reply to post by Asktheanimals
While I certainly disagree with many of the things the wealthy power holders do and the decisions they make I try to understand the human aspect.
It's not the easiest thing in the world from my point of view, I've never experienced anything like what they experience and I realize that the same
is true from their point of view. As policy makers they try to legislate for a people they know nothing about, they have no understanding of the
lives they have power over.
The life they live is so very different from the life I live, many of them probably never knew what it was like to have a loving and caring parent,
raised by paid servants instead. From their early lives they never grew a bond or connection with any other human being, a life in isolation from the
beginning. It's easy for them to look and see nothing but numbers.
In their schooling they have little choice but to join a secret society, I imagine it's much like the prisoner who must pick a gang to support for
without allegiance they have no protection. In their ivy league schooling they are taught to believe themselves better, smarter and they believe it,
have no choice but to believe it. They have no knowledge of life outside of their own, but are taught to believe they have all the knowledge in the
world. I look at them and I see frightened children, never given a chance. Never a chance to know love. So much is expected of them and so far to
fall if they fail.
I look at them and see some of the most emotionally imprisoned, some of the most emotionally battered people the world has ever known. They isolate
themselves from the public, they fear the public, they fear that which they do not understand.
I look and see the judgment that the public casts upon one another, Jerry Springer type for instance, but then I look and see the judgment the 'elite'
cast upon one another. Lord they hold each other to the most inhuman of expectations. You must hold your glass of wine properly, must place the
proper forks on the proper side of the proper plate. You must have the properly pressed suit with the proper shoes and the properly folded
handkerchief. They have so much money it's easy for those with less to assume the elite have more freedom, but I see their prison cells as much
They've been taught to think themselves better, but I care not what they think I know what I see. Their life... It's own punishment for such
arrogance, I wouldn't walk a mile in their shoes for all the money in the world. They never knew humanity, not from the moment they were born.
I might add that although I feel they treat one another with such terror so too does the public treat them in terrible ways. Being in the public eye
is probably a horrific life, every move you make scrutinized and criticized. People hate one another for the prison they are born into, the prison of
judgment, the elite succumb to this hatred just as anyone else. The punishment for such a crime as judgment, you will bear the weight of hatred from
all sides.
Honestly there is no one in this world whose shoes I would walk a mile in. There is no good in this world. There is no good in this world. There is
nothing. There is nothing I could think of, no prison, no foreign planet, there is no stretch of the imagination I can think of that would be a worse
hell than what is right here on this earth.
I'd have killed myself long ago if it weren't for the obviousness of the truth. Religion was right, hell does exist and is as described. If there is
a hell, if there is a satan...
edit on 9-12-2012 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)