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Weird Experiences - Feel Free To Share Yours

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posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

Very good indeed and thank you for sharing these things with us.

Some of us are conduits, and what we consider normal is sometimes hard to imagine.

Do you hear the constant high pitched humming and low rumblings that I've been hearing lately?

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 01:28 PM
I constantly hear high pitched humming, like right now, but I went to a concert on Monday and didn't wear my earplugs so it might be a touch of Tinitus haha.
I hear all sorts of things quite often though, it's hard to tell as I live by a railway line and a main road so it could be anything from trains to large transport vehicles.
I only moved here 6 months ago so I'm yet to definitely experience anything yet, unles you count the time we were looking round the first time and my other half took a photo with a large black mass over one of the beds.

The place where the images happened was a house I had foolishly practised magic in when I was about 15. Unprotected and uneducated I just went at it. The scary thing? The 'spells' actually worked.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Lulzaroonie
I constantly hear high pitched humming, like right now, but I went to a concert on Monday and didn't wear my earplugs so it might be a touch of Tinitus haha.
I hear all sorts of things quite often though, it's hard to tell as I live by a railway line and a main road so it could be anything from trains to large transport vehicles.
I only moved here 6 months ago so I'm yet to definitely experience anything yet, unles you count the time we were looking round the first time and my other half took a photo with a large black mass over one of the beds.

The place where the images happened was a house I had foolishly practised magic in when I was about 15. Unprotected and uneducated I just went at it. The scary thing? The 'spells' actually worked.

Oh man my ex-wife was into that sort of thing. As a general rule, I don't borrow trouble.

I'm in a very quiet place here, so the abnormal sounds are easy to distinguish. Just wondering.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by htapath

Ha, trust me, I haven't done it since, but funnily enough, the readings I did on my friends never happened again either.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by htapath

He sounds like a really evil person!!!

I'm sorry you had to go through that. The cruelty people can cause others just boggles my mind!

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 07:52 PM
This next one is very strange and happened I think in 2005.

I was working for a company that was resetting NAPA stores all over the country. The crew I was on had been working in Chicago for a while. There was a trade show in Las Vegas and the crew leader and myself were told to take our tools and a few supplies and head to Nevada. The owners of the company had purchased a booth and we were going to help set it up and work in shifts manning the booth.

So we headed out, and I was excited because I'd never been to Vegas. It was a very stressful drive for me, mainly because I severely underestimated the Rocky Mountains in April. If I'd known better, the southern route would have been the MUCH better way to go. But, I digress

After a flat tire near Vail going straight down into a canyon and many white knuckle moments, we finally neared the Vegas city limits. Just then the phone rang and it was the owner. It seemed that they had decided to go skiing and hadn't even left the ski resort yet. We didn't have a hotel room reserved yet was the main message.

I was not a happy camper. After the call, my passenger was deflated and took a nap while I drove and cursed under my breath. We pulled into the city limits and I was looking for somewhere to park so I could rest.

As I sat at a stoplight at a very busy intersection, I happened to look to my left and there was a tiny man in a red pin striped suit and a straw hat bee bopping down the sidewalk with a cane in his hand. Well actually he was beside the sidewalk walking underneath the bushes and didn't even have to duck. I estimate that he was about four inches tall.

I did a double and a triple take and the little guy was still there, just walking at a normal pace amongst all the mass of people. Before I could wake my passenger, the light turned green and I had to pull away.

After we finally got a room later that night, I sat at the bar trying to muster up the gumption to tell someone, but I just kept it to myself in the end.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by htapath

Wow, your brother sounds seriously evil. Is he in jail, I hope? Sounds like you needed a guardian angel more than a lot of us!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
reply to post by htapath

Wow, your brother sounds seriously evil. Is he in jail, I hope? Sounds like you needed a guardian angel more than a lot of us!!!

Nah he's somewhere in NC I guess. I don't speak to him or my mother and haven't for many years.

Yes I should've been dead many times over.

Once when I was about six, he tied me up like a mummy with rope with my hands by my side in a standing position. Then he measured from my mouth to my feet. Then he measured the same distance to the casters of an old timey washing machine - the kind with a wringer. We had one in the basement.

Then, he tipped me over so my face would hit the steel casters. Actually my front teeth hit the casters. I had whiplash and a bunch of messed up teeth.

Oh and by the way my mother never believed he did any of these things, that I was just making things up!

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by htapath

That is seriously messed up! If he treated you that badly, who knows what he's done since then. Don't blame you for avoiding him. Heck, I avoid my brother, and he's just a lazy bum that steals from people. In comparison, he sounds almost normal!

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:50 AM
This one happened in 2009.

My dog suddenly became very animated one night. She was indicating to me that she wanted to go outside in no uncertain terms.

So I went to my back door to let her out. When she stepped outside, she looked almost straight up in the air, which looked unusual to me. I looked up as well, and there were two lightships traveling from west to east almost directly over my house. The best description I can give is that they were shaped similar to the bat signal. They appeared as pure light.

