posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by OnWhiteMars
Congrats on your Earthquake index!
When I matched the small pyramids with overlay, I didn't get them quite right.
The small Giza pyramid is off by just a degree or two.
(just been teaching myself 'photoshop' and still learning to co-ordinate)
So I'm not sure if the 'layout' points or clarify's Hawaii's direction..?
The Teo pyramids have always confounded me as I can see no reason why the center one
is referred to as the "SUN" pyramid or why one is named the "MOON" pyramid as clearly
they are pyramids representing not a single planet - but the entire solar system.
That is why I neglected the two 'Sun" pyramids and overlayed with the small pyramids instead.)
(Something in my brain screamed that the two small pyramids were starting point markers
like one finds on blueprints)
But of course, I'm just guessing