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Noah's Flood Actually a Worldwide Mega Tsunami

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posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 03:15 PM
This material is taken from
it is the restored Hebrew using the self defining system found already existing in ancient Hebrew.
(If you want more on that, read their latest newsletter, but I though I might save that for a different post)

What I found interesting, was the mention of a mega tsunami wiping out the Earth. The oceans leaving their beds to do it. This, would definitely be able to supply the force to do this worldwide.

Some background of why the flood and the Niphilem
Book of Adam:
v36 ...during which that group the fallen ones existed amid the earth. And also after
to manifest in the same way the supreme ones developed so to be entering son(s) in
response to (the) family lines (of) the Adam. And so (they) brought into the world
for them, everyone which develop (into) the enlarged ones . That evil, everyone
made to begin to carry, the (fallen ones) name(s).
v37. And so Ruler of all perceived , as so (they) supplied continuous fear to the
Adam amid the Earth. And all that could be counted, were terrified and feared all
the day.
v38. And so Ruler of all therefore angered, (towards that) made to join the Adam
amid the Earth. And so (he) resolved to proceed to carve out that group.
39 And Ruler of all so declared ," Wipe away what joined the Adam, which
developed among (man) what they had learned, (from me) to create. That mounted
the face (of) the ground, that (of) Adam, unto the herds unto the producers (of) mass
offspring and unto what flies the celestials. As so the (teachings) preceded death to
manifest, as so (they) sped up (the) finish.
v40 And Nakha, (from) that came forth to bestow, to outpour, so to come after Ruler
of all.

Then material on the flood

Book of Nakha (Noah)
v10 And so there was seven continuous days. And at that point, the megatsunami occurred, to
rise upon the Earth, amid it to continue to cover more and more area.
v11 Six hundred years from the event of Nakha's birth, amid the second time of the new moon,
on the seventeenth day for the time of the new moon, during that day previously mentioned,4
And the skies began to multiply so to release a torrential down pour
v12 And so to exist the deluge to rise upon the Earth, forty day(s) and forty night(s).

This finally explains how a flood could wipe out the whole Earth and any signs of civilization (save the pyramids)
This also seems to match theories of polar flipping.

Suddenly for me, this takes the story from a myth, to having validity.
Any opinions?

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 03:25 PM
Everyone on Earth will realize there is something very wrong by March-April 2013. This is the global coastal water event. It is the beginning but there is more catastrophes to follow.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 03:32 PM
I can't believe your timing.... From earlier threads today I'd already begun a favorites and hard disk folder for research on the Pyramids, 10,000-10,500 B.C. as a time range and physical evidence of massive flooding as a geologic and archaeological fact.....not Biblical.

I've always looked at the Bible as being written by the men of the times as much as historic record to keep it all written somewhere as it was carried from or meant to be the word of God. So much is almost what we'd call anecdotal to strictly those times. So, it's never been outside my thoughts that Old Testament accounts could be describing an event of nature, secondary to the religious meaning and origin attributed to it.

From a Maya thread earlier....the funny ways my mind works sometimes....the 5,125 date was mentioned which reminded me of Pyramid dating references to 10,000 B.C. (Which 2 Maya cycles makes roughly). From there...I found this:

Archaeological Evidences of Pre-Flood Civilizations

Pages from a Google book return
(Yeah, even I'm a little put off by the book title, but fragments of information are valuable and I'd draw notice to the footnote of the page supporting the data on dates)

I also ran something else.... Flood Map Projections. Max for the Egyptian region and how it would look if the other references for elevation to evidence were accurate on flood lines to the Great Pyramid. lines up in ways I almost wish I hadn't started looking into, actually.

Greenland shedding it's ice with a rather stunning speed this past season comes to mind. Even NASA commented on the speed it happened. I wonder... I mean.. Climate shifts from whatever brings such things couldn't do the same in other very VERY thick ice areas, could they? 100 meters of water suddenly looks explainable to flood accounts....and it's a very ugly thought if modern times repeated the event. Err..

Since you started something so close though, heck, there is the highlight of what I'd started to add to your thread here.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 03:46 PM
Book of Adam is not widely believed to be legit.

How would an entire ocean move in one wave? and keep the entire world submergeed for a year?

