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What I don't get about this whole 12/21/12 Ascension buisness.

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posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:01 AM
As the title says. I don't get the whole Ascension process and I will explain why.

Firstly we all know as human beings or this shell that holds our soul or whatever thats in us that gives us our personality if its not all just programmed, is we have emotions. In a video I watched, which I will link

So that video says we will love and there will be peace in the 5th dimension. My question is, how will we love without hate? As the yin-yang suggest there can not be good without bad, light without dark. So how exactly will there be love without hatred? Or is that video just completely crazy and not know what its talking about?

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:13 AM

So that video says we will love and there will be peace in the 5th dimension. My question is, how will we love without hate? As the yin-yang suggest there can not be good without bad, light without dark. So how exactly will there be love without hatred? Or is that video just completely crazy and not know what its talking about?

Love & hate are perceptions we feel in these bodies.
Outside our bodies, it's "universal understanding."

You can't have a sense of understanding, unless you've been there, done that.

How will we love without hate? I felt love way before I ever felt hate, and feeling love would be easier to do if I never felt so much hate in my lifetime. A duality of energy exists, I call it positive and negative, like the difference between a life giving star and it's opposite, the black hole. One is pure output, the other pure intake.

We can see fractals of this duality in the people all around us every day.
Some folks can only exist by feeding off of others' energy, while others live to serve others, only giving and sharing of themselves, pure output.

If this 5th dimensional reality is our next step, then I'd assume that's where we're beyond petty hatreds.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:14 AM
Love Hate, Good Evil are dualities. This dimension we are in is all about duality and we must learn that we are all one. The yin/yang is in a circle it is the balance of what we call good and bad, or negative and positive energy, both types of energy is needed to build life it is our perception of what we think is good or bad that leads to confusion.
There is only energy flowing far and wide...

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:31 AM
I'm going to leave a bunch of dog and cat food out on the 20th, just in case I do ascend.

And a note that says 'if you can't find me I've probably ascended.'

For the people talking about ascension that is the part I don't get. Will everyone think people just disappeared or got kidnapped or something?

The duality of existence is intense...

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:36 AM
but if these emotions are only part of humans, wouldn't they disapear once we go to another dimension and we are no longer human? I don't get it at all...

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by neobludragon
but if these emotions are only part of humans, wouldn't they disapear once we go to another dimension and we are no longer human? I don't get it at all...

These emotions are a product these bodies produce.
Without these bodies, we wouldn't feel them the way we do now.

Think of Superman with amnesia. He has no idea what he's capable of.
It's only by accident that he'll rediscover his powers, TPTB certainly wouldn't tell him who he really is, then they wouldn't be able to brainwash him into thinking he's a weak, ugly, worthless human being who needs to pay them taxes.

That is what is happening to us right now.
We are far more special than we've been lead to believe.

I have no idea what it would be like in a higher dimensional vibration with these bodies, but anything has got to be an improvement from this time period.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi

I have no idea what it would be like in a higher dimensional vibration with these bodies, but anything has got to be an improvement from this time period.

Maybe you should volunteer for habitat for humanity or volunteer your time at a local soup kitchen.

It sounds crazy but doing those things will lead you in very good directions. If you walk down the hallway of life and open a door, the prize will be equal or greater than the journey.

Maybe you'll be putting drywall up in a habitat for humanity house and bumping shoulders with a CEO of a local company. Maybe he will offer you a job. Maybe your life will change drastically.

All of this happens because out of the goodness of your heart, you gave some time.

True story.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 01:07 AM
Your video doesn't work btw. Only copy/paste the stuff after the = sign.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by litterbaux
Your video doesn't work btw. Only copy/paste the stuff after the = sign.

didn't know i will fix it now, thanks.

It won't let me fix my first post at the moment so I guess people will have to use these videos for now.
edit on 12/7/2012 by neobludragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 02:44 AM
It's cool, just for future reference

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by scorpiosin

I'm not sure we understand what ascension really means, but I think that if you 'ascend' while having a body means that you become like Buddha, or Jesus, in terms of reconnecting yourself to all existence and realizing you are all there is and eternal. That means you can remain in the body, but still know that you are not your body, but actually a multidimensional being that has a name and a form but only within this 3d dimension.

That's what I honestly feel about it.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:30 AM
So, here's my take:

Our attempt at this particular "Ascension" is actually an anomaly in the Universe, or I should say it is planned to be. The reason is that we are going to try to take with us, our physical bodies on this journey. And this is the anomaly part. If you ever read Law of One info, you'll note that Ra says that "death" is necessary for Ascension. Channels back in the day agreed with that, stating that one cannot take their 3D body on a 4D and up journey, it would be just too much. Yet, as most channels will agree these days, we are going to try to do this without death. Instead, I keep hearing about a slow evolution into a crystalline body and let our DNA do the work it was meant to do, which is transform us. Not just channels talk about this, though.

GW Hardin talks about all this in great detail, I recommend folks take a look at that if this idea interests them. Further, Hardin brings up a fascinating topic about us being "Heros", by taking on this attempt. He says this is why the space around Earth is now a "parking lot" chock full of beings here to watch the show. Of course we have front-row seats. He goes on to explain that by virtue of our choice to do it this way (pre-contracted before incarnation, as all agreements of this type go) and by virtue of our DNA, we are going to help unlock the evolutionary potential of other beings as well, and in general kick some ass out there in space with love and light (paraphrasing a bit.) Being able to Ascend in these bodies, to regain our collective knowledge (including collective past lifetimes!) and apply them to our future works while still retaining the lessons learned in Duality training is a huge thing, and I guess that is what is drawing the crowd. By choosing to do things the hard way and have a really difficult mountain to climb we've earned some fans out there in the Universe.

Here's some quick links from American Kabuki, written by Hardin on this:

GW Hardin's info resonated with me when I read it originally, and now when I read it it practically JUMPS off the pages and into me.

Now, I know from this perspective it looks like NOTHING is going on, but I feel different than I used to and I know some of you do too. I'm WAY more calm and loving than I used to be. It is as if being this way is more effortless than before, and it is easier to get to this state than before. I LOVE it. I am almost completely broke thanks to Christmas taking its toll and other stuff, but I've never, ever been happier. I am just READY to move on and do something new in life.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:34 AM
Oh I also wanted to say:

The word "Love" is probably insufficient to explain all this well enough. You know how language can miss the point of something because it is attaching a thought-form with something that cannot be defined? That's this. But, if you consider that the Inuit people have I believe 7 words for our word "snow" it begins to make sense that they can more accurately describe snow than we can. (Someone please correct me if it was another tribe or if I missed the number, I'm going by memory here.)

I have heard the word, "Agape" be described as this unconditional love that is the higher dimensions. Perhaps, we just need more words to more closely approximate what we will feel soon. Or perhaps we can all just feel it and KNOW it, and that may be enough.

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