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Australian radio jocks leave airwaves following nurse's death

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posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 12:56 AM


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 01:19 AM
Anyhow, its like I said in another thread...better put a suicide watch on the DJs now.

Just depends though. Depends on how bold these royals are.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by munkey66

So you think its the HOSPITAL behind some conspiracy before the elephant in the room (the royal family)?


No conspiracy
I just suggested that the woman who commited suicide may have been reprimanded for besmirching the hospital name, not the royal family being involved.

It would not be the first time an employee has been reprimanded for a simple mistake, just this one seemed a little more public.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by winofiend

Nope. I haven't even read any of this but the blurbs all along. All it took for me was 'DJs play prank on Hospital and nurse gives up personal info.'
Next day I read, 'Nurse commits suicide.'

Yep. That's all I needed to read, really. Sorry if that makes me sound anything other than level-headed. I try my best, but some things seem obvious to me on their very face

But it's that very same attitude that allows things like HAARP propaganda to spread, or rocks on mars are rodents, or what have you. Someone doesn't check all the facts, jumps to a conclusion, and before you know it, half the internet is not checking facts and on the same conclusion. All on Wrong information.

Then down the track in a different thread someone will inevitably go "Yeah well remember when the royals killed that nurse? they're reptiles I tells you.." and people reading won't check the facts or get their eyes dirty doing any reading, but they'll remember something about a nurse, and bam...

..we're here with people pontificating about how this is ATS and throwing loaded questions such as "why are you even here then?" as soon as someone raises and eyebrow and asks "But who benefits?"

You'll forgive me if I find that aggravating.

Who benefits.

to silence the ad-hoc receptionist.


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by winofiend

Or, let me put it to you this way...

With the information we have at hand right now, I am working under the theory that this nurse was murdered. (Can't call it a hypothesis because this can't really be tested).

Now, if better info comes along, I will reconsider, but as of yet, I see no signs of previous depression
To the contrary, the hospital has said the nurse was a popular woman who was excellent at her job.

So...for my book...she was murdered.

*glug, glug, glug*

ATS needs a toilet

Well the spitcan is a polite way of saying what we used to call in IRC the ... toilet.

You see, in IRC if someone was being purposely annoying (in this case, not bothering to even consider anything other than the 2 bits of info in front of them, and worse, Admitting so) it was at the click of a button "so and so has been silence to the spitcan *plonk*" and to a lesser extent usenet had at least a filter so you could affect the same outcome and imply the same meaning using the same terminology.

A simple solution to a simple problem.

ATS needs one.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Its always fun to get the chance to be a condescending douche and not feel bad about it.

Glad you feel good.

Now about that ignorance.... that should outweigh your happiness champ.


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

This actually brings me to another know, these people in power must HATE the internet by now. I mean this is such a low-level killing as to seem laughable by most people, at least from a conspiracy standpoint.
And sure, the shill approach is to just marginalize those that see through their constant charade of nice leader looking out for the good will of their subjects, but what happens as the ratings for the BBC and CNN continue to plummet while sites like ATS continue to gain new memberships pike crazy? They must HATE IT.


What are you talking about? All of a sudden it's a "killing" and the Royals murdered her? Listen, I might actually hear out the idea if say, the person released detrimental information like one of the royals had AIDS or something... Or that there was DNA evidence uncovered by mistake that they were an illegitimate child. But this is a nurse that released information which was not really sensitive at all beyond some embarrassing privacy concerned.

We already saw leaked nude photos of Kate recently, and not too mention one of the royals smoking drugs, etc. Why are all those people not dead?

Oh right cause you made it up in your paranoid head...
edit on 8-12-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Anyhow, its like I said in another thread...better put a suicide watch on the DJs now.

Just depends though. Depends on how bold these royals are.

Yeah, just like how they killed the ph otographers that leaked naked photos of Kate Middleton.

Oh wait, yeah they didn't.

Cookoo for cocopuffs?

