posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:09 AM
This could be a a challenging request, but I'm trying to weave some esoteric symbols into this one. Hopefully a few will get this message I want to
Avatar: brown haired caucasian male sitting on a throne. Black pants, black jacket, white button up shirt. Right foot on the head of a snake or
dragon.Cruciform sword on right of throne. Crown in left hand, or on left arm of throne, but not worn. Wings symbolized on back of throne, the earth
symbolized on the bottom/seat of throne. Sitting on the world. Current NYC skyline in background.
Dude: white, brown hair, black pants, black jacket, white button up shirt, sitting on throne.
Ornaments: cruciform sword on right of throne. Crown in left hand, or on left arm of throne.
Throne: winds either coming out of, or etched into upper back rest portion of throne. The earth supports the seat of the thrown, or is is shown in the
arm rests or bottom of throne.
Symbols: right foot on snake or dragon head.
Background: Current NYC skyline.
Let's see if anyone can pull this one off.