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The Omniverse Theory - Solid information, or a bunch of hooey?

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posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 11:08 PM
Hello, everyone. I hope the day/evening finds you well.

I've come across some pretty fascinating and (frankly) very interesting information that some of you may not be aware of yet, so I present it simply as it is for community discussion and review. Aside from what I feel are some gaps in my own understanding of this material, I am leaning towards the conclusions of this theory being valid for the most part.

I'll apologize ahead of time if this material has been submitted for discussion and review already by others here in the community.



A fellow by the name of Rob Bryanton has a fairly long-running series on YouTube called "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" (YouTube link) in which he attempts to correlate and condense most of the work being done in String Theory into easy-to-understand chapters. The crux of the material he presents is a way to visualize and understand the theoretical Dimensions of existence that most Physicists agree are present in the greater "Omniverse". He describes the general conditions of each Dimension up to the Tenth (starting with Dimension Zero, I believe) in a series of 10 to 15-minute videos.

There's far too much information to post here, so I'll summarize: As one increases the Dimension he/she is in, the more "freedom of action" one has available to them. For example, the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Dimensions are degrees of freedom concerning Time, while the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Dimensions are considered "The Realms of the Impossible" where thought dictates reality towards increasing degrees of scope and freedom (if I understand the information he presents correctly, that is!). The Tenth Dimension is Energy and Information, and (according to Mr. Bryanton) one would find themselves "kicked down" to the Ninth Dimension immediately since matter apparently cannot (or does not) exist there, just as energy cannot (or does not) exist in Dimension Zero. Diametrically opposed, as it were.

It's an interesting and fascinating series, and I recommend that one allow themselves a couple of hours to watch the videos and provide your feedback on the subject.

If you're familiar with this material, please discuss. I'm interested in what the community has to say about it.


[EDIT: Corrections of bad grammar.]
edit on 3-12-2012 by Kualros because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Kualros

Interesting. I always like theorizing about interdimensionalism.

I'll be honest, I haven't got the time at the moment to watch the video so I'm just going to leave this comment here as a foothold and comment on it after I do.

However, are they suggesting that each individual dimension gives a specific "ability"? From my understanding of theoretical physics, many dimensions are believed to be intertwined with each other and inseparable. If so, raising consciousness to one specific dimension would automatically raise you to another, just as existing in the 10th would automatically "bump" you back down to the 9th. Also, I'm not mistaken, I believe it has been theorized that their are anywhere from 11 to 21 dimensions. I wonder if this has been addressed by them, excuse my ignorance if it has.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Yes, I believe Mr. Bryanton said that they are interconnected and are not "separate" as such. Interesting to think that the other Dimensions, both higher and lower, are mere feet (or inches) away!

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Kualros

I do not have a deep understanding of this topic but from the couple books I have read....there is no real seperation between the demensions they are just different frequencies. I picture it like oscillating frequencies layered on top of one another. Excelent post!

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:29 AM
I was thinking more about what it would be like to exist in one of the higher dimensions (like the Seventh). According to the Theory, the Seventh would be the beginning of the "Realm of the Impossible", it would be much like our existence but with the added factor of the supra-normal since thought would begin to directly affect (and shape) that reality.

I believe, however, that there would still be rules and laws of physics at that level that would operate much like they would here but somewhat unbounded and even perhaps a bit fantastic. As the theory goes, there are added degrees of freedom, so (in my view) things would operate much like they would in, say, Star Trek or Star Wars. The direct use of mentally-controlled and mentally-originated energies *would* be fully possible there; but on the same token, not everyone could perform such feats by default without training. If we were to equate this dimension to one of the points upon the Kaballistic Tree of Life, it's position could be located at Chesed (which could be interpreted as "Power" in the Hebrew).

Likewise, as there are dreams so there would be nightmares. Those whose mindset were based upon misery or a desire to harm others could and would affect the reality in a like fashion. Think of "Silent Hill" for one of the more extreme examples of this. There are still rules, however. The "Dual Controls" rule would definitely apply, so perhaps an individual (or a group of individuals) could still affect the conditions of that reality (like in Silent Hill) to more suit their will.

