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GOP caves, Speaker Boehner says taxes will be raised on the rich

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posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Exactly, who is considered rich? Still not clear on that one - is it 180k? 250k? 60k? I can be sure whatever the criteria of "rich" will be in flux, will always be people who want what they haven't worked for.

and no, I am not rich at all, modest single income earner......who is tired of all the taxes I pay so others can do nothing (and yes, I know lots of people who are leeches)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

What we see in reality is jobs being shipped to third world countries with a much lower standard of living and with less regulations completly bypassing america except in terms of the service industries for the most part. Trickle down has not only cost america jobs,

No, you simply didn't understand that manufacturers left the country to avoid both the excessive and rising tax rates and regulations being heaped upon them more and more, plus the labor union mafia bosses. Now instead of ramping up the manufacturing base by keeping taxes low and stopping excessive bureaucratic legislation, you want to tax imports coming from manufacturing bases overseas which will just cause the cost of products to rise. That will hurt the poor here who are already struggling and Wal Mart will still be in charge.
It is not just EPA putting a damper on illegal dumping of toxic wastes, it is stuff like taxes and licensing fees on transportation. I know someone who works for himself and he has to go through all this bureaucratic licensing stuff just to drive in Orlando, and it's even worse in other places to some degree. To do the Cape Canaveral run requires extra licensing and fees. It's the little guy who suffers the most under this monster and the big guys, the Oligarchies will do just fine.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

The Tea Party Republicans that Boehner has displaced desire to live in some fictional narrative of an ideal past

Oh right. In YOUR mind the T Party wants to go back to slavery. You still have a bizarrely skewed view of that, and I wonder where that came from? Democrat inspired media possibly? Cause it sure didn't come from going to rallies or meetings.

I would also like to point out that Hillary is as Marxist as they ever come, and her scheme is exactly the same as Obama's because they are two Marxist peas in a pod.
edit on 8-12-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 03:15 PM
Boehner is a weak Speaker. Hell even Gingrich was better than Boehner and that isn't saying much. I think his home state needs to replace him...but then who would we get...Cantor? I don't trust that guy...there is just something about him that doesn't seem right.

The USA has had much stiffer taxes in the past and we did just fine. There is...a paradox in here odd as it sounds...seems to work. I somewhat understand it, but I'm not going to get into the nuts and bolts cause some buffoon will try and dispute historical evidence....not interested in that. Suffice to say, our "boom times" was when the rest of the world was rebuilding from catastrophic war ain't the same playing field anymore.

The gorilla in the room is the size of is too big and costs too much...period. It is inefficient and does not hire the sharpest minds out has to follow certain hiring guidelines and guess what? That means they are not hiring on merit or qualifications...they are hiring on sex, on race, on skin color, on military where in there is "capability"...sorry, but truth.

The only way to "fix" the Gov is to get rid of the junk that says they have to hire this or that and force them to hire the smartest and best persons for the jobs....well...that would be a start. Just removing the stupidity of the bureaucracy is a great start...everyone jokes about the $400.00 hammers and the $300.00 toilet seats...but there is a reason for that...the purchase request has to go through unbelievable amounts of bureaucracy to get approved...every little "tin god" out there has to have his name on a line about...just buy the damn hammer.

That addresses part of the reason we are in a giant hole...the others...foreign aid...screw the world as far as I am concerned...natural disasters...fine...but buying friendship?...nope.

There is lots and lots of slop in our yearly expenditures...not only in the handouts to citizens and foreign aid but in the defense, in the corporate subsidies...we could do this if we really wanted to but no one is actually serious...they want that cake and they want to eat it too....

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 03:23 PM
Why can't people realize it's both. each have their own agendas not because they are marxist or socialist, or racist or classist... Any ist...

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Was that a reply to me?

It isn't any of those things and it is all of those things. Our Gov is a cannot be excellent if you do not demand excellence...hiring someone because they are a minority or are disabled is hire the best person for the job...if that happens to be a disabled person or a minority, that is wonderful...but denying the best person for the job is insanity. You hire whoever is going to do the best....I don't care what color or sex or physical limitations they might have. Hiring needs to be blind and go purely on qualification.

