.

MI6 murdered Lady Diana.

I have revealed that the World Order top brass is the end of a very old plot to take control of every facet of human history and set the Yahweh loving Jews up for the final blow in the area of their adopted homeland, Israel. Armageddon by a SARS like Ebola combination of military germ warfare.

We now have SARS, which I predicted and now advise the world that it is a test run on the masses to see how the world will react, preparing them mentally for the super bug to kill off 1/3rd of the worlds population.

Once the new plague is unleashed upon the world, no one will be allowed to move about unless he or she has been innoculated and marked as safe.

Money will be found to be the �carrier� as paper money is a vast fibrous environment of fine fibbers to store and breed billions of germs or viruses, transmitted from the coughing mouths onto the hands of the buying public.

I have also warned of these terrors and invented Miracle Water that kills all germs, pathogens and viruses. The formula is available to anyone for free.

These plagues are intended to give soldiers the reason to set up check points, and shoot anyone who attempts to pass. They would be protecting their own families and after a few hours on the job and killing a few resistors, will grow hard and be like the guards on the Berlin wall.

Take a look out your window, and imagine a wire fence and a gate with a tower, that is what they intend.

Australia is already the home of the most advanced computer network in the world, the head is in Canberra and the network extends to three similar bases and culminates at Pine Gap, where a dying worker I met recently, told me that there are ten thousand US personnel underground. There is an aerial 26180 feet deep, and being in the centre of Australia, it is here we find that this location is where we find that the crust is the thickest, and is used as a giant resonance speaker. .

We are looking at the mark of the beast. It may be that we all have to be �marked� to buy and sell, or have to be inoculated to show up in the skin like some fluorescent tinge to our cells to protect us from the super bug. Shine a light on the forehead or hand and we can see the reflection or measure the DNA response or as they are doing now in Hong Kong, shining a temperature sensing light on international arrivals and departures.

No matter why they are doing it, it must appear to be for our own good to inspire young soldiers to be willing to shoot unless you comply.

Prophecy also predicts that men will beg to die for 5 months.

It also predicts that the feet of the Nebuchadnezzar beast will have his feet destroyed by some intellectual missile flung at it by the Davidic inheritor, the most royal man, in his ancestors footsteps when David slug a stone at the forehead of Goliath. History repeating itself.

It is no coincidence that SARS has emerged as Iraq fell, and the rumours abound the Iran is next, followed by Syria and I predict Jordan and Turkey and up into the Balkans and at a similar time Saudi Arabia and Egypt and along to Libya.

I have said that the Jews in Israel were set up by the Balfour agreement in 1917 November 2nd, when Lord Rothschild made a deal to open the money vaults and finance America to win WW1. The deal was the gift of Israel from Turkey, then set up the Holocaust to kill as many Jews as possible, why? They love Yahweh who love God, albite they hate Jesus.

And why not? The Christians have murdered the Jews relentlessly and are agents of Lucifer, who hide behind the name Jesus. Overall Jews have no reason to think Jesus was the Messiah, as he did not save them from their oppressors Rome. What has changed in 2000 years? Nothing. Even GW is a Christian.

The Balfour agreement November 2nd 1917 saw the Rothschild [formerly Mayer] Lord Rothschild set out to lure the British into giving the Turkish land of Palestine to the Zionists at a time when the average God loving Jew in Europe lived a comfortable life, and no inclination to head for a new land unless they were severely prompted to do so by the SS and the holocaust.

If this does not move small brains to conclude that there was no reason for the agreement unless the Zionists of Lucifer were in a monetary position to bring the American people into WW1, to win the war and rescue England at a time when WW2 was yet to occur?

Then as this is now history, the Zionists were setting up their Jewish victims for the slaughter as part of a long tern goal, and therefore the first world war was set in motion, followed by plan B, the second world war and the Holocaust. Therefore WW2 was certain, the Hitler reign of terror began, the God loving Yahweh Jews rounded up, blamed by the NAZI regime for the woes of Germany, caused in secret by the World Order and the Zionists all along, to herd the Jews into Israel come May 14th 1948 and then launch atrocities against Arabs and Jews alike, creating hostilities aimed at further swaying the Gentiles hatred towards the chosen people.

