Originally posted by ArchaicDesigns
reply to post by NarrowGate
That is a very interesting point of view...not saying I agree, but very interesting...
I read a very good book closely relating to what you were talking about, not so much on the religous aspects but the same idea.
It's called The Dark Gods by Anthony Roberts and Geoff Gilbertson. It argues that mankind has always been plagued by certain 'Dark Forces' which in
our own time have reappeared in the form of UFO's, weird looking aliens, men-in-black, spiritual entities and various other guises.
It's a very interesting angle...
Well, our Lord has specifically and repeatedly told us this world is under the power of the deceiver, Satan (the Adversary). I would invite you to
read a Gospel from the perspective of the Truth. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (who is not symbolic, but a spirit of pure hate with
actual intelligence and free will). He has bound Satan, but not cast Satan into Hell quite yet. Satan still controls this world, but in a much more
limited capacity now, and only as long as God permits.
The goal of demons has always been to get the victim to kill themselves before they find Truth (who is a person, not just an idea). As I look back
through the thread, you can actually see evidence of that in this very thread. If you research it, it is well documented. There are many forms of
demonic activity, which includes temptation that we are ALL exposed to.
I will look into that book. It would be interesting to see Satan's work portrayed in a non-religious perspective.
By the way, this is not just my view. It is the official teaching of the Catholic Church, and Protestants as well.
The problem is there is a big conspiracy in the Catholic Church to cover up the existence of Satan. They actually made a heck of a lot of progress in
recent times. Good thing we have the infallible Pope... "He who does not believe in the devil does not believe the Gospel" - Pope Benedict. To
downplay the devil's existence is to downplay Christ's role in our salvation.
The reason it is not so obvious to many people is because they actively cover their tracks as much as God allows. A little research will show that
this is apparent. Also, just one demon could destroy the universe if God would permit it. They are subject to His rule, and they fear Him. They are
much smarter than us, more powerful than us, and also subject to our Father's rule. He has created this stage of our life to be a test. You can not
blame non-believers for not seeing it. It is more beneficial to pray for their souls than to argue with them. Prayer is more powerful than we ever can
The opinion of the Church is that anyone who encounters demons should see a psychologist first. Any priest will tell you that. Even the ones who
pretend demons don't exist know they are showing disregard for the Church. It is tempting to place yourself above the Church and pretend you know
whats right. Priests have fallen to that temptation at times.
When that patient who killed themselves started hearing voices they claimed were God, I am certain a cycle solemn exorcisms was not performed before
they killed themselves. Ask me how I know...
Because this has been playing out in history for a very long time. Whenever people start coming back to the Light, the forces that would have us in
Hell will attack. How blatant it is that it is them will vary.
This is getting off topic. I am not certain that the OP is dealing with demons it just seriously looks that way. I am no exorcist though.Whatever it
is, it can not be God.