reply to post by thudpuddy
Dear thudpuppy,
That was a great statement of sound logic in the OP. Any reasoning human has to come to the conclusion that a loving God, or any God that has any
sense of justice at all would not invent a place of fiery torment where he would sadistically torture people for all eternity for a few decades of sin
on earth.
If we humans find the idea repugnant that a human father would grab his child's hand and hold it over a hot burner and burn him for an instant as
punishment for something, what type of God would be lower than that of a normal rational human being that would not do such a thing for even an
instant to a fellow human being?
Now here is something else that a logical thinking person would ask. How would you like it if you were accused of doing such a thing? What if you
were accused of burning people but you never did. How would you feel? What if it was broadcast far and wide that thudpuppy has a secret dungeon
where he hides people and in his sadistic pleasure he burns them over hot coals until they are dead. And people believed such cruel disgusting
slander. How would you feel? As this has most likely never happened to you, you probably cannot begin to describe the anguish and anger you would
feel over such slander against your name. And you probably aren't even a good person.
Now how do you think Jehovah God feels that people who claim to represent him say that he is such a fiend? Do you think God takes pleasure in the
slander to his good name? Or do you think the lies they people tell in his name make him angry?
Jehovah himself said in scripture:
(Jeremiah 7:31) And they have built the high places of To′pheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hin′nom, in order to burn their sons and
their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart.’
One of the reasons he was going to bring punishment to the nation of Israel, and he did other nations round about them, such as in the land of
Ca'naan, was the fact that they actually literally burned their children in human sacrifices to pagan demon gods. Notice that God himself thought
such barbarity was disgusting, and that it had not even come up into his heart! He could not even imagine such horrific cruelty and disgusting
sadism. And yet people who claim to worship him and love him slander his good name. Really those who claim that God burns people are slanderers,
liars, and show they hate God by their actions. And he must definitly is angry with what they are doing to his name.
The scripture teaches us that the wages of sin is death:
(Romans 6:23) . . .For the wages sin pays is death. . .
Jehovah told the original man, Adam, that if he sinned he would die:
(Genesis 2:17) . . .But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will
positively die.”
The Bible teaches that man came to be a living soul:
(Genesis 2:7) And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came
to be a living soul.
And that the soul that sins will die:
(Ezekiel 18:4) . . .The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.
It teaches that at death human conscious ceases to exist. Just as before you were born you did not exist, so afterwards you cease to exist. What
happens to the flame on a candle when you extinguish it? Yes it ceases to exist:
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore
have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten.
These are all vital truths found in the Bible. Far be it from God to be a God of injustice and sadism. He is indeed a just and loving God.
While Christendom for many centuries has defamed God's name and slandered him, there are a group of people who do speak the truth about him. They
are known by Jehovah's name, as his witnesses. And we defend his great name before the people. And we try to teach the truth about him to the
people that will listen. Using God's inspired words as the guide. All human wisdom is simply nothing. Yet the word of God will endure forever.
If you would like to learn more about the truth please feel free to u2u me, or visit the following website: