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Man exiled for debunking 'weeping Jesus'

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posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by wildtimes


People looking to their religious leaders for miracles and being feed nothing but feces.
I never thought I see the day where that concept moved from the metaphorical to the literal.

Very sad.

- Lee

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by racasan

Kinda gives a whole new level of authenticity to Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ"...

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

for what it is worth, I say, the conscious bastard should have let the nutjobs continue to drink the sewerage...

he would have been better off and the nutjobs would have continued to be nutjobs...

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by reject
reply to post by wildtimes

you know, some swear drinking pee is good for you

Bear Grylls anyone?

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:05 AM
Here's an interesting bit of information from

Church artifacts with miraculous powers:

Weeping/bleeding statues

About statues in Roman Catholicism:

Rev. Roger J. Smith, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Seattle, WA, writes: "Catholics do not worship paintings, or statues. They are just a way of conveying something about God, and are not God themselves. It is quite clear to any thinking person that stone or paint cannot be God, but can only represent, or tell something about, some small aspect of God.....saints are venerated in the sense of having profound respect for them. Icons and images are venerated only in the sense that we venerate, i.e. show respect for, the person depicted." 1

However, some devout believers depart from the church's teaching and attribute miraculous powers to statues and other images of Jesus and the saints. Stories of statues that bleed, weep tears, exude oil, etc. surface from time to time all over the world.

We will attempt to describe some of these events in this essay. We believe that most have not been investigated scientifically. Most, if not all, of those who have been studied have been proven to be hoaxes.

How to make a weeping statue:

In his book "The Unexplained," Doctor Karl P.N. Shuker, mentions a paper by Dr. Luigi Garlaschelli from Pavia University published in Chemistry in Britain. It describes how to make a statue weep.

An except from the book is:

"What is needed is a hollow statue made of a porous material such as plaster or ceramic. The icon must be glazed or painted with some sort of impermeable coating. If the statue is then filled up with a liquid (surreptitiously, through a tiny hole in the head, for example), the porous material will absorb it, but the glazing will stop it from flowing out. If the glazing, however, is imperceptibly scratched away on or around the eyes, tear-like drops will leak out, as if materialising from thin air. If the cavity behind the eyes is small enough, once all the liquid has dripped out there are virtually no traces left in the icon. When I put it to the test, this trick proved to be very satisfactory, baffling all onlookers." 2

This website is an excellent resource, with open-minded examination of ALL religions. I highly recommend perusing it. It's got 6000+ essays on it, and links to all sorts of references and stuff.

Now, I'm not saying the priests in Mumbai did this; I'm only showing that is can be a contrivance. It could also, of course, be a coincidence. People get excited when they see something that upholds their beliefs.


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