The chosen are not Zionists at the top who control the World Order, these are Lucifer worshippers, the chosen are the Jews who escaped the holocaust. They have one thing in common with Christians, they love God Yahweh, yet differ in their fright of Jesus as His name has been held up as a shield by the Christians who have murdered them for 2000 years.

Any wonder the name Jesus is regarded as the Devil by the Jews.

The Jews then are under attack as the New Testament predicts, the same the Jews do not read, no little of the prophecies as they are force fed the Talmud. The New Testament which they reject, predicts that they will be the ones to herald Jesus on a white horse.

Christian overall are too diverse to have any common understanding as there are thousands of cults. However, its not their fault as they are not Jews and they are not the target of the world order its tools to kill the Jews, it�s a Jewish prophecy.

This is due to the duel nature of the Isaiah prophecies, one which predicted the Messiah that died on the cross, and did, and is the Jesus of the New Testament, while the Jews who rejected Jesus, are still the Chosen People who will find their Davidic Messiah.

The Jews originally, being Pharisee or Essen or Zealots or Sadducee, no matter, were witness to the resurrection, some believing in Jesus while many said it was a snow job. Fair enough. That is free will.

I have repeatedly explained that the Jews will find their Messiah, myself, and will tell the Christian world that this same man, myself, is the Christ the Christians seek, as it is prophecy.

One may comprehend that I have not been kind to the average reader as prophecy of Isaiah 63 predicts that I, the Lord, will not be able to find any man to help me. That the Lord is wearing white garments of Jesus, as He died for us all and His resurrection garment or ghost, is today my garment and is pure white, died red by the crushing of the sour grapes of the nations, being people.

The white garment of resurrection is stained red like a man treading the winfat. So we see then that the same man is predicted in Revelation, woolly hair, white garments but red eyed meaning anger, as predicted by Isaiah, and reaffirmed to John on the island of Patmos by the angel of Jesus.

The two prophetic books speaks of the Davidic line, and who can argue that the �second� coming follows the resurrection, and that Jesus came via a womb, but not according to the present days Jews as Mary was not the genetic line of David and even if she was, which she was incidentally, she had had sex with a Roman while mensurating, according to the Talmud.

So Jesus has a hard task ahead proving he is of the Davidic line, but dear people, I can prove I am the most royal man alive and back it with a long list of genetic proofs that spell out Jesus name repeatedly that is so profound that my every facet and step in this hell we call earth, has been and can only have been orchestrated by God Almighty.

Thus far I have said to any agency world wide, to send an assassin and end my rumour mongering, and have posted my address on the world wide web for the last ten years.

I have asked for nothing, yet have been accused of being the Antichrist, Lucifer or the devil, and yet any fool who reads my words can only conclude that if I were Lucifer, I would have no need to flap my yap as Lucifer is already in charge behind the shadows and it is Charles.

Or is it remotely possible they have not heard of me, if not, send them this letter.

I have presented the cure for SARS and AIDS and a host of lethal diseases and invented Miracle Water which I give freely to anyone who wants the recipe to make your own.

The SARS epidemic is man made, and comes at a time when the fake terror vengeance by the willing, have taken Iraq, next is either Iran, Jordan, Syria, then Turkey and Egypt and a final blow against the Jews in Israel.

Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 04:06 PM

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 04:28 PM
I've already spoken with Ycon about Brian and what I believe about him. Although I'm not going to lie this is all interesting.

Truth, if your reading this, please u2 me about your thoughts on this post.

We now have SARS, which I predicted and now advise the world that it is a test run on the masses to see how the world will react, preparing them mentally for the super bug to kill off 1/3rd of the worlds population.

Once the new plague is unleashed upon the world, no one will be allowed to move about unless he or she has been innoculated and marked as safe.

Money will be found to be the �carrier� as paper money is a vast fibrous environment of fine fibbers to store and breed billions of germs or viruses, transmitted from the coughing mouths onto the hands of the buying public.

^^ What I found interesting.

