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Greeting's fellow humans!

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posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:42 AM
This happens to be my second account registration since years of not logging in and a fogged memory. My original username was assasinforfather (misspelled, but the same), and was trying to log in after two or three years with no success...I could not remember the password for the life of me. Well, since I am civilized and have alot to say on behalf of Father I greet all of you again under my new username...childoffather...aka...renee.

I am a simple woman with a complicated mind. I say what I mean and I mean what i say.

I believe that every voice has bite and no one has the right to close it.

I've been abducted by aliens...
Raped by family...
Cornered by dogs...
Accused of being manly.

My conscience is clear...

Through daily prayer...

We all need daily cleansing...

So we don't miss it by a hair!!!!
I love people. If it wasn't for people I wouldn't know and feel as much as I do. It is because of the people I have met that I am able feel like I am a part of what matter's. Not just some clueless joesmoe or curly the clown.
I have dreams and I love America. I believe there is hope still yet for our country and pray violence isn't once again used to prove a point.


Call me crazy, but I have found, in all my 41 years, that love keeps out the destroying drama.

I love a good drama movie and such. Give it to me in live theatre or film, since your all that. Just don't try to make my life into something that it is not.

We all have a story to tell and each one has a purpose.

I am deep and true. Once I choose to love you...I never stop.

So much in this world is discombobulated (sorry if mispelled) and in need of a reboot.
Right is wrong and wrong is right! Just and The Holy Word said it would be!
We don't listen to our heart anymore.
The heart of the world. Our Creator and Holy Spirit! There isn't anything more civilized than that.

I also believe that through all this politic bull# and liberal cockpit...we will find some common ground, because, most beautiful people, all is NOT LOST!
I REPEAT...ALL IS NOT LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a Father who gave His son, who died for our sins, then came back to life so we can all share the paradise we were always meant to have. I can be so full of my self sometimes so, as good friends, I pray that you will always call me out on it, no matter the curcumstance. I wish never to offend anyone, as no one can or will offend me, and, thank's to Father, I can handle the truth.

I will try, to the best of my ability, to answer any and all questions you may have.
There is no subject to big or taboo for Father! He is my guide to fullness.

I look at how many character's I have left and think I could write on and on to all of you for many more lines. So, as not to bore you too much...I will end my introduction with gratitude to be part of such a great cummunications website and look forward to sharing all I can with all of you! Life is too short to be wrong, so I choose to Christ!

Now you know me a little...Lets see if you want to know me ALOT!!!

edit on 3-12-2012 by childoffather because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2012 by childoffather because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2012 by childoffather because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by childoffather

Welcome back! I only have two questions at this time: have you ever heard of trauma based mind control? and, can you prove in any way that you were abducted by aliens?

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by ELectricalApprentice
reply to post by childoffather

Welcome back! I only have two questions at this time: have you ever heard of trauma based mind control? and, can you prove in any way that you were abducted by aliens?

Thank you for the welcome.

I have never heard of 'trama based mind control', but, have reason to believe that "aliens" have 'tried' mind control on numerous people, including myself. The trauma I have endured was, and is, a part of me I cannot change or ever could control...'it is what it is.'

If I could prove, without a doubt, that I was abducted by aliens, I would. The plain and simple fact is, that I cannot, and even the one witness to my marking's as a result, would tell you I am crazy because he still can't believe it to this day.
I pulled out a device from my nose. I seen very clear marking's on my back, with a witness, and still no action has been made. It is what it is, but the TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT!
I don't make myself a victom, just want to be a victor! One day, may will be!

posted on Oct, 18 2016 @ 10:07 PM
Alot has happened since I first posted this. I have been away for a while, for year's. again. I wonder why I don't stick around here more?
I know something big is coming. I still don't think Obama is leaving, IMHO. I think U.N. has won, but only briefly.
Maybe if I could just make a friend or two on here.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 11:40 AM
I still feel the same as far as America and all the rest, but back to aliens, I have discovered that it's not aliens but just everyday humans doing some very sacrilegious experiments. Things that only benefit the underworld if you know what I mean.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: childoffather

How did you discover that information...and what underworld?

edit on 22-4-2017 by midicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 10:44 PM
I have learned so much since this post almost seven years ago. Please visit my new website, read my article and register. I wanted to create a safe space to discuss my theory with like-minded/open-minded people. At least leave a heart if you think it was a good read.
Thank you.

originally posted by: childoffather
This happens to be my second account registration since years of not logging in and a fogged memory. My original username was assasinforfather (misspelled, but the same), and was trying to log in after two or three years with no success...I could not remember the password for the life of me. Well, since I am civilized and have alot to say on behalf of Father I greet all of you again under my new username...childoffather...aka...renee.

I am a simple woman with a complicated mind. I say what I mean and I mean what i say.

I believe that every voice has bite and no one has the right to close it.

I've been abducted by aliens...
Raped by family...
Cornered by dogs...
Accused of being manly.

My conscience is clear...

Through daily prayer...

We all need daily cleansing...

So we don't miss it by a hair!!!!
I love people. If it wasn't for people I wouldn't know and feel as much as I do. It is because of the people I have met that I am able feel like I am a part of what matter's. Not just some clueless joesmoe or curly the clown.
I have dreams and I love America. I believe there is hope still yet for our country and pray violence isn't once again used to prove a point.


Call me crazy, but I have found, in all my 41 years, that love keeps out the destroying drama.

I love a good drama movie and such. Give it to me in live theatre or film, since your all that. Just don't try to make my life into something that it is not.

We all have a story to tell and each one has a purpose.

I am deep and true. Once I choose to love you...I never stop.

So much in this world is discombobulated (sorry if mispelled) and in need of a reboot.
Right is wrong and wrong is right! Just and The Holy Word said it would be!
We don't listen to our heart anymore.
The heart of the world. Our Creator and Holy Spirit! There isn't anything more civilized than that.

I also believe that through all this politic bull# and liberal cockpit...we will find some common ground, because, most beautiful people, all is NOT LOST!
I REPEAT...ALL IS NOT LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a Father who gave His son, who died for our sins, then came back to life so we can all share the paradise we were always meant to have. I can be so full of my self sometimes so, as good friends, I pray that you will always call me out on it, no matter the curcumstance. I wish never to offend anyone, as no one can or will offend me, and, thank's to Father, I can handle the truth.

I will try, to the best of my ability, to answer any and all questions you may have.
There is no subject to big or taboo for Father! He is my guide to fullness.

I look at how many character's I have left and think I could write on and on to all of you for many more lines. So, as not to bore you too much...I will end my introduction with gratitude to be part of such a great cummunications website and look forward to sharing all I can with all of you! Life is too short to be wrong, so I choose to Christ!

Now you know me a little...Lets

posted on Apr, 15 2018 @ 05:40 PM

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