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Now for something completely different.....Why I Love my Hubby

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posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by obnoxiouschick

I'm am very different than most women please don't tell me I remind you of one of "those" women.....ugh I might vomit.

I think I say this once a week...

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 08:38 PM
And about my lyme ....funny I was just reading this...
about old greek medicine ....humours

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by obnoxiouschick

Originally posted by MajorKarma
Wow is right, for a minute I thought you were my 2nd wife or was it the 3rd...hell, I get them confused sometimes because for some reason gorgeous women are always "High Maintenance, Bi-Polar, Paranoid and Needy" until you help them overcome their low self esteem and other psychological handicaps and then with their shrink and girlfriend attorney in tow, proceed to go through the numbers in their effort to try to take you for everything you've got.

But sincerely, I wish your boyfriend the best of luck and hope that your inevitable weight gain doesn't sink your Love Boat and you remember what every man really wants from a woman

edit on 9-12-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

To tell the true I AM not a high maintenance type chick. I prefer to pull my very long hair back in a pony tail since my baby will mess with it. I don't wear make-up or only occasionally will I paint my own nails. I have don't money for the "frilly" "fluff" stuff most girls like. I grew up fixing power tools. My hubby loves that...because he's a stone mason and burns through a lot of tools.
The weight thing ....well I actually own every size from a 9 - 24 in women that is completely different then men sizes keep in mind. The first Xmas present hubby bought was size 24 shorts ...he didn't realize I was wearing men's pants I cut into shorts and failed to hold up the shorts he was purchasing ....I laughed so hard.
I'm like a sponge so right now I'm shrinking so bad my pants keep falling off. And I cook and eat a lot so it probably has to do with all the diagnosis and my body fighting the infections.
I'm not obsessed with my looks....I wear what's comfortable. I really don't care what I look like but hubby always says I look fine. And that's the ONLY man I'm trying to IMPRESS. Right. I ain't trying to get all the other married men's attention ...that's just stupid. Maybe the Muslims have the right idea about covering up their women. Only they get to see them. I'm am very different than most women please don't tell me I remind you of one of "those" women.....ugh I might vomit.

Well now, it appears I have once again forgotten that just because I use a photo of myself and other real aspects of my life in my avatar, like Frick and Frack my Weimaraners and my Catamaran, it does not mean others here do as well. Bill/SkepticOverLord for example often uses the photo of a good looking slim guy for his Avatar when such could not be further from the truth. Such must be the case with you and a couple of the other women who I have responded to because I thought you were in fact like the women in my life, all whom were in their time extremely gorgeous and in all ways could be considered full-sisters of Lilith

Such women are spoiled because of their beauty, which they learn and are taught to use to get what they want...yes, I suppose, by men like me but the world in general corrupts and ruins them much like a spoiled only child or a young colt that has not been raised around other horses and taught how to behave and the measure for things..the proper give and take amongst your own kind.

No,I was wrong to have reacted to this thread; I sense now that none of you women are the kind I was thinking of, although you could be given the chance...all women are but then this goes back to the telling that women were created without souls...not from the dust as was Adam but from one of his ribs.

Anyway, this is a very deep subject I never intended to be so draw too. Guess the cool winter is leaving too much time on my hands or maybe here again it spins back to the subject of women. There are Greek Myths that tell that woman was created to consume the fruits of man. I know that I sure have a lot more fruits, time and energy since I out grew women or maybe I have just out grown American Women. My Belarussian ex sure is different, as is my ex from Italy but as I said...too much time on my hands and this subject will like many,go completely over your heads like grasping the difference between a fresh cup of coffee from fresh coffee beans and a cup of Folgers Instant.

Be a good mother; the world always needs good mothers : )
edit on 10-12-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by MajorKarma
No,I was wrong to have reacted to this thread; I sense now that none of you women are the kind I was thinking of, although you could be given the chance...all women are but then this goes back to the telling that women were created without souls...not from the dust as was Adam but from one of his ribs.

Anyway, this is a very deep subject I never intended to be so draw too. Guess the cool winter is leaving too much time on my hands or maybe here again it spins back to the subject of women. There are Greek Myths that tell that woman was created to consume the fruits of man. I know that I sure have a lot more fruits, time and energy since I out grew women or maybe I have just out grown American Women. My Belarussian ex sure is different, as is my ex from Italy but as I said...too much time on my hands and this subject will like many,go completely over your heads like grasping the difference between a fresh cup of coffee from fresh coffee beans and a cup of Folgers Instant.

Be a good mother; the world always needs good mothers : )
edit on 10-12-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

Yes not the thread to get into who or how ,men vs women and all that BS.....please please do you realize how condescending your post was. Really I'm serious.
Like this part: "I know that I sure have a lot more fruits, time and energy since I out grew women or maybe I have just out grown American Women. My Belarussian ex sure is different, as is my ex from Italy but as I said...too much time on my hands and this subject will like many,go completely over your heads like grasping the difference between a fresh cup of coffee from fresh coffee beans and a cup of Folgers Instant."

