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Why Do People Hate the Jews? A Look at Anti-Semitism

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posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by mideast

Fair enough, though your initial replies essentially referred them all as Zionists and your intention wasn't cleared up until now. I was simply pointing out that no culture is innocent of any of the crimes that you highlighted.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:19 PM
- the Western counterpart of that club was the Jesuits
who slaughtered 50+ million christians

and yes, they not only had contact with eachother,
but moreover jesuitism is based on the same Quabbalah.

.. the cain and abel was about the Division within ' humanity '
but the ' jacob and esau ' was about the Division inside believers, themselves.
edit on 4-12-2012 by Lone12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by seagull

I don't hate Jews

+ I know some of them are doing wrong things in the name of Jews.

But I know how Zionists used this strategy to invade Palestine and how they did their job done.

Many minority groups of people are oppressed and killed , But it is not a reason for them to oppress others.

That is my point.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

s it really everyone else's fault for this? I don't think any other group of people has been this harassed throughout the ages, and it's because of that constant superiority complex and conniving attempts to usurp/undermine nations throughout history.

Bit of a double standard there, my friend. It's bad if the Jews do it...but if it's done to the Jews, it's ok, because well they've been acting all superior and stuff... So for the actions of a few, let's kill 'em all, that'll teach 'em.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:21 PM
Just to make it clear I have defended the Jews on many occasions on ATS. BUT...........

It seems to me they reap what they sow. They are arrogant and lack empathy for non Jews. They spy on friendly countries and could care less about anyone but themselves.

When you add all this up it leads to one thing HATE. If they would change they would not be hated.
edit on 4-12-2012 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by SubTruth
Just to make it clear I have defend the Jews on many occasions on ATS. BUT...........
When you add all this up it leads to one thing HATE. If they would change they would not be hated.

By that logic, if I made myself into something that someone who hated me would prefer, I would no longer be hated. That's ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by SubTruth

they are the hooligans within the soccer fanclub

- they are not 'part of the soccer club ' , dont even wánt to - just POSE

their goal is to distort
and give the whole club a bad name.


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:34 PM
...if some of to know...whý this club ' poses as jews ' ,

because satan can only derive legal power, by ' hiding behind God given attributes '

- and since God ordained that ' the sceptre [ of rule ] is by [ the tribe of ] judah ',
satan needed to infiltrate judah,
to remain hold of the sceptre.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by darkangel831

I love how it's always first the "victim card" -- then it's the "racist/bigot card" -- then it's the "using politically correct terms for racist hate card".

I swear, there must be a pro-Israel/Jewish handbook that outlines exactly how to de deflect and pull the "racist/bigot" card -- complete with steps.

It's so obvious because it always happens in that exact order, and the exact same arguments and accusations are recycled.

Howdy Mossad, I can see you!

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
reply to post by darkangel831

I swear, there must be a pro-Israel/Jewish handbook that outlines exactly how to de deflect and pull the "racist/bigot" card -- complete with steps.

it's written by the ADL

Howdy Mossad, I can see you!


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by seagull

Hi Seagull--

I suppose any group calling themselves the Master Race (or 'chosen people' which amounts to the same thing) will cause feelings of hatred or contempt by the rest of humanity (99.999%) - although modern Jews are no longer are 'Judaeans' but are of mixed races & proselytes.

To your point, the concept of 'collective punishment' is found within the 'core' of Rabinnic Judaeism, i.e. the Torah which espouses racial genocide of entire villages if ONE person is found trying to worship other clan gods than YHWH the post exilic clan god of the Judaeans.

Below are some specific passages within the Torah 'of the Jews' which specifically espouse racial genocide (most use the technical Heb. Term CH-R-M = to ‘mark for extermination’ in the context of a Holy War where a specific group is targeted for extinction) of the Canaanite amphyctionies & specifically about ‘divine commands’ to exterminate the Amalekites - especially ‘marked for extermination’ almost as if they were wearing orange stars
e.g. Exodus 17: 8-16

And YHWH said to Mosheh, Write this down as a Memorial on a Scroll & read it into the ears of Joshua son of Nun : Behold, I will Exterminate the Seed (lit. ‘Remembrance’) of the Amalekites from Under the Heavens. Therefore Mosheh built an Altar to YHWH there etc.

Deuteronomy 7: 1-5 (i.e. Torah)

When YHWH your clan god brings you to the land where you are headed to take possession of it, and has cast out the goyim before you even the Hittites, and the Girgachites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, even seven gentile nations that are more numerous and powerful that you are now:

And when YHWH your clan god has delivered them, you shall utterly exterminate them all showing no mercy to them; neither will you make peace treaties with them nor enter into marriage with them – for they will turn your sons from following me, and cause them to worship other clan gods – thus will the anger of YHWH burn against you and destroy you without notice.

