posted on May, 3 2003 @ 08:29 PM
Will definitely be going to see Matrix Reloaded...and want to see that WAAAAAY more than Xmen2...however, I will certainly see the second installment
of the X-Men...even though I found the 1st to be quite a disappointment.
The 1st X-Men was just the scene-setter and so didn't really possess any real hold as a stand-alone film in its own right...I did enjoy it
though...just think it could have been done a lot better.
For instance, I certainly don't agree with some of the character choices. Hugh Jackman for instance as Wolverine...he does have the right facial
features and seemed to have a little bit of the 'wolverine' attitude about him...but certainly didn't have wolverines physical stature. Wolverine
is very well muscled and basically built like a brick out-house as they say. Wolverine is THE MAN! Wolverine, the comic character, main strength is
not just his healing abilities...but more his outright aggressiveness, his strength, his agro, the ability to just unleash a whole can of whoop whoop
on some poor fool. Hugh Jackman couldn't convey that.
Also Anna Pacquin, she may be a fellow NZer, but I thought she makes a terrible Rogue. She would make a good Jubilee...but Rogue? Oh hell no...what
was the casting director thinking with that choice
...the other character choices were good I thought...
...what I'd love to see is Michael Clarke Duncan (big black dude of Green Mile) playing THAT would rock...Duncan is the ONLY person who
could give Beast the respect/aura that character deserves...