Am am 1/2 Filipino and my mom influenced me a lot. Culturally she had me see that a wife "takes care of her man" in her own way. It's give and take. Men do that well women do this....... It early and I haven't had coffee yet but this is really irritating that you think American women can't be decent. And yes I do have a preference for a very nice foreign brew coffee but because of my present situation can't enjoy it anymore.

Want to see how OBNOXIOUS .....since you made assumptions about me I'll say I bet you'd be one of those guys that think women can't have real and intellectual conversations because they aren't as superior.

I DOWN PLAY my looks trauma was from being assaulted. I gained weight so guys wouldn't hit on me.
I can be extremely beautiful but it makes other women uncomfortable. I could prove it ....I got pics.....but I ain't that stupid.....I've had stalkers before. Who the hell wants that kind of attention...not me.

Does that clear up more of this mess......I hope so. Please don't make me feel like your "looking down" on me's rude.
edit on 12/10/2012 by obnoxiouschick because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:52 AM
Oh one more thing ...."those" women ....they GOSSIP like crazy. It's poison.
I had an instance when the LYME was making me MANIC and I screamed outside someone called the cops....they came up to me ...asked about hubby......I literally was biting my tongue......they didn't need to know what was going on in my life.
Voice of The Beehive - I'll talk to No One

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by felonius
reply to post by obnoxiouschick

Let me give you the "guys" side to this you "oh so hard to handle woman"!
I am married to a "you" it seems.

My bride is one of the toughest, most intelligent, loving, loyal people I have ever met.
We have been "us" for the better part of 20 years (this new years is the anniversery of our first date and three years after that when I proposed). Three years later, she gave me a red headed baby girl!
We met as kids who had mutual friends. Her friends mother had a general store us kids hung out at (most hated to be around our families). She was 13 and I was we didnt date for many years lol.
We have been through a lot of hell but made it out. Together, we're 40ft tall and bullet proof!
She being Scots/German has one helluva temper (add red head to the mix!) but she laughs just as strong.
She has health issues as well.

Bipolar? nah. I think women are Tripolar.....triple face of the Goddess.

On your Lymes disease.
I was listening to a radio show a while back. I'll try to find the guy. He treats several different maladies with heavy vitamin dosages and micronutrients. He found out that the lymes disease is a mutation of syphilis that escaped many years back up north and wound up in ticks and can be treated and sometimes cured. His name was Dr. Joel Wallach. I dont know if he see's patients any longer but its worth a try.

Goddess bless and keep giving your husband grey hairs...I promise he really doesnt mind. On behalf of your husband and myself, thank you "tough" ladies for making us the men we are today.

yours got lost in the shuffle sounds like you have a great relationship...hope for the best for your wife's health.
I'm getting excellent is a long and slow process to careful insure ALL the Lyme is gone or it comes back cuz it can hide in the body. But thank you for your info -it is good to share positive info that people need ...THANK YOU

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:48 AM

edit on 10-12-2012 by 4DuecesWild because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:42 AM
I love my hubby too. It's funny, we're just polar opposites in just about everything and don't have much in common, but it's been working great for nearly 12 years now. (Hey, I wrote on my soulmate list that I wanted someone to COMPLEMENT me, so I can't complain now.

Like one poster's wife, I'm a native German too and naturally stubborn and highly opinionated, so I'm sure there aren't too many guys out there who could handle me. Sometimes, when I do stuff that I realize wasn't exactly my best moment, I tend to get quite self-conscious, but hubby always loves and supports me no matter what. The best compliment I've ever gotten from him was when he said, "I love you because I get you; I know who you really are." Before him, I never had a boyfriend who "got" me, not 100%, anyways.

What I also love is that sort of sarcastic, weirdo type of humor. Back in the day, I thought I'd never find anyone who had the same kind of humor -- and all of a sudden, there he was! Those 12 years we've spent together seem like just a few months, but at the same time it feels as though we'd been together forever. He says he looks forward to growing old with me and hiding my false teeth; I say I'll hit him with my cane if he dares trying. We're always joking that it's not that we're both such perfect people, but that our particular dysfunctional patterns just perfectly match each other.

One thing that I find sooooo important for a good relationship is that it's easy to be around the other. I've always been a very private person and need lots of space; having anyone around (like house guests) for more than a few days drives me absolutely bonkers (I did have roommates before, though, which worked out OK, at least for a while, but even they started getting on my nerves after a year or so). My hubby and son are the only ones I can tolerate around me (and love having around) 24/7.

I really appreciate how easy-going our relationship is. With some other guys I was with before, I always had the feeling I had to walk on egg shells around them, or there was just so much friction that any word could set off an argument. Hubby and I have this habit of good-naturedly insulting each other (told you we have a weird sense of humor
), but it never gets into mean & nasty territory. On the rare occasions when we're ACTUALLY fighting, we choose our words rather carefully and try to stick to the topic instead of getting personal.

If I had a choice, I'd marry him all over again.
edit on 10-12-2012 by sylvie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by 4DuecesWild

you were GONNA say something what was it?