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:26 AM
"Like a madman that casteth firebrands, arrows, and death.
So is he that deceiveth his neighbour and says 'Am I not in sport?'"- Proverbs ch26 vv18-19

edit on 8-12-2012 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 09:17 AM
My response being that I am a nurse:
If that were to happen to me...OMG!!
My nursing license would be revoked. I would lose my job, never to nurse again.
Releasing personal info here in USA is violation of HIPPA and is a VERY serious crime!!!!!!!

Prank or not, how intimidating was that situation? Your damned if you do and damned if you don't....either way your screwed.

Then add on top of it, it goes viral......I guess for her she realized her life as she knew it was completely destroyed....

I doubt she was murdered. She probably grabbed some meds from the medbox and ended her life quick and painlessly. If she was murdered, we will never truly know will we??

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Agarta
reply to post by GarrusVasNormandy

Thank you for all that and I do not deny any of what you wrote. What they did was wrong, I agree for every reason you stated. It is one thing to impersonate the Royal Family in the movies or on the tele but to do it in an official capacity, I feel they should be facing charges as well.

My comment on simplicity was based on the basic information that was obtained. I have been trough 5 pregnancies and what Kate is dealing with, although possibly to an extreme, is a basic part of pregnancy. It is not like they found out and announced that she had a type of V.D. or something else that was truly embarrassing. If the Royal Family is embarrassed over her having morning sickness, it makes me wonder just how truly strong they really are.

Oh, I wasn't directing it at your comment.

But it just pisses me off, quite honestly. Not only this particular situation, but how some people treat and view others. Personally, this is not a matter of being funny. I'm a person who can actually make a joke about everything, it's part of life and how we deal with things.

This was just out of line... It's the perfect example of how things could turn out bad if people aren't careful with their actions. Someone already mentioned here a show where they pranked people on a fake elevator. That show (Pegadinhas do Silvio Santos - Brazil) had previous situations were people passed out and were in danger of being hurt.

As for the health issues of Kate, I don't think they (Royal family) are embarrassed. I believe they know it's normal, but they have access to the very top of healthcare, so it only makes sense they use it if Kate needs it, and don't take chances. However, journalists were the ones who twisted the story, because they made a simple doctor's checkup on the pregnancy for severe problems. I remember reading stuff like "Kate hospitalized with severe stomach pain and extreme nausea"...

Like you said, she is having what all women have during pregnancy. But it got twisted, and these guys were trying to find it out.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 10:46 AM
I guess maybe they will learn their lesson not to prank call anymore. One can only hope. Especially since they do not know who is mentally unstable and who is not. This will be one prank they will spend the rest of their lives wishing they didn't do, the "what ifs" will eat them alive and give them no respite. Justice is served.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

With the information we have at hand right now, I am working under the theory that this nurse was murdered.

What information are you talking about?

Two posts above you were saying you didn't even care to read the whole story because "it's that obvious"...

That's the same thing as saying you don't know what you are talking about and that you are proud of it. You started with a pre-conceived idea and apply it whenever it suits yours beliefs - not facts, not realities, but beliefs.

Now, if better info comes along, I will reconsider, but as of yet, I see no signs of previous depression

You found out that before or after not reading anything relating to this sad event?

And, by the way, not having a past depression, doesn't mean you can't develop one over a major event, like, let's just imagine for a second.... a public humiliation that went viral overnight.

To the contrary, the hospital has said the nurse was a popular woman who was excellent at her job.

Yeah... And how implausible it is that a successful person will crash down and burn - mentally - if they lose their job over such a stupid thing?

In case you don't know, over a million people die each year because they commit suicide. That alone shows that is a very sad and common event.

Way more common and plausible than secret black op agents working "for Queen and Country!" killing a nurse involved in the massive leak of information that Kate was pooping and vomiting a little too much that day.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by woogleuk
reply to post by lobotomizemecapin

I care, and so do a lot of other Brits. The baby will one day be our monarch, and regardless of whether or not some people out there believe in monarchy, some of us do appreciate and respect it.

As for the nurse, I think there has been other stuff going on in her personal life, and the prank call was the tipping point. Within 24hrs, that poor woman is splashed on headlines all over the world, probably facing pressure from work and God knows what else.

Different people react to situations better or worse than others, sadly she obviously couldn't handle it and ended her own life.

