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The ten worst ways your children are being poisoned right now

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posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:35 PM

Sadly I wish this stuff was not true, but if you just look at what's happening to our kids, it is becoming very plain where the problems are coming from. I'm not saying everything listed here is 100% but it requires review.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by winterkill

Nice catch winterkill. All parents should read this.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Meh I agree with most things other than Video Games.

There is no correlation between violent video games and violent behavior in house holds that teach violence is NOT ok.

Contrary to popular belief, parenting and education are the only things required to teach children the difference between fantasy and reality.

Natural News is a bloated source though. They sensationalize mostly everything and pick and choose the research and studies that fit their agenda. That's not to say they aren't right about a lot of what they write, but in this case, nope, not one bit.


posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Too bad we can't go back to 1900 where we can just put all those mealy mouthed waifs to work in industrial factories.
Ah, those were the days.

All food was organic.
No poisonous television or internet.
People did what they were told and ate what was put in front of them.
Very little civil rights.
Education wasn't wasted on people that couldn't afford it.
There weren't any immunizations for anything. The weak will die leaving the strong to carry the world.
Children and people in general knew their place.
Children were to be seen, not heard.
Except when you thwacked them with a The Rod when the little pests so often deserved it.

Yes, those were the days.

edit on 11-12-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:57 PM
About tv for children... look at the Disney junior channel.
It's appalling the crap that comes out of that. The "challenges" presented where the characters try to involve the kids are too easy and boring for those who can actually verbally respond, and too hard for the kids that are still to young to make a choice and react with it.

Also one thing I noticed about Jack and the pirates of Neverland is that money seem to appear out of thin air, from doing good deeds... or... solving a mission for someone.
At the end this made up money goes into a money chest which is buried again.

Apply that bull# to daily life for an adult. It's worse than communism xD

Fortunately the dentists in Denmark stopped using mercury because of the health risk.

But interesting read nontheless... thank you.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

If your going to be sarcastic, you have to be parodying something. The OP nor anyone else said that they wanted to go back to 1900 or that things were better in the old days, so your point is wasted.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 01:05 PM
Well, now I know what to expect from links.

The video game claim irks me but the education claim irks me even more.

American children are being insidiously poisoned by public schools and all the atrociously damaging ideas those schools teach.

Many schools are now teaching what is essentially socialism or even communism. They attack and ridicule students who believe in the founding principles of America: patriotism, the Bill of Rights, individual liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

They don't even have any links to back this one up. Show me a teacher's lesson plan that says "Tuesday- Teach socialism and laugh at students who claim to be patriots." Believe it or not, teachers are not out there plotting how they can make children grow up to hate America. Ridiculous.

Just recently, in fact, several students were suspended from Kearney High School for painting the American flag on their chests for a lip-sync music video project sponsored by the school.

You can spin this any way you want but I think it is obvious the students weren't suspended for the flag. They were suspended for taking their clothes off. The students who put their clothes back on were not suspended, only the student who refused to put his shirt on. Why couldn't they have painted the flag on a shirt? The linked article claims the school didn't hate the nudity they hated the flag because during another video the swim team posed in speedos with no problem. It is the swim team. They wear speedos apparently. There is a time and place to have your shirt off.

This website has an agenda. Terrible.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by zonetripper2065

Perhaps you should learn to read between the lines and consider the conditional nature of the linked article as well as the bias behind "Natural" where such things as vaccinations, toxic processed food, poisonous television programming, revisionist education with "toxic" ideas, and a number of others things that were not a problem or concern in 1900 are cited.

Mercury fillings? In 1900 they just pull the tooth and let live.
Video games? In 1900 children were put to WORK.


All these alarming toxic poison problems plaguing our children could be completely solved if we just went back to 1900 standards where none of any of anything cited as a problem existed to ever be a problem.


You may want to consider also that, I disagree with the article cited in the link provided by the OP.
From there, you might extrapolate from my stated position how someone taking such a position might not see things the same way the extremely biased alarmist trigger-word doped article portrays such things.
Do I need to make a simple Playschool level reading numbered list?

edit on 11-12-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 01:23 PM
Yeah... ill take everything with a large grain of salt...

Natural News. They are everything against technology advancement.

Few of those points are true, but most of them are biased.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
Yeah... ill take everything with a large grain of salt...

Natural News. They are everything against technology advancement.

Few of those points are true, but most of them are biased.

Yep, Natural News is itself a poison.
Surely it's a testament to the resilience of humans that we're living longer than ever in spite of all of these poisons.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 02:45 PM
Natural News like the National Enquirer of health supplements. It is not like the olden days where no one died...oh, wait thats not true.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 04:01 PM
Was taking the article seriously until we got to the topic of Video Games. I've played video games my entire life growing up, and I still do. I've never hurt anybody.

You tell us Television is bad for us, music is bad for us, Video Games are bad for us, you name it, it's supposedly brainwashing us..

Well then, what is there left to do in life besides work and pay taxes? Only women enjoy sitting there chatting all day...

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Mercury fillings have been around since approximately 600 AD, sure put the kids to work in coal mines and textile mills that will fix the problem!
Or just be a good parent that might work.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

All food was organic.

Is there inorganic food?

No poisonous television or internet.

The missus doesn't like broadcast tv. We watch a lot of netflix and DVDs. She is big on the net though.

People did what they were told and ate what was put in front of them.

This is a requirement from Lady Bedlam which I do not dare to fail.

Children and people in general knew their place.
Children were to be seen, not heard.
Except when you thwacked them with The Rod when the little pests so often deserved it.

Those were the days.

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