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by MajorKarma
reply to post by obnoxiouschick
It is very interesting to me that all 4 of my ex-wives,now that they have gone through their settlements,are finding it hard to keep up on the mortgages they have since created on the houses I gave them free and clear, and the cash, cars and trinkets they wanted as proof of my love have been spent,rusted and no longer shine and men like me have apparently become so rare; that each and everyone of them has been circling my ship with their charms and allures.No doubt,I could easily end the year a Polygamist, if I so desired ;

But one thing all you women should know and take to heart; Once a man and his children grow up, and the head on his shoulders takes control Vs the other head, you women really aren't of much use....particularly since men are the best cooks, are the best company...especially if you sail and we can alas hire a maid with benefits...... well,you know.

So, if you have a good man, better take good care of him because the times ahead are going to get rough and you may find yourselves....well, you can fill in the blank. A Woman's scorn may be a Bitch but Karma can be a real Bastard !

Solomon said it best: One righteous man in a thousand I have found and no good women.
edit on 9-12-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

LOL...I'm male, and all it took was reading your post to understand why you've been divorced 4 times. If I was a woman, I wouldn't be able to live myself marrying you temporarily for the money (not for the moral conundrum of it, but for how vile it must be putting one's time in for that payday!)

It's sad how you feel about women, but, I guess the experiences you've chosen are what have shaped your thinking.

P.S. I LOVE my wife, and I will still 30 years from now. She actually is a heckuva cook now, but when I married her, I was the better cook. Not that it matters, I'm not a 3rd-world Fundamentalist Muslim or Fundamentalist "Christian", so I see more in women than just slaves amd sex-toys, but hey, as long as there's women out there with really low self-esteem, and you keep having/making enough money to keep paying for wives, there will always be someone for you!

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by obnoxiouschick

I remember being with a woman who loved me because I put up with her crap. And that is one reason she said she loved me. She didn't improve she just got worst so I got the hell out of dodge and now I have a woman I do not have to put up with crap with...well maybe i do put up with crap but i don't notice it.

I had flash backs when i read your post because it sounds eerily familiar.

A word of advice. Give the bastard a break every once in a while... he needs it.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by obnoxiouschick

Well obnoxiouschick from the many random posts I read of yours on this site, yes all 4 or 5 of them, and I only read like half of them as they were kind of annoying and ditzy. However I will say one thing because for some unbeknownst reason you seem to be way less crazier then most chicks out there even though you do not come off as it at first by any means, in fact it seems that its the sane ones you have to watch out for.

Anyways to get back on subject, I think that the dude probably deserve a medal for putting up with your annoying obnoxious ass and I don't even know you but for a few sentences on some strange website. I will have to take your word for it on the rest of it, and on just how much of a headache you are. But fortunately for you as most dudes ultimately are not that picky or not really all that bright since they would be willing to put up with it all, then cookies would do, a whole dam batch of cookies, oh and some beer. So remember to get him some cookies and beer, k.
Everybody loves cookies and beer, its like the staple of a balanced diet.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by obnoxiouschick
reply to post by 4DuecesWild

you were GONNA say something what was it?

Well you don't have to be obnoxious about it. I got some bad advice and I'm just gonna have to stick with my instincts on this one. Hasn't let me down yet.

Originally posted by obnoxiouschick

He used to play this a lot when we were first together......I guess he got what he wanted.....

(Cat Stevens - Hard Headed Woman)

So did you.

Kinda makes you both wonder what life would be like without the other and how you managed to live without each other as long as you did. There's only a precious few of us out there who really know the meaning of the term "opposites attract".

( No. I'm not giving up on you.) That's what he said from day one isn't it? Let me guess......when you first met he did all a man has to do to win a woman over.....I'll bet he even changed for the better to better provide for you so you didn't have to work as much......but he still had to wait for you come around huh? Good thing you did.

Love is a tough old bugger. It see's through the rest of you and settles into the best of you.

Gotta love that yin/yang and how music brings it all together though huh?.

edit on 10-12-2012 by 4DuecesWild because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-12-2012 by 4DuecesWild because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-12-2012 by 4DuecesWild because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 04:13 AM
The only person who knows this experience is me and him. Do not presume to understand.....I ALSO endured an equal amount of crap. I was being polite about it.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 05:32 AM
Really kinda sad how this thread turned ugly.
So if there's nothing on the flip side of ATS to debunk, some feel the need to jump over here and debunk someone's happiness?
If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, it shouldn't be typed here either.
Could we possibly re-direct this thread back on track instead of attacking another member.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 06:10 AM
one of his favorite songs for me

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 07:44 AM
Forgive the typos, I am writing this aboard ship with distractions and if I proofed this I would likely have deleted it.
edit on 11-12-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-12-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by MajorKarma

Thank you.....I have a bad head cold right now can't think straight.....

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 09:29 AM
This is OUR song.
My hubby and I can fight with as much passion as we love. But I swear to god every damn radio station within 3 provinces seems to know when we need to hear this, because they'll play it every darn time.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

see he apologized but DELETED IT.

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