It's tragic, and the DJs should be feeling guilty about it, however, it was just a practical joke gone wrong, they obviously didn't intend for any harm to come from it.

You also should feel guilty about it.

The British media and people holding your opinion are as responsible for her death as the DJs. If you didn't blow up this incident deluxe with your pro monarchy propaganda the nurse might never have taken her life. People like you made it a global headline.


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by boncho

First of all, my opinions on this matter have absolutely no bearing on you or your life. If you disagree that's one thing, but to call me paranoid and make comments about me being coocoo? Paranoid?
Haha. I live thousands of miles from England, man. I am not paranoid about this in the least. Your name calling is childish and really just shows you to be an effin jerk. So, good job.

Good grief, there has been a very visible decline in the level of civil discourse around here over the years.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by boncho

Here in the UK there are procedures that have to be followed by all Radio Stations when they decided to play a prank on someone. The prank is never recorded "Live". The subject of the prank has to give their written permission for the prank to go on air.
The Aussies have fecked up big time.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 03:14 PM
I'm betwixt and between on this one. One the one hand, I feel saddened that the nurse was so fragile that this caused her to do what she did, and that sounds like I'm defending the shock jocks. But that wouldn't be right either because I have never had any time for loud mouthed, sensationalists that prey on others to get their rocks off. The individuals that run these types of radio stations that encourage their radio hosts to go out of their way with outlandish pranks to boost their ratings are imo nothing more than ruthless money grabbing slugs that are a blight on humanity. And the actual radio announcers, well the term "shock jock" really fits. Non thinking, fame craving immature little 20 something year olds who have a very limited life experience and they blindly, clumsily (sp?) trip over their own feet thinking they are in some way funny, The word jock to me, is not an abreviation of jockey as in disk jockey, but rather can be aptly thought of as jock meaning a soiled, smelly, stained undergarment that these silly little individuals show them selves as. The sandilands, the hinches the griegs, the christians (this is a person's last name), and even the fordhams (imo a bungling uncaring of feelings news chaser - can't call him a reporter as again imo his reporting skills are next to non existent (sp?)) don't do anything to enlighten society. They at best could be placed in a group that would entertain a bunch of grubby dribbling bogans who get their rocks off by listening to the garbage on such radio stations. And that then brings me to the point that these useless types of sensationalism wouldn't occur if such bogans weren't listening to those radio stations. Oh well, end of my rant about a very sad, easily preventable situation.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by GrandStrategy

You also should feel guilty about it.

The British media and people holding your opinion are as responsible for her death as the DJs. If you didn't blow up this incident deluxe with your pro monarchy propaganda the nurse might never have taken her life. People like you made it a global headline.




I ought to think its the people who lay blame on everyone for actions out of their control. You know.. The kind of people who would blame a DJ for a woman's actions, the same kind of people that probably made her feel guilty in someway, so much so that she killed herself...


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by boncho

First of all, my opinions on this matter have absolutely no bearing on you or your life. If you disagree that's one thing, but to call me paranoid and make comments about me being coocoo? Paranoid?
Haha. I live thousands of miles from England, man. I am not paranoid about this in the least. Your name calling is childish and really just shows you to be an effin jerk. So, good job.

Good grief, there has been a very visible decline in the level of civil discourse around here over the years.

I am being civil. I was merely pointing out a reasonable explanation for your thoughts on the matter. Those thoughts being that the royals killed a woman for releasing information that wasn't even that sensitive.

Paranoia [ˌpærəˈnɔɪ.ə] (adjective: paranoid [ˈpærə.nɔɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.

Does this make sense?

There is no reason for you to think some random person is going to get killed for doing something that isn't even detrimental to the person you claim killed them in retaliation.

In other words, you are having paranoid delusions on the matter...

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Agarta

She obviously thought that she was worth less than Kate was. She really took this to heart. ( Or she was killed by the palace for endangering the future queen.was she endangered?) How come these people didnt think that if the Queen or Charles for that matter wanted to talk to Kate they would simply call her on her cell. Dont the royals go wireless like the rest of the modern world? Obama has a cell phone. With so many cell phones receptionist are becoming a thing of the past. Who needs a switch board when everyone has their own phone ?

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