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 04:47 PM
can you please tell me, who is this guy Brian you are talking about
Does he have a website or something? or is he ATS member..
tell me more about it please

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 05:30 PM
Brian is not a member of ATS, but he has been discussed here many times in the past. I have known him for over 2 years and his information is on my site.

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 05:59 PM
The only differance between Jesus and Brian, is Jesus does'nt belive that he is Brian.

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 06:09 PM
haha good one Maddas
this guy is completely rediculous, he is either posessed or just sick
i cant believe somebody actually believes him...

just a reminder from bible:

1 Timothy 4:1
Instructions to Timothy

1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

you still have time to return to Jesus, who is the only truth, path and life

[Edited on 3-5-2003 by Megaquad]

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 08:08 PM
Alright, Ycon1111, finally got my email back up and working....changed it from Mac455 or watever to Mac223....About this....very interesting post...just bumping it

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Megaquad
Jesus, who is the only truth, path and life

I strongly disagree. God is greater than a messenger of God.

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 08:24 PM
I strongly disagree. God is greater than a messenger of God.
True another_one, I agree with you on this...God's messenger would be less powerful than God itself..even though Jesus was still the truth...God would be more powerful, Jesus was God's son...

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Ycon
MI6 murdered Lady Diana.

Who is m16

It is no coincidence that SARS has emerged as Iraq fell, and the rumours abound the Iran is next, followed by Syria and I predict Jordan and Turkey and up into the Balkans and at a similar time Saudi Arabia and Egypt and along to Libya.

I don't see the connection ?!?!?

The deal was the gift of Israel from Turkey, then set up the Holocaust to kill as many Jews as possible, why? They love Yahweh who love God, albite they hate Jesus.

The Jewish people were being killed, then they were given the land after the War weren't they. Wasn't it like 1943. I'm not sure can some one help me out.?!?!

And why not? The Christians have murdered the Jews relentlessly and are agents of Lucifer, who hide behind the name Jesus. Overall Jews have no reason to think Jesus was the Messiah, as he did not save them from their oppressors Rome. What has changed in 2000 years? Nothing. Even GW is a Christian.

Now I must admit... This guy is tottaly off. The Roman empire eventually fell. Unless he is saying were living in Rome now?!?!

Overrall...not swayed. T

[Edited on 4-5-2003 by abstract_alao]

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 12:27 AM

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 12:56 AM
Hi all Brian here, Connie sent me your responses.

The SARS outbreak.

As many of you may recall, I first started sending information to ATS some time ago, explaining that the Jews are the focal point of modern times as the prophecies of the Old Testament writers, Genesis, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Jeremiah, all link together to predicts two things that cements it all together.

A duel Davidic prophecy in Isaiah, which most think is singular.

A suffering Messiah who dies on the cross, then the confusing part, a conquering Messiah of the Davidic line genetically.

The Jews were not liberated from oppression, and Rome extended its iron fist and killed them relentlessly and Jerusalem falling on April 6th 70 AD.

But the duality is separated by 2000 years with first coming of Jesus and the second coming of Christ.

Jesus set the stage for his return.

The confusion is joining the two at the one time and place.

The Jews rejected Jesus and adopted the Talmud, other became followers if the Devil via Paul the murdering self appointed apostle, which dominates all Christian churches.

Genesis 49:10 tells us that Shiloh, the Messiah as Christ in the end time, will take over the world when the Jews gather to him.

Isaiah predicted Jesus the son of God, would be born, Isaiah 7:14, confirmed by Matthew 1:23, which is the Immanuel Hebrew name, to Emmanuel Greek.

This verse states that Jesus, the �Emmanuel� or God with us, was God �in� the flesh. Isaiah goes on to predict he would die, releasing God from his blood and made references to David�s Psalms with the crucifixion to come.

The Jews at the time of Jesus looked for the second half of the duel Isaiah prophecy, which is a Messiah that would rid them from Roman oppression.

Oppression by any name is oppression and the church of Rome presided over the world religions and governments then and now.

Rome has been in power ever since, as the catholic Church has never fallen, even though governments make a charge at power, even Germany is primarily an offspring religiously from the same Roman Catholic, Martin Luther spearheaded another tentacle so the worlds power is in the hands of either Protestant or Catholic with Freemasonry and Zionists of Lucifer devotion in charge of the apocalyptic horses.