I like to think that anything that anyone has thought of or dreamt of, everywhere, comes from the Seventh dimension and upwards - because it already exists there in some form or fashion. The higher up in dimension one goes, however, the more affected reality becomes -- and at that level of sheer size -- there's enough room for everyone to have their own private universe, and each persons' reality will be based upon whatever their mindset is.

That's a bit of hypothesis on my part, but I believe I am mostly correct in my interpretation of the conditions of the higher dimensions.

Peace to all.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 02:44 AM
There are higher dimensions and you can train yourself to see them. In the 4th dimension, which is more than just Tim, what is outside becomes inside and vice versa. You become aware of the way in which your thoughts effect your reality.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Could what we define as the differentiation of our physical structures be an expression of space-time curvature?

After all we are made entirely of flesh and what is made of cells, which is made of molecules and that is made of atoms. This continues and in respect to dimensions, in Hypothesis, if a person could perceive reality say in the context of quarks? one could perceive and interact with these dimensions.

The author makes a common mistake, with regards to 11 dimensional theory. The fourth dimension is not time but rather, time is akin to having a transcendent effect, as a result it is better classified as the 11th dimension. I find the idea of the Omniverse relevant in relation to understanding consciousness alternate to what we commonly perceive and in relation to reality.

Perhaps the 0 dimension where everything can be the present.

Any thoughts?

edit on 4-12-2012 by Kashai because: Added content

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Kualros

I have often considered the idea of multidimensionality to directly correlate to the perception of reality. In quantum theory, some experiments have shown that reality can change based on the introduction of the observer. If this is true and I believe it, then why can't I change the reality of the world around me? I think that each of us lives within our own private reality that overlaps the reality of others. The communication of our own reality exists within a dimension that we are not consciously aware of and is able to transmit and receive information from other realities. Because everyone believes that the sky is blue then the collective belief holds that true and any attempt to over-ride that reality is countered by the collective energy of all those that continue to believe the sky is blue. So collectively we create the dimensions that we choose to be aware of. Currently most common language and math are used to define and describe what we are already aware of. Quantum theory attempts to define and describe what we are not aware of. Therefore any belief that a previous dimension that is unknown now exists, will exist but only because we collectively choose to believe that it does. This means that all the dimensions that we have chosen to discover didn't exist until we decided that they do. To make this even more convoluted and confusing; those dimensions existed before we knew they existed because we decided they exist sometime in the future. This comes from the idea that many concepts and dimensions do not conform to linear time so that if we discover one in the future then it exists in the past and therefore brings about the paradox of discovering something we already decided exists. Therefore true freedom is finding those things that will exist once we decide that they do and recognize that each of us has it within us to create a new thing a second time.
Hmmm... I think there is chaos theory in all that somewhere. It also all makes more sense in my own head but I tried to type it out anyway.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 09:38 PM
In respect to multiverse theory consider each of us as akin to a facet in a diamond, the differences in perspective between the facets? Interrelated to observing the self as a whole.

A sphere...

Any thoughts?

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Kashai

Sounds good. haha you get it? maybe not yet.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Myth024
reply to post by Kualros

I have often considered the idea of multidimensionality to directly correlate to the perception of reality. In quantum theory, some experiments have shown that reality can change based on the introduction of the observer. If this is true and I believe it, then why can't I change the reality of the world around me? I think that each of us lives within our own private reality that overlaps the reality of others. The communication of our own reality exists within a dimension that we are not consciously aware of and is able to transmit and receive information from other realities. Because everyone believes that the sky is blue then the collective belief holds that true and any attempt to over-ride that reality is countered by the collective energy of all those that continue to believe the sky is blue. So collectively we create the dimensions that we choose to be aware of. Currently most common language and math are used to define and describe what we are already aware of. Quantum theory attempts to define and describe what we are not aware of. Therefore any belief that a previous dimension that is unknown now exists, will exist but only because we collectively choose to believe that it does. This means that all the dimensions that we have chosen to discover didn't exist until we decided that they do. To make this even more convoluted and confusing; those dimensions existed before we knew they existed because we decided they exist sometime in the future. This comes from the idea that many concepts and dimensions do not conform to linear time so that if we discover one in the future then it exists in the past and therefore brings about the paradox of discovering something we already decided exists. Therefore true freedom is finding those things that will exist once we decide that they do and recognize that each of us has it within us to create a new thing a second time.
Hmmm... I think there is chaos theory in all that somewhere. It also all makes more sense in my own head but I tried to type it out anyway.