I'm sure that will be flamed but oh well....I believe that. In the past when I was senior project manager and field superintendent...I did not hire based on how someone looked or their race or what sex they were...I hired them purely on their ability to do the job...I could care less where they were from or what sex they were...totally irrelevant. I always sought to hire the sharpest knife I could find....if that is a problem...too damn bad.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

No I agree with you. Im a liberal but I am 100% against affirmative action. I believe the pendulum has been forced to swing the other way to even things out and thats all fine and dandy for a TINY bit of time. But when its forced to stay on the other side, we get.. .well... what we have today.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 09:59 PM
I didn't believe for a minute these people wouldn't pull this. It's a movie. They have a script. They are all actors. They will all play their parts in taking us to socialism. And while they are doing so, most people will not suspect a thing. They will pretend they didn't have a choice. They will use words like "compromise". These "compromises" will not have immediate negative effects (That's to say it will not be immediately obvious to everyone that socialism is the goal). They never do. They are building blocks. They look relatively innocuous by themselves.
edit on 8-12-2012 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Go ahead and find the quote of me saying that. I simply asked you if those are the Founding principles you want to adhere to? Since you didn't say no and went on a rant about the CFR, once again you don't know what you want to believe. Maybe it will be Glenn Beck's next book.

Sucks being a philosophical slave, huh?

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

It is not a matter of what I want to believe. You distinctly made a connection between the Tea Party and going back to slavery.

The answer is NO the Tea Party, myself included, does NOT want to go back to slavery, whether it was the enslavement of a tyrannical King or black slaves from Africa. That is a very small part in the history of earth and slaves have been common throughout. Find me a time in recorded history where slaves were not common? How about biblical times? Do you think they were all black slaves from Africa? Even during colonial times in America, many Irish were enslaved but it was called "Indentured Servitude".
Again, it is always liberal Democrats who complain about slavery being kept at the time of the Constitutional Congress.
What was the purpose of allowing Amendments again?
Today we are the Indentured Servants of the NWO, and that goes for black, white, brown, olive and whatever variation you can pick.

Democrats will never admit that if we had tried to undo the slavery while we were fighting against the British army, we would have had civil war and we would not have been able to unite and win that fight. The Founding Fathers knew that slavery was a fight for another day when we had a strong united country.
Again, I think the primary reason why Democrats and liberals cling to this assertion that the Constitution was inadequate because it didn't deal with the slavery issue is that they use it to get the minority vote and convince people that it was always the evil Republicans who didn't want this addressed. Of course it is a fallacy but whoever said Democrats were truthful?
edit on 9-12-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Still waiting on that quote. I threw out a challenge and you didn't respond. Just more of your crazy ranting. Seriously, you look like a clown to everyone.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

But I also support 50% income tax on those making $10million or more per year. All the fat cat, champagne drinking, truffle eating, tahitti vacationing, good only for decision making, upper east side, depopulation planning bottom feeders.

Sorry I am greedy like that! Did I ever tell you how much I hate reagan?

As history as shown this tax does not increase revenues and so it has no purpose and is counterproductive. I don't care if the rich get richer as long as everyone else is prospering. In fact I don't care if the rich are making twice as much as me as long as I'm making 50% more. Yet for some reason liberals are programmed to shoot their own foot. They are trained like Pavlov dogs to hate the rich. I guess it must be envy, they actually want to be the rich that they hate.

As for tariffs you bet. The so called free trade agreements are exactly why we have no jobs and no manufacturing base any longer. The current free trade paradigm should be called slave trade because that's where the manufacturing base is relocated too; to those countries with the worst human rights records, the worst environmental laws, the most restrictions on unions, the greatest lack of child labor laws etc.