All Christian churches are primarily offshoots of the Catholic Roman Church.

So the Jews have not been saved from the �Roman� church or Roman power influence of governments from Russia to England, even GW Bush hovers behind the shield of Christian rhetoric, albeit he is a Satanist Skull and Bonesman as was his father and his 5 merry men in the White House.

This has to be so as the bible predicted it. Jesus said so.

The Emmanuel prophecy Matthew 1:23 has a value in Greek gematria of 8880, and the name Jesus has a value of 888. Gematria was commonly used in all ancient languages, a kind of mathematical balance to those who wrote for kings. A letter has a value, DAVID in English would be 4 1 22 9 4 and is we multiply them we have 3168, which confirms Lord Jesus Christ as these Greek gematria is 800 888 and 1480 to total 3168. Or hydrogen 1.0080 x Pi is 3168 or the earth width added to the moon width is also 10080 x Pi = 3168. Even the orbits of all planets added and divided by Pi results in 3168 billion miles, so clearly these numbers were intended to carry a proof to the scholars and the end time masses via the internet, after all God did it and left the trail.

Coincidence? No it is above mathematical possibility to be happenstance.

This is why I have attempted to reveal my presence as the Christ today. Scoffers may and do, say the nastiest of things to me or Connie, which is expected as some say it is insanity or blasphemy.

I suggest you hire the Bruce Willis movie Unbreakable, he plays the part of a man who survives a train wreck and is sort out by a man who has a theory that he is on one end of the human scale of �hero� who like superman extrapolated to cartoon form, is the basis for comic book heroes, like the Messianic figure in childish form.

This fellow Willis plays is named David, the same name as the predicted messianic offspring genetically the Jews seek today, as they look for a physical David messiah to free them from the Roman �Christian� world. In fact as the story unfolds, a portrait emerges of a man who is a super athlete, but gave it up for love, has never been sick and miraculously is aware of evil in people and can feel the presence of evil in a person as they walk past him in a crowd.

He can �see� visions of that persons actions.

He eventually starts to see that he is different to others and finally follows a man to a house where the man had tied up the family, murdered the parents and was about to murder the children, when David saves them.

Point of the story, it�s a true story.

I have led my life like that but so many things have been presented to me by the Almighty, that I began to search the scriptures and for that matter, all available information on the mysteries of the earth.

Many times I have escaped death, and the circumstances were such that unless there was a God looking over my situation, there would be no man typing this letter to you now.

Let us go back to the Jesus number 888. Today is May 4th and is my daughters birthday. She was born in Port Alberni Canada when on May 4th 1968, the duration of sunlight was 888 minutes for that latitude on that date, sunrise to sunset. as it is the same each year.

OK so what? I was 8880 days old.

Later in my research, I found the gematria for Emmanuel Matthew 1:23 is 8880 in Greek Gematria.

Like any of you, I did not like to assume anything that could remotely aligned me with Christ, but that was my reality, so I kept it in the �very interesting� category of private thoughts.

Out of desperation and curiosity, I looked at the sunlight for my birth on January 11th 1944 in Sydney Australia, and found an even greater coincidence, something that is so rare I have yet to calculate the odds, but is so.

The moon rise and set varies from year to year as the day is 29.53 earth days long so a common denominator of January 11th each year is thousands of moon cycles apart and id above my math capability.

But I found that the sunrise to moon rise was also 888 minutes.

Struck with the awe of what God had done, I calculated the time between myself and my brother, also 8.88 years.

By 1997 I had met my Michelle, we both had been married and divorced, and yet her daughter was born in Geelong Australia of December 20th 1979, and the sunlight, 888 minutes on that date as well.

She is 11.626 years younger than by daughter, and Michelle is 1162.6 days younger than I, and I married my first wife when I was 1162.6 weeks old, or 22.28 years.


116.26 is the width of the antechamber within the Great Pyramid, it was built by the descendants of Noah the Shemites, so the ancient historians wrote, yet today the Freemasons say the Egyptians did it, rubbish, they did not nor did they have advanced math knowledge nor a written language.

