I recently watched this full movie with Hulk VS Thor and loki.
The Frost Gaints, punched 1 time in the face was to funny.. He treated them like children..haha. And those frost Gaints are nothing to scoff at.
Just 1 Frost Gaint would be a challenge for most heros. And Hulk takes them out in a matter of 1 punch!
This was a great show! And it showed me just how tuff the Hulk really is. Hulk was seperated from Bruce Banner, and that split took away any sense
of control the Hulk had Via Bruce Banners essence.
The Hulk beat the Crap out of Thor. Beat the crap out of Loki. Put a hurting on Siff, and almost got to Odins chambers!
From watching this. I think the Hulk under the right conditions would put a hurting on almost any Marvel hero or Villain out there!
The More damage the Hulk takes, the stronger he becomes. Piss him off, and he just gets stronger and stronger! There is no limit to how strong the
hulk can become! He also has a healing Factor that rivals Wolverine!
I think if the Hulk went 1 on 1 against anyone, The Hulk wont be unstopable!
I am wondering, what Heros or villains would be able to beat the Hulk?
It would have to be someone with mental powers. Or someone that would not go fist to fist with the Hulk.
I got a whole new respect for the Hulk after watching what he can do via this show.
I always just thought the hulk was a big dummy, who was just strong.. I had no idea that his strenght was this epic!!
I have been a closet Comic book nerd most my life.. lol
So I was hoping to hear from some other comic book nerds that would indulge me with some more information about the Hulk.. And just what you all think
he is able to beat up. And who would be able to take the Hulk.
From what I have seen.. The Hulk is just about unstoppable. The only thing that keeps Hulk in check is Bruce Banners essence.
Once that essence is out of the picture.. The Hulk is one BAD mo fo!! lol
And the Hulk totally took Asgard apart! Along with all of Asgards greatest heros!
He beat them all into the ground! And only by intelligence and cunning was he defeated.
Yet Hulks defeat was not really a defeat, it just contained the Hulk.
This is why any Hulk type of video games, I have never been really happy with.. They always tend to under play Hulks true power. It would be great
to see a video game, that protrays the Hulks true powers!
I think it was stupid to have enchanced humans to do any type of damage to the Hulk.. LOL. Or even beat him in some of the video games.
If they made a Hulk video game that really protrayed his powers.. They would need to pit him VS Gods, to be able to give him a challenge.
As Hulk is a GOD himself, he is like the God of power and strenght. Hulks power is unmatched by any other Marvel charater IMO.
Any thoughts from anyone else here?
edit on 10-12-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)
Thanks! I have not seen that one. That cross over into Marvle VS DC. But yeah. Hulk is one of the few Charaters that is very very hard to
completely beat. Most the time it ends with a draw.
But when all is said and done.. You can not beat the Hulk hand to hand.
If you try to beat the Hulk Fist to Fist.. Your going to have a bad day.. and get pounded into the ground!! lol
I loved the Avengers Movie, when Hulk grabbed Loki, and just beat the crap out of him, and Said.. Puny God..
LOL My favorit part of the whole movie!
edit on 10-12-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)
Yep good call there.. Galactus is one of the few who would give Hulk a run for his money. Depending on if Galactus is at full power or not.. I would
see Galactus being one of the few to be able to beat the Hulk.
However, Galactus would be wise not to eat Hulk. Galactus would have to shrink down to a size so that he could fit on a planet. That would be a
good fight.. I would like to see that one go down.. I know the Hulk would put a hurting on any of Galactus herolds. Not to mention the Hulk could
take on the F4 and beat them all.. And the F4 have been known to beat Galactus. I think it would depend on the conditions of that fight. IF
Galactus just blows up Earth, or consumes it, that would be an end to all the heros that are on Earth at the time. but Galactus has yet to be able to
consume Earth.
I think Hulks next big fight will be VS Thanos.
When Thanos got the infinity Gems, Thanos was able to beat the Hulk.. But Thanos also took on every Marvel Hero at the one time, and beat them
Hulk threw Wolverine at Thanos, and Thanos then turned his bones into rubber.. LOL.. And knocked the Hulk out with 1 punch! But again, he had the
infinity Gauntlet.
edit on 10-12-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)
I'd like to see the Hulk go against the Juggernaut. Hulk could get stronger, but Juggernaut doesn't get tired and can't be physically hurt. That
match-up could last for days.
Super Skrull might also have a chance. Wrap up the Hulk with flaming rock rubber while suffocating him with a force field inside his throat. The
Hulk can hold his breath for a long time, but he still needs to breathe.
A lot of characters could beat the Hulk without resorting to fisticuffs. Molecule Man comes to mind
OP, I guess you forgot to watch the other part of that movie where wolverine almost beat the hulk.
But if you want to see the Hulk really being unbeatable, you should buy the series "World War Hulk".
I'm pretty sure superman can beat him. He is as strong, if not stronger and faster, way faster than the hulk.
Also, the Phoenix, the scarlet witch(reality manipulation), the son of Charles Xavier(reality manipulation), ghost rider, Thanos, Zeus, Odin, Drax the
destroyer, the destroyer, the juggernaut on full power might beat him, Gladiator... Just a couple of beings that could and have beaten the Hulk.
Also, as it was already pointed out, Chuck Norris, and Mr T could easily destroy him.
To be hones with you, I don't think Chuck Norris is that tough. I mean, if he was all that, he would show up at my house right now and slam my head
on the keyboaadalandafjaeifalfjajfejfafjajfafjpaojfoapjeapojfapjfapofjaoajdfaljakdjf
The Hulk, although powerful, wouldn't stand a chance, as her telepathic, telekinesis, and energetic powers would best Hulk before he could even get
close enough to touch her. She could get into his head and play tricks on him without even having to touch him to defeat him. It's not even a fair
fight really.
The Hulk is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe.
There are a few characters who can go toe to toe with the Hulk. Ben Grim being a notable example.
The Hulk has been defeated before. Mostly by characters with cosmic power like the silver surfer.
I'm sure galactus or living tribunal would defeat the hulk as well.
Here is a History of the Hulk if anyone wants to read it. Marvel Wikia
That's be a very interesting fight if Goku didn't use any projectiles and just fought Hulk hand-to-hand... What level do you think he'd need to
transform to beat Hulk?
Juggernaut has one key weakness though, all of his powers come from his suit of armor, once Hulk eventually breaks it, which he would, it's lights
out for the Juggernaut. Not too familiar with Super Skrull have to look him up.
Galactus would be the one to defeat him easily. Thor if he was hard pressed could but he would have to use all the power at his disposal.
And there's a few more that can. Usually cosmic level character.
eternity, living tribunal, the beyonder, the celestials, thanos with the infinity gauntlet etc.
edit on 10-12-2012 by grey580 because: (no reason given)
That's be a very interesting fight if Goku didn't use any projectiles and just fought Hulk hand-to-hand... What level do you think he'd need to
transform to beat Hulk?
Well he would def have in speed, especially with his "IT" but he would probably have to go SS2, if all else fails he could go to 3 or use the spirit