posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 10:48 AM
ATS/ers -
Head on over to to watch the announcement today about NASA's findings (starts in 10 mins thereabouts). Hopefully something amazing is shared
with us today - I remain optimistic.
Watch live:
Last week's lead ATS story on this topic:
NASA says Mars discovery isn't 'earthshaking'
after all
Mars rover finds complex chemicals but no organic compounds ... yet
Although NASA's Curiosity rover hasn't yet confirmed the detection of organic compounds on Mars, it's already seeing that the Red Planet's soil
contains complex chemicals — including signs of an intriguing compound called perchlorate.
Edit to add, updating as it happens (wrapped up)
Main lede: Complex chemicals found, possibly organic compounds but more science needed. Carbon, oxygen and chlorine methane as perchlorates broke up
and reacted with carbon (NASA doesn't know where the carbon is coming from). Water is present. NASA needs to do more science... not enough organic
compounds found to be "really interesting." NASA looking for a more "rich organic environment for the rover."
Subheads: The atmosphere on Mars is sensitive to weather and climate
Curiosity is accomplishing its goals.
Analyzing a modern environment in a new environment (in crater)
ATS note: photos from Curiosity go to the NASA website right away before analyzed by scientists - so RAW file goes from rover to earth satellite to
Notes from conference:
Organic compounds - maybe something found on Mars, maybe something that came along on the trip. Or maybe something that came from space. Needs more
Likely organic compounds we're made by team and did not exist on Mars - meaning the rover science lab created the compounds didn't happen
Oxygen and chlorine compounds are what was found: perchlorates (or not found, listening to NASA they have no idea, needs more science again).
Carbon found in simple organic compound, NASA will look at isotope ratios.
Most important or unexpected thing found?: "Landed on Ancient Riverbed"