Deuteronomy 13: 12-17a (Torah)

12 If you should hear a rumour in one of the towns which YHWH your clan god will give you to live in, saying ‘I heard certain evil men taking some of the town out encouraging them to worship other foreign clan gods which you have not yet heard of, you shall set up an Inquiry and if the acusation is proved true that such a ritual Toqebah (‘cultic abomination’) has in fact taken place, you will utterly genocide all the inhabitants of that town, utterly destroying the town and its inhabitants, even down to the animals – then you will gather together all of their belongings and utterly burn the lot in the town square – and not take any of it for yourself, and leave it a perpetual Ruin, never again to be rebuilt.

Deuteronomy 20: 10-18

This is the Rule of War for the Towns of the Goyim which YHWH your clan god shall give unto you and your sons as an Inheritance – You shall leave nothing alive that breathes, but you shall utterly exterminate every one of them, namely Hittites, & Amorites,Canaanites, Perizzites,Hivites & Jebusites; exactly as YHWH your clan god has commanded you, so that they will not be able to teach you all of their peculiar ritual Toq’eboth (‘taboos’, ‘cultic abominations’) that they perform for their own clan gods, leading you into sin against YHWH your clan god.

Deuteronomy 25:17-19

Now remember what Amalekites (lit. ‘Amalek’) did to you when you were sojourning out of the land of Mitzrayim : how they came upon you on the road and attacked your rear guard, including the weakest ones in your camps, and how they showed no reverence for the Elohim (‘gods’) – so it shall come to pass that when the land you shall be given by your clan god YHWH is finally settled and becomes your Inheritance to possess, you shall utterly genocide the Seed of Amalek (lit. ‘Remembrance’) from under the heavens – you will never ever forget this.

Outside the Torah, we have references to ‘the fulfillment of the Divine Commands to genocide’ the goyim in books like Joshua and 1 Samuel, in the context of the (CH-R-M) Holy War ‘devoted’ marking of a particular group for racial and cultural Extermination and Genocide of the other’: -

This is the same type of ‘racial’ segregation of The Other that we saw in the last century in the Nazi death camps the religious underpinnings of the racial genocide were not emphasised to the public (e.g. the Thule Society Tenets of Aryan Supremacy and how to deal with 'slave races' etc.)

See : Joshua 8:1-2, 8:23

Joshua 10: 31-33 (ref the extermination of Lachish)
Joshua 10:34-35 (ref the genocide of Eglon)
Joshua 10:36-37 (ref the wiping out of the Hebronites)
Joshua 10: 38-39 (ref the annhialation of Debir)

And this is only the TIP of the iceburg - pretty nasty hatred of all 'non Jews' (it gets worse in the Talmud !)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

Here is your answer.

I never thought I would post this information. Please understand that this is what I know, not exactly what I believe. I believe God loves us all. It doesn't matter who you are, what you believe, what religion you were born into, or where you live, as long as you have love in your heart and believe in Him and ask for forgiveness for your sins with a pure heart. I do not judge, I leave that up to God.
I am only relaying what I know.

This story starts back during the time of Adam and Eve. Many of us know the story of how Eve ate the apple from the forbidden tree. Some believe that Eve did eat the apple, but that it is a metaphor. The devil tempted Eve (and by her "eating" the apple) had relations with her, thereby giving birth to Cain, then Adam and Eve had Able. Cain killed Able. Cain being the seed of the devil. God punished Cain by casting him out to live with the sinners (those who were following in the ways of the devils temptation. (Adam and Eve were initally light beings in the Garden of Eden, but once Eve betrayed Gods wishes they too were not allowed back into the Garden and were told to live on the hill above where Cain and the other sinners were. (So Apparently Adam and Eve were not the first people) Adam and Eve were given flesh, they then hungered and thirsted. God also put a mark on Cain and all his bloodline that would be a sign of who they are. Some believe that the mark is the nose, or the way of the walk. Therefore they believe that it is the Jews that are the bloodline of Cain. They also believe that this bloodline will eventually infiltrate the Roman Catholic church and have relations with young men and try to destroy the church and put doubts in the followers minds. It has been said from within the Vatican that evil has infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church. Also, that they will take over all media, hollywood etc to try and move people away from Jesus and towards the way of sinning which is the devils plan. The biggest difference between the Jews and catholics is that the catholics believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to Heaven is through Jesus. The Jewish do not believe Jesus was the Son of God.
So on to today. Many would believe that the Jews are succeding in taking over the world by owning everything, destroying, and using their ownership of everything so the world bows down to them. Etc etc etc. Thereby continuing in the devils plan to take over the earthly world for his own pleasures against God.
So there you go in a nutshell. If anyone has anything to add or would like to ask me questions of how I know this I welcome all comments. I am at work so bear with me on replies.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by seagull

When a person's religion advocates strong community ties -- then by default you become a representative for your faith.