Why are olive trees apparently able to grow underwater?

I call bs on every spiritual book written in hebrew.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by phroziac
Book of Adam is not widely believed to be legit.

How would an entire ocean move in one wave? and keep the entire world submergeed for a year?

Why are olive trees apparently able to grow underwater?

I call bs on every spiritual book written in hebrew.

Good question, first if the planet flipped, the water would continue to move on the planet for a long time. Second, if you read the work at the chronicle project, you will find that the pigeon did not bring back and olive branch, and the olive tree was completely dead, as it should have been.
Fascinating work.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:17 PM
Tsunami always made much more sense to me and fits into multiple cultures much more easily. Any large catastrophe will be credited to "God" and even today you have large groups of people that believe everything that happens is by the hand of "God".

I asked an evangelical preacher in his sixties if he believed there was any "randomness" in the world or if everything was planned by God, he said "No, I don't believe anything that happens is random". I came back quickly with "Then what would be the point?" He starred at me a second and was having a hard time with the fact that someone had challenged what he believed in such a way, he never did answer me and simply walked away.

I don't know if the next major event will happen this month, this year or this century but when it does, you can bet someone will pull something out of a book at say "Behold, it was foretold!, what more proof do you need!"

I'm sort of hoping I don't survive if whatever happens during my lifetime, I mean, what would be the point?

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by phroziac
Book of Adam is not widely believed to be legit.

How would an entire ocean move in one wave? and keep the entire world submergeed for a year?

Why are olive trees apparently able to grow underwater?

I call bs on every spiritual book written in hebrew.

How would an entire ocean move in one wave? and keep the entire world submergeed for a year?

how about an big meteor impact at the north-pole....? tsunamy's over the world and instant melting of the pole cap
edit on 1-12-2012 by ressiv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by phroziac
Book of Adam is not widely believed to be legit.

How would an entire ocean move in one wave? and keep the entire world submergeed for a year?

Why are olive trees apparently able to grow underwater?

I call bs on every spiritual book written in hebrew.

If the earth's axis shifted and resulted in a violent pole shift, then an entire ocean could very well swallow up a continent. It could take years for all of the water to run back to wherever it's home will be.

And as far as Hebrew is concerned, it's an extremely ancient language probably originating from other worlds. The language itself is more computer code than actual writing.

So, yeah, I would trust ancient books written in either Hebrew or Sumerian before Greek any day.
edit on 1-12-2012 by DrGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by rollsthepaul

He claims that from time to time numerous ET races communicate and deliver important messages to him as a result of alternations to his DNA in early childhood. One of those races is the positive race that is delivering the genuine crop circles, and they explained to him what the complex geometries mean. That's how Pane was able to translate the complex geometric designs which contain the solution to the equation regarding what humanity is facing, when it's going to happen and what can be done about it.

Any one making this claim can not be considered a reliable source. There are many who claim this type of contact and have been proven wrong at every turn.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:26 PM
Honestly, if you get down to the actual etymology of the Hebrew word used for "world" in the Noahs' ark story, it doesn't seem that they ever meant the entire world. It's more likely that they meant the area. Which also makes it a lot easier to, you know, get every animal on the ark. Perhaps its every animal that's indigenous to that area and nowhere else.

Honestly, these people didn't know about the AMERICAS. They don't know about HALF OF THE WORLD. So how can they know if the whole world flooded? Hmm??

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:34 PM
How about flooding from above and below ground, as well as a mega tsunami on top of it all. Literal total destruction and wiping away of everything

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by shasta9600
How about flooding from above and below ground, as well as a mega tsunami on top of it all. Literal total destruction and wiping away of everything

How about flooding because extra water magically appeared because of the transparent unicorns, as well as a mega super tsunami made of apple juice on top of it all? Literal total destruction and wiping away of everything, including any evidence that it ever happened?

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 06:41 AM
There's flood myths and flood-related creation stories in all cultures. Even Viking mythology has a flood element: Ymir's blood not only floods the world and becomes the world's seas and oceans but it also drowns (all but a couple of) the jotuns/giants that were Ymir's descendants.

