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Origin of Intelligence and Mental Illness Linked to Ancient Genetic Accident

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posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

The sad part is it is only gonna get worse. The generation coming up now really believes anything brought forth by scientist. They have been brain washed to believe if it comes from a scientist it is the absolute truth. I find they are dumbing our children down by only giving them one choice....Evolution.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by happykat39

Interesting Happycat

I will download the pdf and give it a read. Hope it is as interesting as the snip you provided.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 01:51 PM

The study shows that intelligence in humans developed as the result of an increase in the number of brain genes in our evolutionary ancestors.

The researchers suggest that a simple invertebrate animal living in the sea 500 million years ago experienced a 'genetic accident', which resulted in extra copies of these genes being made.

So geniuses are really mutants? Their genetics had an "accident" and turned out different. They have a few extra genes. So their genetics are mutated.

Maybe I'm wrong. But it's still awesome to think about. Real mutants!

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Of course if this is true then it reduces the chance of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. It would prove that Intelligence is not something we can expect through the normal course of evolution but something that was a freak accident.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
I was on Science Daily and ran across this.

Researchers have identified the moment in history when the genes that enabled us to think and reason evolved.

This point 500 million years ago provided our ability to learn complex skills, analyse situations and have flexibility in the way in which we think.

Professor Seth Grant, of the University of Edinburgh, who led the research, said: "One of the greatest scientific problems is to explain how intelligence and complex behaviours arose during evolution."

The research team studied the mental abilities of mice and humans, using comparative tasks that involved identifying objects on touch-screen computers.

Researchers then combined results of these behavioural tests with information from the genetic codes of various species to work out when different behaviours evolved.

They found that higher mental functions in humans and mice were controlled by the same genes.

This should lead to better ways to treat those with mental illness. I know a few people that could use all the help they can get ( a few here on ATS

Thought I would share this and get some thoughts on the research.
edit on 3-12-2012 by Quadrivium because: link

I just love memetical value judgements

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 04:34 PM
So this is why my head is all mixed up. I think the saying has something to it, that being a genius goes hand in hand with craziness.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 04:53 PM
So the Mice told them!!!
how can they get Any kind of date?

and what date did we start to Lose it?
1960? its all gone now...

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 10:13 PM
Hi, history fans.

Could we say that the 500,000,000 years of the story is backed by
or could back:

"Hidden History of the Human Race"
Michael Cremo.
Foreword by Graham Hancock. ( in 1998 )

Blue skies.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:16 AM


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:05 PM
"This point 500 million years ago provided our ability to learn complex skills, analyse situations
and have flexibility in the way in which we think. "

Humm, I am pretty sure that human beings did not exist 500 million years ago, so who are
these scientists referring to...? Obviously some kind of theoretical hominid that they
hypothesize is related to the evolution of human beings (Homo sapiens) which wouldn't
happen for several hundred MILLION years.

I see this as another attempt by the scientific community to try and give credibility to a theory
that was out dated the moment that the DNA double-helix was discovered; to keep trying
to shove down our throats the idea that the theory of evolution as presented by Darwin is a
tenable theory and supported by a corroboration of evidence (what they used to call a
'preponderance of the evidence' in what used to be REAL science) when in fact the theory
is not supported by a preponderance of the evidence. We still haven't found "the missing link"
and according to Darwin himself he said that if his theory of evolution was not PROVEN
within 50 years, that his entire theory should be disregarded. Well folks, I'm tired of hearing
scientists try to make a theory with more holes in it then the movie Prometheus, continue
to try and make it sound scientifically tenable, long, long, long after Darwin himself said that it
should be disregarded.

In addition, it is highly doubtful that Darwin would even have published his theory if he knew
that the origin of species was actually exponentially more complex than he ever imagined,
with the discovery of DNA, the simple yet elegant idea that proteins just happened to come
together under the right conditions to form single cells, was tenable, at a time when it was
thought that single celled organisms were basically just some proteins that happened to
come together-- which was disproved with the discovery of DNA, that even those "simple"
single celled organisms are more complex that the Mercedes Benz that many of the
scientists still pushing Darwinism down our throats drive and a theory which has evolved itself
into something that more resembles religious thought than scientific thought.

Just my two cents.

edit on 4-12-2012 by rebelv because: syntax

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
Yes,I read that earlier today.
500 million years ago?
Yes,I know,that was the spark,so when did we make our first spear?

The oldest spears so far discovered were found in Solingen, Germany, and are around 400,000 years old. They're just pointed pieces of wood (although remarkably well engineered for throwing balance), about 8 feet long or so, no stone heads, Found amongst the remains of some horses killed beside an ancient lake bed.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
reply to post by Bleeeeep

They have been brain washed to believe if it comes from a scientist it is the absolute truth. I find they are dumbing our children down by only giving them one choice....Evolution.

It's not just the new generation, it's everyone. I studied exam techniques in depth when I was in secondary school (it's amazing what you'll find interesting when you need to do some work) and one of the major trip ups on every examiner's report was the wording of the question.

If I took 2x 100 people off the street and interviewed them, and to the first group I said "scientists said x, evaluate this conclusion" it's probable that more of them would agree with the findings than the second group if I asked them "students said x, evaluate this conclusion."

As for your assertion that scientists can't be trusted because they lack peer review, if you go to the bottom of the sciencedaily article and follow the link to the peer reviewed journal the work was originally published in, you can find the names of 11 people who collaborated on the research. As I mentioned, journals don't publish your work unless it's peer reviewed.

In terms of choice, you're free to believe whatever you want in the western world, in education you're not being told that you have to believe in evolution, you're being taught evolution and asked to regurgitate it. The point of education and further education isn't to make you believe anything, it's to train your knowledge retention skills and critical thinking in preparation for higher education. In school, you learn how to repeat what you're told, it doesn't matter what it is, it may as well be a made up language, they just happen to use evolution because it's the currently accepted theory for how we happened to come about. If the majority of the evidence pointed us towards a creationist theory, we would teach creationism in schools.

You can't please all of the people all of the time, so the next best thing is to please as many people as possible at any given time. It's unfortunate that your particular views don't match up with the current mainstream views, but you can't say people don't have a choice on what they believe because of it.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by rebelv
"This point 500 million years ago provided our ability to learn complex skills, analyse situations
and have flexibility in the way in which we think. "

Humm, I am pretty sure that human beings did not exist 500 million years ago, so who are
these scientists referring to...? Obviously some kind of theoretical hominid that they
hypothesize is related to the evolution of human beings (Homo sapiens) which wouldn't
happen for several hundred MILLION years.

The conclusion is stating that 500 m.y.a. a sea based creature (quote from article: a simple invertebrate animal living in the sea) made a mistake when undergoing mitosis which resulted in a double copy of this gene responsible for intelligence and behaviour. This cause the animal to develop in to the first land based organism from which all other land based organisms descended.

As for the rest of your post, I don't understand the relevance. Please explain why this invalidates the theory of evolution.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Of course if this is true then it reduces the chance of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. It would prove that Intelligence is not something we can expect through the normal course of evolution but something that was a freak accident.

Probability would disagree with you.

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