Just throwing this out there, but I believe that a direct experience of this is the feelings you get when you are in public and aware that someone is aware of you. Its night and day between being alone and being with someone else, or an observer.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Kualros

Yes, the physical goes up to the fifth in some cases. Onwards from that and it is much like your dream state when you lucid dream, you are creating your reality by thoughts and experiencing that in which you believe and think. This is the "spirit realm" Time does not exist in the sense of how we as physical beings perceive it be as straight. In the end Time does not exist, everything is static and right in front of you.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by usernamehere
reply to post by Kashai

Sounds good. haha you get it? maybe not yet.

To treat an idea as an absolute restricts knowing

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 11:43 PM
Excellent discussion thus far, everyone.

Too bad there really isn't a ... direct ... way to access these higher dimensions. I've heard the stuff about "meditating your way there" and so forth, but the testimonials of those who claim to have gotten there in this way seems to me to be subjective at best, when what we're looking for (or at least I am) is testable and repeatable experimentation & data collection according to the scientific method and the best practices available.

I acknowledge the accounts of our ancestors and others who have learned what they could in the ways available to them at the given time(s), and I don't dismiss those accounts entirely -- however, this is the 21st Century (according to the Gregorian Calendar) and we should at least have a "starting point" (no pun intended) where we can begin serious and controlled study to either prove or disprove this matter. The work our fore-bearers did was to give us a framework and a format, however subjective that may be -- much like Mr. Bryanson has done with his video series. It's a framework and a format.

I believe the Plank Constant is a good starting point, myself. Why? It appears to act as a screen or filter, keeping whatever matter belongs in our "phase-space" here. I believe that understanding what it does and why will be the key to everything else.

That's enough of my conjecture.
Discuss away!

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 11:55 PM
Great thread Op.
Do not understand fully.
But find thread educational.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 11:55 PM
I should note that this all works upon the assumption that we do not exist in a "Computer Simulation" as some proponents of the Holographic Universe Theory have suggested.

If indeed we are "programs" (ala Tron) or hardware connected to a simulation (ala The Matrix), then all of this becomes moot for the most part.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by Kualros

Everything is subjective except existence itself. Higher dimensions are greater learning capacities for knowing that which cannot be known. The fourth dimension is the dimension of compassion where you experience others as yourself, but as you have a definition of what you are which is inherently false, your interpretations of others' perspectives will also be false. Fun and rewarding, but false. That is the next stage. It will still be subjective. The absolute is most accurately observed by an ultimate, yet self created, subjective. This will be the most glorious stage of our ascension, but nevertheless, a fabrication.

I am a human. I see how humans see. At some point, I will be a human who sees how I think others see. I will know others as myself. That is the 4th dimension of perception. It is still based on subjectivity.

You cannot define the absolute.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:48 AM

So what you're saying is that our own personal perception of reality is subjective, in of itself, and is in fact an example of dimensions above the Seventh expressing themselves (however subtle)?

I hadn't considered that. Certainly fits what we observe every day -- we make our own reality to some degree after all!

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 07:25 PM
Any review of dimensions in relation to physics would include Kaluza–Klein theory and up until now "no experimental or observational signs of extra dimensions have been officially reported." What has happened is that applying 10 dimensions to Physics
in general has resulted in some interesting responses, that have practical value...

String Theory Finally Does Something Useful


Black Holes have a huge disorder. However, no one knew what the states associated to the entropy of the black hole were. The last four years brought great excitement in this area. Similar techniques to the ones used to find the islands of M-theory, allowed us to explain exactly what states correspond to the disorder of some black holes, and to explain using fundamental theory the thermodynamic properties that had been deduced previously using less direct arguments.

Any thoughts?

edit on 7-12-2012 by Kashai because: added content

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