reply to post by AthlonSavage
I don't believe aliens are visiting us.
The Universe is VAST. There could be Billions of technologically advanced space faring alien cultures all over the Universe.
The very thing that makes such possible; the enormous magnitude of the Universe plus Time and Timing, make the probability of any aliens visiting this
tiny microscopically small fleck of dust that we inhabit and the super fine razor's edge slice of time that we just happen to be around and advanced
enough to actually communicate with aliens, list probabilities for actually bumping into another alien species as so small and so improbable that it
may as well be an impossibility.
As far as my little scenario above goes, IF any aliens were to pop up one day despite the huge improbability of it ever occurring, are we suppose to
welcome them with open arms, without reserve, without even the slightest suspicion?
I'm not saying all aliens that could exist and make contact with us are 'bad guys'.
I'm just saying the whole Namaste movement combined with the idea of peaceful altruistic space brothers shouldn't be embraced without reserve.
If aliens pop up, what credentials can they give that they aren't lying to us?
"People of Earth; I and my companions are the remnant dwindling few survivors of a once great and peaceful race of people that have been set upon and
slaughtered by an evil multi-species consortium of violent ravaging predators.
They fell upon us unawares and now, they're headed for your planet to harvest it's riches, to enslave you as cattle for food and labor. Take this
repository of all my once great culture's achievements and arm yourselves for they ARE coming."
How would we validate any kind of statement?
Do we put in a glactic phone call to the supposed evil consortium and say something like; "Um, so, we were told you are bad guys. Are you?"
... and if they replied and said something like "Naw, we're benevolent altruistic space brothers. You can trust us"?
Are we just going to say "oh, okay, just checking"?
I'm simply attempting to illustrate how we could very easily be manipulated on contact with a vastly superior technologically advanced culture;
manipulated to do their dirty work, or any number of sundry other things they wouldn't want to get caught getting up to themselves.