They were kind of flying in a wing formation, diagonal to each other and not very high up. In between them was a ball of light, which was kind of meandering around. At once the ball of light lunged down towards us. The dog ducked back inside the door and so did I. She ran and hid under the bed, and to be honest I might have followed her if I were small enough.

I went back to my computer and sat down, wondering what I'd just seen. As I sat there, I started feeling a lot of static electricity in the air. Just then, the ball of light came through the wall into my computer room. I think I actually squeaked a scream out and jumped from my chair and backed out of the room as I watched the light. The light receded back through the wall. Every hair on my body felt like it was standing straight up and I had chill bumps on top of my chill bumps.

After a couple of hours I settled back down and remembered something profound. Earlier that day, I'd asked to meet my spirit guides. I suddenly felt silly for being scared. In my mind, I calmly sent out the message that I was sorry that I had forgotten, and if they were still listening to come back.

Immediately, the ball of light came through the wall adjacent to my computer right behind my head. The hairs on my head were attracted to it, and I could feel them standing straight out. I sat back and relaxed. It felt like a three inch diameter conduit of light was coming down through my crown, a download of sorts. This went on for a few minutes and I could feel light filling my entire body all the way down to my toes.

After that I stopped seeing 1111 so much and started seeing the number sequences 1234 and 212.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:06 PM
I do a paper round a couple of times a week. One Thursday morning in October last year, just before 6 am, I was walking up to a customer's door with their paper. Now... it was just before dawn, the sky behind me was starting to brighten, but ahead of me it was pitch lack. The customer's front door is on their porch, which is on the side of their house. The sky was clear. The street lights in that street, and the surrounding streets were off (they're turned off from midnight until 6.30 am to save money). Also, it should be noted that I grew up near an RAF base, so I know when an aircraft I'm looking at is travelling at supersonic speeds.
So, I'm walking up the path towards the door, and I see a light, similar to a very bright star / Venus in size and shape, but moving VERY fast - definitely supersonic - in a diagonal / downwards trajectory. Whatever it was, it had no tail, it was VERY close to the ground when I lost sight of it, and it scared the hell out of me. My heart skipped a beat, I literally gasped...I was genuinely shocked.

I saw my mum's car drive past once...while I was in my mum's car. I tried to look inside, but it was dark inside the 'other' something was sucking all the light out.

Recently, I drove about 10 miles without realising it. The last thing I remember was driving on the outskirts of a town, then I was stopping in traffic in a village 10 miles away. I get lost in my own thoughts alot. but I can always remember something, except for this time. Also, now I'm thinking about it, when I was driving out of the town, the people around me were driving like I wasn't there.

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense... I've got a broken elbow - can't move it - so I'm typing one-handed. Trying to type as little as possible!

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by FluffyCannibal

I think you type quite well for a one armed man.

Sometimes we realize things aren't what they seem and have an extended surreal moment.

Thanks for sharing and I hope your arm heals soon.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:37 PM
Not really a "totally weird" scenario. I have always wanted weird things to happen and have never really experienced anything that I could not explain. This is sort of an exception.

I was living in a place with low trees and very flat. You could see the sky for miles in all that in mind with me.

One day I was sitting in the sun and noticed this big shadow rolling across the ground...I mean a "big" shadow. It rolled up and over me and continued on.

Now I am not an idiot. I looked to the sky but it was smack clear as a clouds, no birds...nothing...clear blue empty. I have no idea to this day what caused that shadow...but i can tell you I am generally a skeptic and don't cave in to wild speculation...I always seek rational explanation...and this time...there was none. I have no idea what caused that shadow and it probably doesn't matter.

All I know is there was no normal explanation. Fire away and make yourself feel comfortable. I did all of that because I don't buy into the normal lunatic fringe explanations...all I know is I was under a perfectly clear blue sky and there was no reason for this shadow to be there. I often wonder if our military has some kind of cloaking technology....not star trek cloaking but just "camouflage" so to speak...a craft that when viewed from below perfectly blended into a clear blue sky....just a thought.

How sad is that? That is the extent to "weirdness" I have ever experienced. I have seen some weird "luck" in my days...I have seen some oddball "synchronicity"...but I do not consider them super-duper special. I once saw a mother and daughter playing the card game "war" know...I flip a flip a card and the higher card takes the stack. If you flip like cards, you go to "war"....4 cards down and turn the fifth...if your card is get the stack. I saw this play out in an almost surreal observation. Every single card they turned matched until they ran out of cards and could not finish the game. I do not know what the odds of that are but I am pretty sure it was kind of a freak.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

The truth is far stranger than fiction and sometimes causes friction.

I'm thinking the shadow you saw was a few steps above the military, if you get my drift. I've heard it said that we can't possibly comprehend the true nature of this world until we're on the outside looking in. The more I see the less I know.

That thing with the card game also sounds quite profound.

Thank you!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by htapath

I had a weird experiance with a blackbird recently. I was walking to work and a blackbird flew down beside me and started walking along the pavement with me. I have foot problems, so dont walk fast. It walked about with me side by side until I reached the road then flew off.

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