That is another bizarre hypocrisy that liberals embrace. The corporatists and globalists must be able to directly program their brains through the media and eduction. They just pop in the tape and soon everyone is spouting the same lies, from man-made global warming to taxes create prosperity. Show me the country that has taxed itself into prosperity.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

No, liberals do not want the rich to keep getting richer while the other 97% have gotten poorer. Its that simple

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Exactly, who is considered rich? Still not clear on that one - is it 180k? 250k? 60k? I can be sure whatever the criteria of "rich" will be in flux, will always be people who want what they haven't worked for.

and no, I am not rich at all, modest single income earner......who is tired of all the taxes I pay so others can do nothing (and yes, I know lots of people who are leeches)

That is all middle class status and you are mispresenting my case.

Someone with billions in accumulated wealth is taking money out of circulation and keeping it for himself/herself. That is called hoarding. Then they use those billions to buy influence within government and keep the 99% perpetual slaves.

It is not rocket science, but you are good with deflection it seems!

If the government does not collect taxes from everyone, especially from the insanely rich, then of course there is no redistribution of wealth, there are no public infrastructure projects and the ones currently in existance rot away from neglect, the military becomes weak, the schools and transporation systems become weak....everything becomes weak.

As for the debt it happens because these bilionares and some trillionares hoarde it all for themselves. If the government cannot raise enough money, don't you think it has to borrow and borrow and borrow??

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

What we see in reality is jobs being shipped to third world countries with a much lower standard of living and with less regulations completly bypassing america except in terms of the service industries for the most part. Trickle down has not only cost america jobs,

No, you simply didn't understand that manufacturers left the country to avoid both the excessive and rising tax rates and regulations being heaped upon them more and more, plus the labor union mafia bosses. Now instead of ramping up the manufacturing base by keeping taxes low and stopping excessive bureaucratic legislation, you want to tax imports coming from manufacturing bases overseas which will just cause the cost of products to rise. That will hurt the poor here who are already struggling and Wal Mart will still be in charge.
It is not just EPA putting a damper on illegal dumping of toxic wastes, it is stuff like taxes and licensing fees on transportation. I know someone who works for himself and he has to go through all this bureaucratic licensing stuff just to drive in Orlando, and it's even worse in other places to some degree. To do the Cape Canaveral run requires extra licensing and fees. It's the little guy who suffers the most under this monster and the big guys, the Oligarchies will do just fine.

PTB are targetting the middle class because they are bottom feeding globalists. The people hoarding the money get away scot free. Yes too much regulation is bad. Unions that are too strong is also bad. No arguement from me here.

It takes a combination of balanced correct measures to keep the economy strong. Unfortunately neither the democrats or republicans are balanced. They are extremely unbalanced individuals. Tariffs are extremely important as are trade wars. People will not loose purchasing power, because their salaries will go back to pre-recession standards and there will be plenty more jobs, especially in manufacturing. If you cannot see we have been demoted to primarily a service industry then you are not paying attention.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

The Federal Government must stop spending money like a drunken Sailor. Our politicians are addicted to spending and it's because it's not their money. If they spend a Billion Dollars on something that fails, they just get more money from us. Why, they won't even say their sorry, ask for forgiveness, or even give us a kiss with the screwing we get. The worst thing is most of you don't have a problem with it and you think the government is doing a "fine job" with the money we send to Washington. I feel like I'm in a burning theater, full of people and I'm screaming FIRE, FIRE, and everyone is seated, quietly watching the movie. The people there don't even look away from the movie and the flames are getting hotter and hotter......Well, I'm outta here

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

That is all middle class status and you are mispresenting my case.

Someone with billions in accumulated wealth is taking money out of circulation and keeping it for himself/herself. That is called hoarding. Then they use those billions to buy influence within government and keep the 99% perpetual slaves.

It is not rocket science, but you are good with deflection it seems!

If the government does not collect taxes from everyone, especially from the insanely rich, then of course there is no redistribution of wealth, there are no public infrastructure projects and the ones currently in existance rot away from neglect, the military becomes weak, the schools and transporation systems become weak....everything becomes weak.

As for the debt it happens because these bilionares and some trillionares hoarde it all for themselves. If the government cannot raise enough money, don't you think it has to borrow and borrow and borrow??