Is your neighbor directly guilty? Of course not. He is, however, an ambasador of his faith to those around him. He is his neighbors keeper!

I am a white male, and any time I hear about a white male doing some awful racist hate crime I cringe and think, "Come on guys, we can do better!"

It's called policing your own people, ditching the bad apples and showing the world what the majority of your race/ethnicity/creed/color/sex/gender/religion or faith is all about.

I'd wager that 99.9% of the Jewish people I meet would be likable and honest -- of that I am certain. It only takes that .1% that speaks louder than the rest to sully the name.

If Jewish people in general are upset at being marginalized and hated, they should take it upon themselves to weed out the bad element instead of complaining and using the "victim card".

I honestly thing using the "victim card" all the time is also upsetting to other faiths/ethnicities. We all have problems, and the Jews aren't the only people to have had genocide done to them.

People get tired of being reminded about how bad the Jews have always had it -- when they haven't done anything to move on or weed out their own bad elements.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

If Jewish people in general are upset at being marginalized and hated, they should take it upon themselves to weed out the bad element instead of complaining and using the "victim card".

It is hard to be chosen one in a while and not to be the chosen one.

Being chosen one involves becoming chosen one + staying chosen one.

IMO , that is one reason that these people can not see what they are doing wrong.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:58 PM
One of the sayings that I here often in my neck of the woods when it comes to loans/money/materials/trades,that sort of thing is ,"Don't Jew me". I wonder what that implies?

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Putyournamehere

Ignorance, mostly.

Haggling, under-cutting etc. are techniques used by anyone involved in business and money.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Not that I don't agree with you. But I'm referencing those who blame the entirety for the actions of what is usually a minority. Not just this particular topic, but others as well...

You'll notice eventually, that I have serious issues with people who blame the entire for the actions of the few.

My neighbor is a she, by the bye...just so ya know. Nice little ol' lady, who thinks I need feeding up...

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Not that I don't agree with you. But I'm referencing those who blame the entirety for the actions of what is usually a minority. Not just this particular topic, but others as well...

You'll notice eventually, that I have serious issues with people who blame the entire for the actions of the few.

My neighbor is a she, by the bye...just so ya know. Nice little ol' lady, who thinks I need feeding up...

I completley understand. It's very small-minded of people to make broad, sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people because of one negative experience. It's even more unacceptable to just "go along" with everyone else and harbor racism/hatred "just because".

Based on the actual facts that have been presented here in this thread about where the anger/hatred comes from -- I can see a few places where the Jewish community could do a little PR work.

The Jewish people in my life usually only associate with other Jewish people. Having a tight-knit community affords some pretty neat advantages. Mormons and other religious minority groups do this as a survival tactic, and it usually raises the quality of life for those people. Like minded people that share a common cultural background are safer and better cared/looked after the closer they congregate.

Having said that, these communities also invites an air of "mystery". If all you ever learned about Jewish people came from racist non-Jewish people ... you're probably going to lean more to a racist mindset.

And a little off topic (I just don't want to post again

I wonder if a "Zionist" were to ask a Native American living on a reservation what they thought about the "Jewish plight". I'm willing to bet that the Native American would say:

"Wow, you guys have had it rough. They killed off a lot of your people. They did that to mine too. But hey, they at least gave you an entire country and nuclear weapons. All we have is this destitute reservation. I understand Israel is your 'cultural home' ... but I think my Native people here in America have a much stronger argument that this is our land and home."

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
newsflash junior.... its NOT jews that people hate... its israels leaders and their continued policies of oppression... mass murder... terror and crimes against humanity that people hate... very large difference ... nice try but fail on your pathetic attempt at propaganda and misinformation...

I would tend to agree that it's the policies/actions that successive Israeli governments have put forth over the decades that has gotten people so up-in-arms. And yes there is a massive difference between criticizing a particular governments policies/actions vs the religion of that particular state. The two are not interchangeable.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:46 PM
Seems its more like that's whats been taught for the past 60+ years, if i don't agree with something it rarely has to do with ones religious views, and i still get labeled, so i see anti-semitism more as a psychological weapon to promote a "victim ideology"

by definition antisemitism could describe ANYONE including jews.

The current environment the middle east stems from generations of issues but things wont end until they fight for common ground to stand on.
edit on 4-12-2012 by kobalt7 because: addition

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