Do you want to hear my theory? Mine is a little more suited to those that look at things from a totally different perspective. More suited to a
"denying Ignorance" website that members could either prove me right or prove me wrong. Seemingly though it seems that ATS members have in fact
forgotten why they joined ATS.
I joined ATS to find what could be possibly the answers. Not taking anything as fact just because somene says it is because it is scientificaly
proven, or because some nugget has more weight behind what he says because he has letters behind his name or these expensive pieces of paper called
certificates or qualifications. (Education was never supposed to be at cost. Never.) The sharing of knowledge is what has moved us all through the
ages yet the addiction to money is currently holding us all back. Money effects everything because we as a species have created a monster that cant
actually do anything on its own. It is man that rides the beast. Dont you get it. But depending on the levels on which you will go to in order to
ensure you have it, will determine the level at which it must be destroyed.
I believe in the end times and this is my vision or philosophy. I have only recently realized what i can do and i swear that unless anyone upstairs is
playing games with me i am able to predict the future in a sense using a technique called "Thought Experiments". I am good at it. I predicted that
there would be something significant happen in Egypt and i titled the thread "Heres a heads up" Watch this space. Notice the date i posted it in
relation to the start of the uprising.
I cannot stress how important i believe that my visions are to all of this. In my Iridium thread i describe it as massive and that it is a conspiracy
this thread i wish you would all read it because it is very important in relation to prophecy, but i am here to share with you my opinion on this
topic and using thought experiment technique which is taking every eventuality or possibility from a situation, a story, etc etc and finding the best
This thread of yours is where i predict that the energy companies may actually be using pylons, telephone masts, powerlines to harness energy from the
atmosphere, which means that they are creating power freely but charging a fortune. (This may not be the exact fact but something along those
lines,...excuse the pun
Dont tell me its not possible either, because it is. Its as simple as taking 10 glasses of water and sequencing them together as a circuit
(circ=circular) tell me why i had the equivalent of a battery for a smoke alarm. The energy doubled in power every glass, and i was also to light
LED's. No im not gonna post proof but i will say try it.
Pyramids will be found to be connected to energy and explains how civilizations were able to sustain themselves, I think that theres a lot of
knowledge that remains hidden and in order to keep the sheep asleep and only provide education that is structured carefully. When i say this,......I
mean only allowing you to learn what you are allowed to.
I would like to share more of my thoughts on this time we are in and how i see it and hopefully share my interpritation of what i see.
At the moment i see we are straying way off path and we must stop trying to grab onto and save a financial system that is failing, always has but not
because of money itself, like i said before the beast riding. 7 Hills do you know what they are?What they represent?
You all will soon. We are humans. Are we really going to allow money to determine amounts of aid? What you are allowed to learn? Where you live? What
class you are, CLASS!!!! There shouldnt be any classes. All for one, as one.
We may have our differences in colours, languages,beliefs, religions, likes & Dislikes you name it and humans seem to argue about it.
Nations are suffering poverty and famine and i have tried to find a suitable excuse that we can give to God when we will be explaining how and why we
allowed it. How will we explain to him that we put a pricetag on Aid, aid that will determine if one of "HIS" creations lives or dies.
Or how lifesaving treatment requires a payment, i watched one case on the news of a child needing life saving treatment but requires money for the
treatment. Seriously WTF!! Who ever made that decision want to be sorting that one out because although you may already know of what is to come, what
is to pass, and if it hasnt passed its not to late. That goes for all of those bound to the system who are crapping themselves because the time is
coming when the veil will be removed. I know it and you know it.
If people in high places are reading this and are stuck/ looking for the missing pieces may i add a few that i find "MAY" play a major role in the
near future.
Blue Water Supercomputer for starters
The Sun and its influence on our planet and other planets. I am talking about geology. Earthquakes, CME's and impact on Earth and Moons connection