posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:10 AM
Again I want to thank everyone for the help with this project..and by help I mean doing it for me
I Plan on using several of those, but for now I have picked one to start with..and was wondering If perhaps you all can work your magic on it?
I am not sure the limits of what can be done, so please just let me know if I am way off base..I have seen some pretty amazing stuff come out of here
and ya never know till you ask right?
1. Can his right foot be fixed? He seems to have his foot resting on something and the toe of his boot curls upwards...reminds me of elf
shoes.....blurred, anything so I don't see that toe pointing upwards..
2. A badge? Any chance of adding a subtle small badge?
3. Maybe a little something extra with the eyes? A touch of red? Just give him some killer eyes
4. Not sure about this one....but maybe....if you notice behind him is a crumbling building facade/ city
Would it look to have that replaced with a subtle/ almost see thru ATS logo? If you get what I am meaning
5. Upper right eyes are drawn to this empty space...maybe it needs a wee bit of color there or something?? Maybe folks are the tell me
6. Anything else it needs to snaz it up?
7. Also if someone was to make one of those cool signature clicky things that matched the feel/theme, that pointed back here to give you folks
credit....I would wear it with pride...
Again I cannot say too much how awesome you all are and each of you does great work..
Thanks so much!