posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 06:28 PM
Who Are The Masons?
Masons are good men, with a faith in god, as they know him, working to become better men, in service to god, their families, their communities and
themselves. We are a fraternity that is over 500 years old, with members in every country in the world.
Those that do not understand service and faith, fear us, speak against us, and hate us. But that is to be expected. Some folks just can't understand
not hating folks with differing religious understanding, nor can they understand not prosletyzing, but instead seeking ways of working and
Masonry is $762 MILLION US dollars per year in charity, Shrine Hospitals, Scholarship, grants and service work. Masonry is fathers, brothers, uncles,
men of every profession, seeking to serve and be better.