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Great Bigfoot vids, have these been posted?

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posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 10:56 PM
So was perusing around youtube and found some videos, not sure if theyve been posted yet, so thought I would do the honors, enjoy and lets get a good discussion going about, sightings, any good evidence overlooked, and the like.

Filmed outside San Antonio at 8am on Sept. 6th 2012.

This one's by my neck of the woods in the sierras, just audio though, no sighting

This too is in my mountains, in sequoia national park

This is canada, filmed by timbergiantbigfoot, I strongly suggest checking this channel out, some really good ones, but alot of blobsquatches. Its in the background on this video at about 2:40- 2:47

so there it is, just a few videos I found that I thought seemed interesting, what do you all think?

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by fettman89

I think the only Big Foot videos not already posted here, are the ones that BF took of himself.....

ATS has a huge BF following, any new vids get posted post haste. One of our MODS, JohnnyAnonymous, is a BF researcher, and a frequent guest on our ATS Live Radio shows. You should tune in sometime.

But, TY for bringing BF back to the forefront as a topic.


edit on 8-12-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by fettman89

Any time you have doubt about it there is a search engine, use it. One of these days you will go to the trouble of posting a thread and get ridiculed for it. Save yourself the hassle, don't ask search first.


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by fettman89
So was perusing around youtube and found some videos, not sure if theyve been posted yet, so thought I would do the honors, enjoy and lets get a good discussion going about, sightings, any good evidence overlooked, and the like.

Filmed outside San Antonio at 8am on Sept. 6th 2012...

This one's by my neck of the woods in the sierras, just audio though, no sighting...

This too is in my mountains, in sequoia national park...

This is canada, filmed by timbergiantbigfoot, I strongly suggest checking this channel out, some really good ones, but alot of blobsquatches. Its in the background on this video at about 2:40- 2:47...

so there it is, just a few videos I found that I thought seemed interesting, what do you all think?

edit on 12/8/2012 by BrokenAngelWings33 because: Edit

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by fettman89

Yes, several if not all those videos are likely here on ATS.
If a video on Youtube has more than a dozen views and was uploaded more than a day or two ago, it's probably here on ATS.

Thank you for the effort, but, please, try using the search function here on ATS before posting videos.
Further, as far as posting videos goes, you're, erm, doing it wrong: Click SHARE on the youtube video you want to post, and you'll see something like http ://
Copy the 123blah_Blah, or whatever it is after the slash, and then here, on ATS, click on the VID/YOUTUBE button above the window where you post a comment and paste the 123blah_Blah.

You'll then get something like this:

Remember, don't worry about the http :// just paste the letters and numbers after the slash.

Good luck. Enjoy.

EDIT: hah! BrokenAngelWings is much faster than I.

edit on 8-12-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Well Destiny beat us both. LOL. But yes you are a day late and a dollar short!

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:52 PM
I think you should post the best video first.
I'm not going to make to the second one after watching that nonsense.
It's always the same partial view, shaky camera, too many trees.
Show me some bones and I might watch another video.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Truth be told I didn't watch any of them, but I did help tidy up his thread a bit.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I would have to agree with you, when it comes to " bigfoot " videos it should read:

Video of forest, with extra shaky zoom sequence, enjoy

I have never seen a video that has changed my mind on the subject of bigfoot, I'm still waiting for a good video or better yet a dead body = 100% proof.


posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:43 AM
Well then... now I see why people dont post much lol, as far as the post being "untidy" my bad, but It does quite bother me when people say what or what not to do, so yeah.... there it is then.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by fettman89

I thought you would appreciate the assistance, if someone wanted to view the videos and make an informed decision I wanted to make it easy for them, but don't think just because you post something that everyone is going to come and jump right in and be excited about something that has been knocked around before, if you find relevant material people will gladly give a look at it, they still may not is the ATS motto...deny ignorance that causes people to question what ever they do happen to see in here. I have seen everyone of these videos before, and none of it convinces me that BIGFOOT exist, it doesn't mean I don't think the possibility exist though, like UFO's, getting people to believe anything requires absolute irrefutable proof, which is very hard to come by.


posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:16 PM
well thanks much then

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by fettman89

Because we here probably HAVE seen, heard of or discussed every topic you can think of...and even some you couldnt its defeatingly unimpressive to find someone posting without search 1st in the search engine here provided.

Its your search function too...and works quite well. Try it...

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:31 PM
well mysterious ranger, since your so keen on research first, youd see you wouldnt have to say all that because others already have, so thanks for being trivial.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:05 AM
I actually liked the camper video. It's the best video i've ever seen, got nice resolution and all.

It's a wonder it doesnt show the squatch sniffing the air, afterall the camper had to have crapped his pants during this

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Your actually the only one talking about the subject matter of a video other than, weve probly seen this before lol, thank you for reading and paying attention. did you happen to see the timber giant bigfoot one? a huge black thing runs along the tree line and doubles back behind them.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 03:08 PM
I liked the last video. You can't exactly tell what the creature is. Could be a person in all black. One thing I did notice is that the it's very bulky but moves very smoothly. I thought that was interesting.

To me the camper video looks pretty real. But there has been a lot of speculation that it's a hoax due to the uncanny similarities between the tent and rifle in the tent to another known hoaxers video.

The Sequoia video to me is the best of the lot you posted. Imagine being in that camp hearing those sounds. That would freak me out pretty good. That video btw was just on Finding Bigfoot last week. But man. Those screams don't sound like anything in the sierras. Although I do have one bone to pick about that last Finding Bigfoot episode. Matt Moneymaker kept saying located just north of Los Angeles. Just north my ass! Thats like saying Main, located just north of Manhattan.

As far as the rest of the posters in this thread. Whats with the attitude? Seriously you guys sound like a bunch of snobs who woke up on the wrong side of the bed and just want to be smug. The OP was just trying to share some videos he found. So sorry he didn't check the "search" function first. Damn lighten up people. Do you ridicule the guest who comes over to your house party bringing the 7 layer bean dip because he didn't know someone else had already shown up with some. Yeah your right screw that type of asshole for not knowing any better to think of calling you while in the check out line to double check that nobody had brought 7 layer bean dip to your party. The nerve of some people to attempt to try and share stuff the thought was interesting with other human beings.
edit on 11-12-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 04:18 PM
Thanks BASSPLYR Thats kind of how I saw it as well, I like your logic, reminds me of my own lol. Theres always gonna be people looking to burn others and point out flaws, in the end, its just because theyre unhappy with themselves, and the only way to make them feel better is to riducle people, and over the internet no less lol. But I really thought the tent one was really good, you can see muscles moving and theres actual life to the face. The timber giant one tripped me out when i first saw it, cuz you see this huge black mass run across the screen, and the dude dosent realize it for a while, its like black ops in the forrest against hikers lol.

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