posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 06:20 AM
Posted this on my site and thought it sounded like a good ATS rant
While it is true that I do not believe in obeying laws set forth from Mankind I wouldn't say I'm a rebel without a cause. Personally I think I have
a cause, a justified cause.
The paper laws come governing officials and by extension those who vote for or otherwise support them. Now I've met a few voters here in the US and I
gotta be honest, quite frankly these are not the type of people I want telling me what I should and should not do or who I should or should not be.
They seem to be under the impression that raising the price of flowers during valentines day or hiking the price of hotel rooms during Christmas are
the right thing to do, it's the law of supply and demand they say. Really they're just trying to justify their own greed, it's not the law of
supply and demand it's just being a jerk.
There is no such thing as satisfied among these people, they always want more. Lo and behold the waters of the gulf are dead with chemicals and oil,
the burst gullet of the gluttonous. They work themselves to death just trying to feed their own never ending desire for more. Never satisfied they
force all around them to feed their addictions, get down on your knees and fill their bellies, you can rest when you're dead.
They call it Black Friday because retail outlets often start making a profit on that day, but really shouldn't they call it Black Friday in honor of
all the shoppers injured or even killed by the ravenous hordes marauding and trampling just to get their hands on something two months newer than what
they already have? And what of all the service men and women who provide it to them? Not so much as a thank you, rather the servicer is expected to
kiss the feet of the ravenous horde and thank them for the opportunity. Is it any wonder a couple of customer service agents strangled a shoplifter to
death this past Black Friday? They simply couldn't take it anymore, the unforgiving, ungrateful, ravenous horde filled them with rage until they
finally saw an opportunity to vent. Really who's the killer here? The customer service agents or those ungrateful beasts who filled them with
These are not the people I want running my life. They don't run lives, they ruin lives and they can't have mine.