Freemasonry, a Lucifer cult, controls the world.

116.26 x Pi is a solar year, 365.2424 and as we live within time and the unfolding of time is prophetic, then the Davidic figure or the end time Jewish Messiah, has to be the most royal man, descended from David otherwise the promise of God, �the one whose right it is� is a lie and a false promise, confirmed by Jesus that the end time would see the Rock of Jacob, this figure, raise up and overcome the world. Biblically smashing the feet of the Daniel interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the feet of iron and clay with ten toes. This image represents the Roman Beast today that dominates all western nations.

You could say that the stone David slung at Goliath is like that, he the Davidic figure to hand down the genetic promise of the end time King the Jews seek.

Remember it is the Jews who love the Almighty that were murdered by the Zionists who worship Lucifer. Nothing has changed, Israel was established by the Zionists with the Balfour agreement Nov 2nd 1917 and then WW2 was started. From that the Holocaust convinced the survivors that the Catholic SS under Hitler, was still after them and so the swept into Palestine and Israel was set up by the UN.

Comprehend it as this is what occurred.

We read in Revelation that strange question �who can make war with the Beast?�

Indeed who could stand up against the World Order and survive, the CIA or Mossad would kill anyone in a heart beat. Yet I am That man, as I am blatantly obvious by the mere fact I have stood up as the most royal man and said, come kill me. And indeed they have tried. The prophecy says that �he� wears the Messianic garment of Jesus, the same soul of Jesus worn over the flesh Isaiah 63, for with death on the cross, that same soul, transformed from within the blood as Jesus bled to death on the cross, and released by death and Jesus therefore did this for us all. He released the soul of God, from within his blood, and that soul is worn buy us all who have been sent back to confront the Beast, as many like I are today like the Bruce Willis character, with the Davidic figure leading the small but immortal group in the end time.

As a man who was born genetically the most royal man, I have no choice, nor would I choose to not do it for God, this set me apart as I have been shown many times that death is departed from me, as I can not die a second time. So sadly, I must endure the comments of those who are without, as I am the Davidic Messiah.

Once I was aware of it, then the miracles of God increased, preparing me mentally to comprehend and accept it, therefore I was told by the Almighty to do many things, as the time factor required me to confront the Zionists, the CIA and MI6 via the Canadian Secret Service, and in doing so, gathering high ranking support.

They sat back and watched, as was my challenge to them, that I was able to open doors into secret government archives that gave me a fair idea of what was going on world wide and proved something unseen by them was doing it, which I said was Jesus.

Back to Australia on October 6th 1996, arriving the 8th, set the ball rolling here as Australia is where the world order has established super computers and Pine Gap to monitor all emails telephone calls and so on, as Australia is a huge island apart from the worlds population, easy to control as most Australians are stupid and led by their dick via the TV with relentless immorality that reduces the Jesus influence to a state of confusion, tanks to the wide spread dissemination of the churches.

The second part of the Isaiah and Genesis prophecies, tell us that the Messiah will arise out or Ephraim, which is Australia, I wont go into it here as why this is so, but obvious as it was part of the �willing� that invaded Iraq.

As I was told to manufacture Miracle Water, and make the formula available to the world, with the SARS outbreak, a CIA invention, I sent the information to Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and to any Oriental agencies I could find, but was unable to get into China.

Colloidal silver will kill SARS outright.

The next phase is the use of paper money to transport the hyper virus to come, its aim is to follow the procedures and supervene or find a way round the medical fraternity pitched against it.

SARS was a test run, a smoke screen, and when the next stage of the Zionist attack on humanity is started, a cough into the hand at a supermarket cash register will transport the virus into the paper money and there it will sit incubating in a nice warm wallet.

It could be yours.

It is no accident that the new money for Iraq has been printed in the USA?

Then to move about, one will have to have some id that complies with the �inoculation� or what ever they dream up

Temperature of the skin or some similar laser light recognition or perhaps a molecule of silver will prevent it from registering and we have the Mark of the Beast as predicted.

