posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 02:06 PM
**move if necessary
I love having conversations with people - especially people I don't know very well.
I'm sitting at a coffee shop and end up talking to a young woman around my age about the story on RT about Russians beginning a slight panic over
12/21/12. It took 3.5 minutes from the beginning of the conversation for my heart to break...
She has a son and daughter and her husband recently lost his battle with brain cancer. Apparently she's been into doomsday prophecies and the like
for a while and her husband was as well. She tells me that some mixup with insurance and healthcare has left her hundreds of thousands in debt, and
she's a school teacher - now single mother. She tells me how she's exhausted, and can't even think about trying to settle the debt.
She said she's had many suicidal thoughts since his death, and that the only reason she's still here is because of the children. All that to say,
that she hopes the world ends, and even prays for it to end, so that she will be released from this prison.. Not a prison from buying cars and homes
that she couldn't afford - but a prison built by an unfortunate illness and its unpredictable nature. She's left with no husband, and debt 8 times
their wedding costs. She told me "the world ending means no more me, no more bills, no more pain, no more loneliness, no more broken heart..."
The only response I had was "what about your children then?" and she said "they'll be with me..."
This isn't a doomsday thread as much as it is a prayer, a transmission of positive energy, and a beam of hope for people in her situation, and others
like it. Nobody should have to feel like being here is a burden and death - almost complete non existence would be easier than experiencing this life.
This isn't living.