The ubiquitous nature of flood myths suggest, to me, that there's a garbled grain of historical reality to this, although not necessarily relate to the same event. Maybe tied to various, different but ultimately similar events in relatively recent world history. Possibly glacial thawing, tsunamis &c.

It's hardly a surprise that primitive cultures would interpret catastrophic events through a religious lens and include wrathful gods and the like.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I think essentially everywhere on earth has been flooded long ago in the past, even the deserts. But not at the same time

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by phroziac
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I think essentially everywhere on earth has been flooded long ago in the past, even the deserts. But not at the same time

Yes, but the idea of the whole world flooding is always misleading. Localised events will be seen as global events depending on the scope and stretch of that civilisation as that, largely, will be all they know.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 08:09 PM

TextYes, but the idea of the whole world flooding is always misleading. Localised events will be seen as global events depending on the scope and stretch of that civilisation as that, largely, will be all they know.
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I agree with you that there are many unanswered questions concerning the flood of Noah. The epic of Gilgamesh's flood was about in the neighborhood of 100 years or so before the flood of Noah. If Noah's flood was a world wide flood then how could the unbaked clay cuneiform tablets of Gilgamesh survive in submerged water for a year?

As I understand it, the Sumerian flood story was written on clay tablets which some were baked and some were not baked. The library was found intact with both baked and unbaked cuneiform tablets and some of the unbaked tablets were deteriorating very badly and not from water damage. Now if some years later the flood of Noah covered the world for one year then why were the unbaked tablets still intact and not dissolved back into the earth?

Either this was a local flood and had no effect on the area of Turkey and Syria or the magnitude of Noah's flood did not happen. I assume that the cuneiform tablets were naturally written after the Gilgamesh flood and long before Noah's flood account. Of course I assume that the Gilgamesh account is also true just as I assumed that Noah's flood account was true. Really, something does not add up here. The Sumerian library of clay tablets were found on shelves of which some had collapsed but had no signs of water damage. Got any ideas?

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 10:28 AM
How about the summarian stuff was written after Noah's account. Dating methods are highly flawed.
You might also notice that the description of the Ark in Noah could actually withstand such an event, and the restored version describes a more scientifically plausible event.
An asteroid impact in the oceans would actually have the ability to cause just such an event worldwide, but pole flips would cause and ongoing water event.
edit on 3-12-2012 by winterkill because: added material

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 01:38 PM

TextHow about the summarian stuff was written after Noah's account. Dating methods are highly flawed. You might also notice that the description of the Ark in Noah could actually withstand such an event, and the restored version describes a more scientifically plausible event. An asteroid impact in the oceans would actually have the ability to cause just such an event worldwide, but pole flips would cause and ongoing water event.
reply to post by winterkill

@ winterkill

I am leaning more towards exactly your input. The Gilgamesh flood was supposed to have happened between 2750 to 2500 BC while the Jewish time line encyclopedia dates Noah's flood at 2105 BC. That's a maximum time line of 645 years between the two accounts and a minimum time line of 395 years.

Another thing that really bothers me is that the Sumerian library tablets were dated at about 650 BC (in one account that I read) but the history on the tablets were as far back as 3100 BC. Maybe I am looking at this the wrong way but am sure confused as to what the truth actually is. This is why I agree with what you have written.
Noah's flood is well documented by numerous authors and even in biblical history of both new and old testaments.

Also I was reading Jewish Anthology by the Spanish author MeAm Loez who is well renowned in the Jewish literature and he writes that there were global shifts as well as global upheavals in conjunction with the Noah flood. That fits your input and that is why I lean towards your ideas. Thanks for the info ---

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Anyone with common sense should understand the "world flood" is just an exaggeration of a local event... You know people exaggerate any event.. You know what I am talking about, the more a "story" is told... the bigger it become by the time. And the bible will not be an exception in this case.

To their point of view... yes their "world" was all flood (They didn't know how big the planet Earth really is
). People that suffered any big tsunami will think without doubt that the world is ending/flooding... but the bible nuts will still thinks is a global scale event /facepalm...

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Except that the guys who warned them to build a monster sized vessel said it was world wide.

Does anyone not get the idea that these people built this massive ship.
If somehow knew that this event was coming, you would just pack stuff for yourself, not all of the animals. They did this on the behest of the guys who terra formed the planet.

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