Ahhh I see the problem. It's quite common these days. You were never taught basic economics. You believe that the economy is a fixed set of assets that are distributed among the masses like monopoly money. Or a single pie that's cut into slices, with some rich pig taking half the pie and leaving you with a tiny sliver.

A system with only a fixed set of assets and everyone competing for those assets is called a zero sum game. The economy is not and never has been a zero sum game. It's total assets are typically growing in size and sometimes actually contract.

For example consider the effect of technology. Disrupting technologies such as the loom or the tractor have tremendous effect on the economy, greatly increasing it's capacity or the size of the pie. If for example the economy were measured in how much wheat you could grow, developing and distributing tractors would greatly increase the amount of wheat available, allowing everyone to get a bigger slice of pie.

The ability to develop new technology or new business processes that increase efficiency or open up new access to resources (like the recent development of fracking), is an economy multiplier that is strongly dependent on capital investment. In other words you need to have a bunch of stinking rich people with an unhealthy desire to get even richer to take the capital risks in investing in new tech., new business ventures etc.

Even more important you need to have an even large pool of people who desire to be rich and are willing to invest or risk their life savings to create new businesses. The latter group are the people who do the most hiring in America, small businesses. Small businesses have seen some of the largest declines in history in the US under Obama, explaining a lot of our current job lossses. Obamacare and the looming tax increases are specifically designed to crush small business.

I say designed because this is a conspiracy forum and I believe it is a conspiracy. Unfortunately your programmed hatred of the rich is exactly what your masters want, in order to continue the total destruction of Western civlization. Without the investment capital of the rich, which the useful idiots want to confiscate and give to the more "deserving", like crack whores and welfare cheats, our economy will continue to slide into the abyss.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Your only view of economics is the capitalist model. That is the only one you like and understand. When trying to have an open discussion you cannot compete with other ideas because you have a one track mind.

You see I am not totally against capitalism. Socialism is a hybrid of capitalism and communism. Some things belong in the private sector and some in the public sector. I will not lie in telling you socialism is the best system of the three and the other two suck.

There is more to economics than opening a business to become rich. To become rich implies shortchanging the enviroment, shortchanging the work force and short changing the political landscape itself. It seems you like shortchanging folks. That is elitism 101.

We need a need base economy that does not encourage working and working to live a matrialist life. There is more to life than work and materialism.

And yes we are dealing with monopoly money in a capitalist monopoly enviroment. Have fun attempting to debunk me. We are both programmed computers but at least I come up with some original ideas once in a while.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Really? You've just invented socialism? Congratulations you must be a genius. Too bad it doesn't work and hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried. Maybe the people who aren't being good members of the collective should just be killed or reeducated in the camps. Look up Stalin or Mao, he had a good handle on that concept.

You have fallen into the second fallacy of liberalism, namely the idea that man can build a universal utopia by his own efforts. The people who go for this idea are the ones who soon see the need to start killing people in order to realize it. Contrast the man made utopian concept against the teaching of the Bible.

The Bible teaches that all men have fallen short of God's glory and are desperately wicked and thus inherently selfish. This selfishness is why 50% of the first Puritan colonists died of starvation when they created their ideal communist society in their first colony. Moreover these were people with much better moral training than you or I and probably much better self control. Yet they were not sufficiently motivated to plant and harvest a crop that would be redistributed to everyone. Let the other person do all that hard work.

In the end the commies had to use fear and intimidation to motivate people to work. It wasn't quite as effective as the potential of enormous wealth. So in conclusion capitalism is a lousy immoral system, that is still more effective than all the other lousy economic systems.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:40 PM
Everyone thinks that if we only tax the super rich we will be fine........ the math doesn't work that way.

Simply put, there isn't enough super rich people to make that happen. The deficit we have is HUGE.

Hate to burst everyone's bubble, but everyone is going to pay more in taxes and Government is going to have to have drastic cuts happen to balance things out again.

The problem isn't we are taxed too little, it's that our Government spends too much and spends it in foolish wasteful ways.

edit on 12-12-2012 by pavil because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2012 by pavil because: (no reason given)

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