Then when we are totally compassed about by medical check points, the soldiers who stand by armed to the teeth, will willingly shoot you to stop their own families from being �infected.�

If this was not so, then why am I not dead? Is there any among you who can honestly say that I am an evil man, or is there any other man on the earth who has stood up and made himself a target.

So it comes down to the Jews. They, that is the masses, have been murdered by the Roman hors, be they soldiers of Christians, the death toll keeps on raising against them, so no wonder they hate Jesus.

The reality is that their plight is subversive to the extreme as the Zionists at the top has been the occult secret religion behind the churches and our western governments, who create a problem like Bin Larden or Saddam, supply the weapons then when the atrocities mount to alarm the Christian masses, who love Jesus, demand their �Christian� governments, like Hitler, or Bush or Blair, or Howard, do something about it, and we sit back munching chips and watch smart bombs take out a crowded market place on Friday night at peak hour, woops sorry.

They could have lifted the embargo 12 years ago and flooded the nation with food and medical supplies, that�s how I would wage war, pour in love by the boat load.

I assure you all, there in no man alive can say what I say and get away with it, for as I have repeatedly said, I am the Christ and they will be don on earth as it is in heaven, Jesus quote.

So the Jews who rightly expect their David Messiah will in time find me, and they will do as predicted by the bible, preach to the world that their Messiah has come, and you, the Christian world will have been told before it all happens by Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall, for I am your King of kings and Lord of lords, wether you like it or not.

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 04:44 AM
can't you see? that idiot Brian is using this bord for sending his false teachings, look at how many crap he spit out there
wake up! Ycon, stop being foolish and manipulated by a man posessed by Satan!
he is talking about SARS, conspiracies, would someone sent by god talk about world things or GOD?
you are being manipulated by him because you have no knowledge or logic to see he is talking about those things only to divert you from the truth of JESUS.
he will always have some prophecies to say, always something to disturb people, every day new lies, yet he didnt take your sins on you? he didnt die for you did he?

as for those talking nonsense about Jesus not being only truth, path and life, you are wrong. father sent Jesus, and it is Father's will to make it so.
you people trying to discredit jesus and add lies to christianity make me sick. only lie are you, when you die you will be sorry when you see what you missed unless you give up lies now.
i think its better to be atheist than spread these disturbing lies.

Luke 3
22and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 04:55 AM
brian is as much the new chosen one as i am a robot..

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 04:55 AM
but i would say that because i dont belive in this relligious nonsence..

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Mac223
I strongly disagree. God is greater than a messenger of God.
True another_one, I agree with you on this...God's messenger would be less powerful than God itself..even though Jesus was still the truth...God would be more powerful, Jesus was God's son...

"Who is more powerful?" WTF? Maybe according to you them two should fight so we could see who is more powerful!?

Jesus is not truth, path and life for nothing.
He is that because he is the only one who payed for our terrible sins, sins with who we wouldnt be able to step in front of face of Father and enter heaven.

We will be saved through him, through his act of peace between God and humans. And all that because that is his father's will.
When Jesus died, earth shaked, there was night for 3 days.
You see how big God's wrath was because we killed his Son.
And since he was raisen, he is sitting on the right of Father.
He is the second person after Father. - This clearly answers any of questions you might have about Jesus' power.

[Edited on 4-5-2003 by Megaquad]

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 05:22 AM
Brian wants to rule the world by controlling its prime source, water. Basically he wants to spread a chemical into the worlds water supply, forcing them to only buy his brand of bottled water.

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 11:27 AM
Calm down mega....I wasnt trying to offend anyone...I am a Catholic Christian and I believe that Jesus was sent to get rid of our sins...hence why he died for us on the cross on that day...on calvary. Anyways...God the Father is our creator....Jesus is his your right we shouldn't be talking about which is more powerful sounds like we're talking about a movie or something....And i would like to see Brian perform a miracle...why don't we see him raise a dead person?? I would certainly like him to prove himself....

posted on May, 4 2003 @ 11:35 AM
quote from Brian/////Ladies and Gentlemen. As many of you are aware,
for ten years now,
I have been telling the world that I was Christ,
and naturally the world has taunted me ever since.

SO, who are you now.......???

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